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Introduction |
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Sabar |
See: Patience | |
Sabr |
See: Patience | |
Qurbanis (Sacrifices) have two types, sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah (Udhiya) and sacrifice in the form of giving up one's assets, time or enduring discomfort or difficulties for the sake and cause of Islam. Udhiya of animals are made on Eid-Adha (10th of the month of Zill-Hijjah) and their meat distributed amongst family and the needy. Sacrifices called Aqeeqah are also made after a child is born (male/female). A child (both boy/girl) is a blessing from the Almighty Allah. Aqeeqah is performed as a thanksgiving for this blessing. Also referred to as: Qurbani, Udhiya, Qurbaani, Offering, Aqueeqa, Aqeeqa See also: Eid, Hajj, Birth, Patience, Persecution, Knowledge |
Sadaqah |
See: Charity | |
Saee |
Saee is the pacing (Shawt) 7 times between the hillocks called Safaa and Marwah that adjoin Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah, Arabia). Saee is Wajib in Umrah. Hazrat Hajra Also referred to as: Saiy, Saei, Sai See also: Hajj, Umrah , Tawaaf, Pilgrimage |
Saei |
See: Saee | |
Sai |
See: Saee | |
Saints |
See: Sahaabah, Pious | |
Saiy |
See: Saee | |
Safaa |
Safa is a hillock adjoining Masjid Al-Haram (Makkah, Arabia) and connected by a course to Marwah Also referred to as: Safa |
Safa |
See: Safaa | |
Safar |
The 2nd month in the Islamic calendar. Also referred to as: Safur, Sufur See: Months |
Sahaaba |
See: Sahaabah | |
People who saw the Prophet Muhammad It is through their connection with Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Companions, Sahaba, Sahabah, Sahaabi, Sahabiyyah, Sahaaba See also: Prophet Muhammad |
Sahaabi |
See: Sahaabah | |
Sahabiyyah |
See: Sahaabah | |
Sahaba |
See: Sahaabah | |
Sahabah |
See: Sahaabah | |
Sahih Bukhari |
See: Bukhari | |
Saheeh Bukhari |
See: Bukhari | |
Sajadah |
See: Sajdah | |
Sajda |
See: Sajdah | |
Sajdah |
Sajdah means prostration and it is performed by placing one's forehead and nose on the ground between the hands whilst the palms are placed on the ground with fingers facing Qibla. Other characteristics of sajda vary between men and women. In Islam Sajdah can only be done to Allah. Sajdah is done in all Salaah (Specific Prayers) except Janaazah Salaah. Sajdah is also required after specific verses of the Holy Quran have been recited (sajda-tilawat). Also referred to as: Sajda, Sujood, Sujud |
Salaah is a specific form of prayer which is a gift to Muslims from Allah. It is a form of prayer that includes a number of Rakaah (praying during standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting) whilst facing the Qiblah (Direction towards the House of Allah called the Ka'ba in Makkah, Arabia). Salaah is performed in a specific manner, read in Arabic and includes recitations of the Holy Quran and words of that praise, gratify and glorify Allah - The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. Five salaah are (Fardh) obligatory and are the second pillar of Islaam. These five fardh salaah are performed daily at prescribed times by all persons that are sane and have reached puberty. Other Salaah range from near mandatory to optional. Mandatory prayers are recommended to be performed with Jamaat (congregation) where the Imaam leads the salaah; usually in a Masjid. A traveller (Musaafir) has a certain reduction in the amount of Rakaah he is required to pray for each Salaah. Also referred to as: Namaz, Namaaz, Salat, Salah, Salaat, Prayer. |
The word salaam is commonly used to refer to the islamic salutation used when greeting muslims: 'Assalaamu Alaykum warahmatullaahe wabarakaatuh' - meaning Peace be upon
you and Allah's mercy and blessing. To commence
