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Haaj |
See: Hajj | |
Haaji |
See: Haji | |
Habits |
See: Sunnah | |
The Arabic word Hadith means ‘statement' or ‘talk'. In Shariah, the word Hadith means those things or actions, which Rasulullah Some people incorrectly say that you do not need Hadith, and that Quran is enough for guidance to the straight path. The correct view and understanding is that many times the Quran gives us the general principal of an order; but to understand the order clearly in its fullest sense one or more hadeeth are required. The plural for Hadeeth is Ahadeeth. Ahadeeth can be categorised into 5 types and has it's own specific terminology. Also referred to as: Hadith, Ahadeeth, Ahadith, Sunnah, Sayings, Traditions. See also: Quran, Prophet Muhammad |
Hadj |
See: Hajj | |
Hadji |
See: Haji | |
Hadith |
See: Hadeeth | |
Hafidh |
See: Hafiz | |
Hafiz |
A person who has memorised in arabic the whole of the Holy Quran. See: Quran, Recitation, Alim, Qari, Mufti, Darul-Uloom, Madrasah, Education |
Hag |
See: Hajj | |
Hair of the beard and head should be combed and can be dyed. The head should also be rubbed with oil. In Islam there are specific rules regarding the trimming of the moustache, nails, and removal of hair from the armpits and pubic hair. The hair of the head are also shaven (males only) or trimmed (male/female) as part of the performance of Hajj or Umrah. Also referred to as: Natural Hair, White Hair, Dyed Hair, Body Hair, Locks, Tresses, Curls, Moustache, Pubic Hair, Armpit Hair |
Hais |
See: Haydh | |
Haiz |
See: Haydh | |
Haj |
See: Hajj | |
Haji |
One performing the Hajj or has completed the Hajj is normally called a Haji. Also referred to as: Hadji, Hajji, Haaji |
The Hajj (Major Pilgrimage) occurs once a year during the 8th-12th of the Month of Zil-Hijjah. It is one of the five Fardh (Compulsory) pillars upon which Islam stands and teaches us complete submission to divine will. Hajj becomes compulsory on every able Muslim who is sane, reached puberty and has the necessary financial means to make the journey and to leave sufficient provisions for one's dependants. It must be performed as soon as it becomes Fardh and at least once in one's lifetime. "And pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, upon everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it (3:96 Quran) The Hajj involves particular rights performed around and near the Ka'ba (House of Allah) in Makkah, at Muzdalifah, Mina and Arafat all of which are in the vicinity of Makkah, Arabia. Also referred to as: Hadj, Pilgrimage, Haj, Hag, Haaj. See also: Ka'ba, Umrah, Ziyaarah, Fardh, Pilgrimage, Makkah, Madinah |
Hajji |
See: Haji | |
Halal |
See: Halaal | |
The sources of our earnings and the manner in which we obtain them must comply with Islam for those earnings to be considered to be Halaal (Permissible, fit for use/consumption according to Islam). Similar is the case of what is consumed or used such as clothes, food, clothes, services (e.g. car rental, telephony) etc; the origin of the item and the method of acquisition must not be contrary to Islam. If this is not the case then the goods or services will be classified as Haraam (unfit for use/consumption according to Islam). Examples: The sale of a safety failing vehicle by fraudulent misrepresentation of its road worthiness or the eating of a sweet which has haraam ingredients or does not belong to you. Also referred to as: Jaiz, Halal, Permissible. |
Haram |
A place where certain things are prohibited. The Masjid where the Kaba is situated in Makkah and the Prophet's See also: Haraam |
Haraam |
Haraam is an obligatory command from the Lawgiver demanding abstinence from something. It is communicated by a definite authority. Examples of Haraam are eating the flesh of a dead animal, drinking alcohol, fornicating, adultery, unjustly killing someone, etc. Also referred to as: Haram, forbidden, unlawful, banned, prohibited, harram See also: Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, Adab, Makruh, Mubaah, Mustahab, Halaal |
Hasad |
See: Tazkiyah |
Haya is synonymous with shame and decency. Also referred to as: Hayah, Shame, Modesty, Bashfulness, Decency.