salaam is Sunnah and to reply is Wajib. Salaam is also sent as a salutation and blessing prayer upon the Prophet See: Salaatus-Salaam |
Salaat |
See: Salaah | |
Salaatus-Salaam is the sending of salutations and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad "Allah and his angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe! Send your blessings The word Durood is often used to refer to Salaatus-Salaam. Listed below are some of the many benefits a person receives by reciting Durood Shareef: The following image is the arabic script of a Durood which means "May Allah send peace and blessings upon him" and is transliterated as 'Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam' : The script, its transliteration or the meaning of the Durood is used wherever Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is mentioned. One should recite as much Durood (Salaatus-Salaam) upon Prophet Muhammad May Allah send peace and blessing upon our Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Durood, Durud Sharif, Salawaat, Salaat & Salaam, Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, SAW, S.A.W, PBUH. See also: Prophet Muhammad |
Salah |
See: Salaah | |
Salat |
See: Salaah | |
Salawaat |
See: Salaatus-Salaam | |
Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam |
Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is the transliteration of the arabic script of a particular Salatus-Salaam (Blessing and Salutation) which means "May Allah send peace and blessings upon him". This Salatus-Salaam is most commonly said whenever Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is mentioned. The following image is the Arabic script of the particular Durood: Also referred to as: SAW, S.A.W, PBUH. See also: Salaatus-Salaam, Prophet Muhammad |
Salook |
See: Tasawwuf | |
Saluk |
See: Tasawwuf | |
Satan |
See: Shaytaan | |
Satr |
See also: Clothing, Hijaab, Awra | |
Satellite |
See: Television | |
Saum |
See: Fasting | |
Sawaab |
See: Thawaab | |
Sawab |
See: Thawaab | |
See: Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam | |
S.A.W |
See: Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam | |
Sayings |
Sometimes used to refer to the spoken communications of the Prophet Muhammad |
Whatever we need to do, know or enquire has been provided by Islam in the form of the Holy Quran and Sunnah (traditions and practice) of Prophet Muhammad “We made the sky a preserved and protected roof, yet still they turn away.” From this verse, we come to know that the sky above has been created to protect us. Science tells us that the atmosphere which surrounds the earth destroys many meteors, big and small as they approach the earth. The atmosphere also protects the earth, humans and animals from harmful rays by filtering them, as they come from the sun (Ozone Layer). It also protects the earth from the minus 270 degrees Celsius space temperature. This is just one example from many. Science may be practised provided it does not contradict shariah, especially where we hold properties in trust such as our bodies. |
Script is the description of the written form of an object, where the object could be a book, letter, poem, a painting, etc. It is normally used to refer to the language or type of calligraphy of the Quran, e.g. Classical Arabic language - Kufic Calligraphy type. It is synonymous with the Arabic text of the Quran. The Quran in any other language is always a translation since the original is in classical Arabic. See: Quran |
Searching |
See: Knowledge, Faith, Education | |
Seclusion |
See: Etikaaf | |
Self-Importance |
See: Pride | |
Self-Murder |
See: Suicide | |
Self-Worth |
See: Pride |
A sermon usually refers to a special type speech given by an Imaam in arabic which forms part of the prayers of Jumma (Friday) salaah or Eid salaah. The person delivering the Khutbah is called the Khateeb. Also referred to as: Khutbah, Khutba, Kutba.
Servant |
Muslims are all servants of Allah. | |
Sex |
See: Zinaa, Intercourse, Nikah, Health | |
Shaadi |
See: Nikah | |
Sha'baan |
The 8th month in the Islamic calendar. Also referred to as: Shaban, Shabaan See: Months |
Shaikh |
See: Shaykh | |
Shamaa-il Tirmidhi |
Classic Book of Hadeeth on The Virtues and Noble Character of The Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Shamaile Tirmidhi, Shamail-e-Tirmizi See:Prophet Muhammad |
Shame |
See: Haya | |
Sharaab |
Drinks, if alcoholic then they will be haraam even if the alcoholic content quantity is small and not strong.. See: Intoxicants |
Sharia |
See: Shariah | |
The word Shariah is commonly used to describe the embodiment of Islamic Laws however the whole combination of the teachings imposed by Islam is known as the Shariat. Both sets of acts, viz., A'maal -e Zaahiri (external actions) and A'maal-e Baatini (internal actions) are included. In the terminology of the Mutaqaddimeen (the early authorities of the Shariat) the term Fiqh was synonymous with the word Shariat. Thus Imaam A'zam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah Alayh) defined Fiqh as follows: "The recognition of that which is beneficial and harmful to the nafs[innerself]." Later, in the terminology of the Muta-akh-khireen (the later authorities of the Shariat) the word Fiqh was used for that branch of Islam which related to A'maal-e Zaahiri while the branch which dealt with A'maal-e Baatini became known as Tasawwuf. The ways or methods of acquiring the A'maal-e Baatini are called Tariqat. Also referred to as: Shariat, Sharyah, Shariyah, Shariah See also: Quran, Hadeeth, Sunnah, Faith, Practise, Rights, Tasawwuf, Tariqat |
Shariat |
See: Shariah | |
Shariyah |
See: Shariah | |
Sharyah |
See: Shariah | |
Shaving |
Shawwaal |
The 10th month in the Islamic calendar. Also referred to as: Shawwal, Shuwwaal See: Months |
Shayateen |
See: Devils | |
Shaykh |
The title Shaykh is used to denote a spirutual mentor and guide who has Khilafat (deputeeship) of a Sufi order, however it is now also used out of respect for a teacher and used interchangeably with the following to describe an Alim:
Also referred to as: Molana, Moulana, Movlana, Molvi, Shaikh, Sheikh, Shaykh see also: Hafiz, Alim, Qari, Darul-Uloom, Madrasah, Education, Tasawwuf, Pious |
Shaytaan (Satan) is the Jinn who disobeyed Allah out of Takabbur (Self-importance and pride). He refused to bow in front of Prophet Adam Also referred to as: Satan, Iblis, Iblees, Eblis, Shaytan, Shayateen, Devil, Demon, Enemy, Adversary,Open Enemy, the Accursed. See also: Allah Man, Jinn, Devils, Hereafter, Judgement Day, Hell, Pride |
Shaytan |
See: Shaytaan | |
Sheikh |
See: Shaykh | |
Show |
See: Tazkiyah |
Sick |
See: Illness | |
Major and Minor Signs which will occur near the time of Qiyamah (Doomsday) have been documented. Some signs point to the existence of Allah through nature and miracles. Also referred to as Signs of Qiyaamat, Signs of Judgement Day, Signs of the Hour, Sign of the End of the World, Armageddon. |
Sin |
See: Deeds | |
Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Ikhlaas, Iklaas, Ikhlas See: Tasawwuf, Intentions |
Sisterhood |
The relationship of Sisters in Faith See: Brotherhood |
Siyaam |
See: Fasting | |
Skin |
Animal Skin See: Tanning |
Slander |
See: Speaking, Victimisation, Truth | |
There are many reasons to rule smoking as prohibited including it is harmful to the Deen, health, environment, family, brotherhood and social relations, property, etc. The prohibition of smoking is not restricted to cigarettes, but applies as well to other objects that have similar effects such as cigars, pipes, water-pipes (hukkahs/shishas), chewing tobacco or sniffing tobacco, etc. The prohibition of smoking also applies strongly to various types of drugs such as hashish, marijuana and heroin since these materials have additional problems such as causing drunkenness, death, madness, insanity, etc. The prohibition of smoking is not restricted to consuming it, but applies as well to offering it to people, sitting with people whilst smoking (causing passive smoking), or selling it. All of this involves helping people commit sins, which is prohibited, as Allah Ta'ala states: ‘.....Help one another in righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in sinning and transgression. And fear and revere Allah; verily, Allah is severe in punishment. (extract of Quran 5:2) See also: Intoxicants, Health, Healing |
Sociology is the study of society. Since Islamic teachings incorporate the manner in which we should live our lives it includes answers to social issues. |