See also: Modesty |
Hayah |
See: Haya | |
Haydh |
Also referred to as: Hayz, Hais, Haiz, Period, Menstruation, Menses See: Bleeding |
Hayz |
See: Haydh | |
Prayer, Exercise and Medicines are used in healing and improving various conditions and illnesses. All are used with the faith that it is only because Allah allows us to be affected by treatment that it affects us rather than our own actions or the object's properties and our reactions to them. Referring to the Honeybee Allah says 'There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men'. Allah’s Messenger Also referred to as: Quranic Medicine, Medicine of the Prophet See also:Illness, Taweez, Cure, Zamzam, Health, Fate, Tahaarah, Recreation |
Our bodies are a trust given to us by Allah. It is necessary to ensure that the physical body is kept healthy so that the soul and spirit may also remain healthy thus in turn aiding the believer in the service of both his spiritual and material attainment. Likewise we must ensure that we try to prevent the spread of diseases and exercise moderately and modestly. We must also be careful not to allow misuse of the body. Simple etiquttes that are sunnah can go a long way such as washing hands before eating and the method of visiting the sick. See also: Illness, Smoking, Intoxicants, Eating, Healing, Circumcision, Recreation, Body |
Heaven is the place in the Hereafter where Believers will eternally reside. In Heaven they will have whatever they desire and will be given excellent things. Things which neither any eye has seen nor any ear has heard about nor the thought thereof has passed any mind. Dwellers of Jannah will be able to meet The Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Jannah, Jannat, Paradise, Gardens of Paradise. |
This is a place in the Hereafter of grief and sorrow. Its torments and troubles are far beyond imagination. It' fires have been fanned so intensely that they are now black and dark. Punishments will be in various categories. The person who will be subjected to the least punishment in Hell shall have two shoes of fire on his/her feet; the heat of which will boil his/her brain like a kettle on fire Hell is the place in the Hereafter where Kaafir (Disbelievers) will eternally reside. However some Believers will be first cast into Hell and then after serving their sentence will be allowed to enter Heaven. Also referred to as: Jahannam, Hell, Pit of Fire, Hellfire, Dozak. |
The Hereafter is a collective term for the period that begins when one passes away through to being tested in the Grave (Barzakh), Resurrection, Judgement and eternally dwelling in Jahannam (Hell) or Jannah (Heaven); entering either directly or via Jahannam dependent on one's deeds. The Hereafter is permanent and not temporary like the world we live in. We should make provisions and preparations for the Hereafter by constantly bearing this in mind and acting upon the commandments of Allah and His Messenger Also referred to as: Akkhirah, Next Life, Next World, Resurrection, Judgement, Barzakh, Afterlife, Afterworld. See also: Death, Heaven, Hell, Deeds, Judgement Day, Practise, Living, World |
Hidaa'yat |
See: Guidance |
Hide |
Animal Skin See: Tanning |
Hifz |
See: Hafiz | |
Hegera |
See: Hijrah | |
Higera |
See: Hijrah | |
Higrat |
See: Hijrah | |
Hijaab literally means screen, curtain, partition and concealment. As a verb it means to conceal oneself from the view. In Islam the word means to completely hide one's self from the view of the ghair mahram, (Men with whom marriage is permissible) The normal and general rule of Hijaab is total seclusion and segregation between males and females. This way women are seen by their husband and men that are mahram (men with whom marriage is not permissible due to the woman being one of the man's mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal aunts, maternal aunts, brothers' daughters, sisters' daughters, wetnurses, fellow wetnursed females, mothers-in-law, wives of his sons, and certain types of step daughters). Allah says in the Holy Quran, "Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veil) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." The ladies who wear the hijaab feel liberated from materialism and venerably respected, recognised and honoured. The Hijaab which is not too different from the 'Habit' worn by traditional nuns and also includes a veil is necessary upon every woman who is close to the age of puberty or has reached it. Also referred to as: Veil, Purdah, Niqaab, Hijab, Burqa, Burqah, Jilbab, Jilbaab, Jalbiyah, Jalabiyah, Cover. See also: Clothing, Awra, Mahram, Materialism |
Hijab |
See: Hijaab | |
Hijra |
See: Hijrah | |
To emmigrate to another land whilst fleeing persecution. The Hirah (emigration) of the Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Emigration, migration, hijira, hijra, higera, higrat, hijri See: Sacrifices, Persecution, Months |
Hijrat |
See: Hijrah | |
Hijri |
See: Hijrah | |
Hiqd |
Malice, Avarice |
Hirs |
Greed |
Holiday |
See: Eid | |
Holy Day |
See: Eid | |
Holy Quran |
See: Quran | |
Honey |
See: Healing | |
Hubb-e-Dunya |
Love for the World |
Hubb-e-Jaah |
Love for Fame See: Tazkiyah, Materialism, Tasawwuf |
Hubb-e-Maal |
Love for Wealth See: Tazkiyah, Materialism, Tasawwuf |
Hour (The) |
See: Signs, Hereafter, Judgement | |
Hubb |
See: Muhabbat, Tasawwuf | |
Human |
See: Man | |
All humans have rights. Prophet Muhammad See also: Brotherhood, Generosity, Modesty, Rights, Parents, Women, Children, Neighbours, Illness, Muhabbat, Racism, Patience |
Humankind |
See: Man, Humanity | |
Humbleness |
See: Modesty See Also: Haya |
Hypocrites |
See: Munafiqeen |
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