Solar Eclipses |
See: Eclipses | |
Solitude |
See: Etikaaf | |
Solvents |
See: Intoxicants | |
Sons |
See: Children, Birth, Parents, Youth, Family | |
Sowm |
See: Fasting | |
Sood |
See: Interest | |
What we say and the manner in which it is said can have enormous consequences for oneself and listeners either directly or indirectly. What is said can be reported to a multitude of people for generations hence one must be careful not to speak ill of others, backbite, slander, libel, defame, misrepresent or lie, etc. Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Advocate, Talk, Mention, Speech, Discuss, Conversation, Utter, Indicate, Speak, Represent, Backbite, Misrepresent, Lie, Gheebat, Geebat. See also: Victimisation, Opining, Truth, Tazkiyah |
Spectre |
See: Jinn | |
Speech |
See: Speaking | |
Spirit |
Generally used to mean the soul of Man and Jinn. An appelation of Prophet Isa Also referred to as: Ruh |
Sport |
See: Recreation |
Spying |
See: Victimisation | |
Keeping firm on Islamic beliefs and principles and leading one's life on the Straight Path of Islam whilst keeping away from the deceptions of Shaytan. See also: Practise, Faith, Anger, Patience, Success, Dua, Sacrifices |
Stinginess |
See: Tazkiyah |
Everyone wonders and dreams of how to achieve success in this life however we need to realise that following and adopting the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet See also: Steadfastness, Contentment, Patience, Sunnah, Living, Hereafter, Example |
Sufi |
A person that practises Tasawwuf (Sufism). Bayazeed Bistami Rahmatullah Alayh says: "Do not be deceived if you see a performer of supernatural feats flying in the air. Measure him on the Standard of the Shariat - how he adheres to the limits of the Commands of the Shariat." Also referred: Sufiyah (plural) See: Tasawwuf |
Sufism |
See: Tasawwuf |
Out of all the bounties Allah has bestowed upon human beings, the most precious is the gift of life. Each one us should remember that this life that Allah has granted us, is not our personal possession or our personal property. In fact it is a trust from Allah, making us merely trustees. Because we are trustees we should utilise each and every moment of our lives in the paths that please Allah. Life is a test from Allah, He tests people in various ways and times. He tests some by blessing them with countless bounties to see if the servant appreciates what he has been blessed with by Allah and he shows gratitude towards Allah for blessing him with these bounties. At times Allah in his infinite wisdom, puts a person in intense grief, to give the servant a chance to turn to Allah and seek guidance, help and repentance. We should have hope in Allah, The Most Powerful.
In one verse of the Quraan Allah informs mankind: Also referred to as: Suicide pacts, taking one's own life, self-murder, self-slaughter, self-immolation, topping oneself, ending it all. See also: Living, Trust, Fate, Health, Healing, Smoking, Intoxicants, Death |
Sujood |
See: Sajadah | |
Sujud |
See: Sajadah | |
Sujuud |
See: Sajadah | |
Sunnah literally, means a clear path or beaten track, however in Islam Sunnah normally means the manner or actions of Prophet Muhammad The sunnah is a source of the Shariah and a legal proof next to the Quraan. As a source of the Shariah the sunnah may corroborate a ruling which originates in the Quraan. Secondly, the sunnah may consist of an explanation or clarification of the Qur'an. Thirdly, the sunnah may also consist of rulings on which the Quraan is silent. Sunnah as far as deeds are concerned can be Sunnah Mu`akkada (emphatic sunnah) and Sunnah Ghayr Mu`akkada (non-emphatic sunnah) Sunnah Mu`akkada (emphatic sunnah) is an act upheld by the Prophet Sunnah Ghayr Mu`akkada (non-emphatic sunnah) are actions which the Prophet Also referred to as: Sunnat, Hadeeth, Traditions, Sunnat-e-Rasul See also: Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Fardh, Wajib, Adab, Haraam, Makruh, Mubaah, Mustahab, Halaal, Hadeeth, Quran, Prophet Muhammad |
Sunnat |
See: Sunnah | |
Sunnat-e-Rasul ![]() |
See: Sunnah | |
Sunnet |
See: Sunnah, Circumcision | |
Supernatural |
See: Miracles | |
Supplication |
See: Dua | |
Surgery |
See: Health | |
Sur |
When an animal drinks from a small quantity of water the remaining water is then known as su'r Also referred to as: su'r, remnant See also: Tahaarah |
Surma |
See: Kuhl | |
Surmah |
See: Kuhl | |
Suspicion |
See: Victimisation | |
Syllabus |
Also known as dars-e-nizaami, (teaching scheme) See also: Education |
Sympathy |
See: Humanity |
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