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Inter-Islam items
Accursed | See: Shaytaan | |
Credence, belief, trust, confidence, faith, reliance, dependence See: Faith |
Accomplishment | See: Deeds | |
Achievement | See: Deeds | |
Adab | Adab is that which the Prophet See also: Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, Haraam, Makruh, Mubaah, Mustahab, Halaal |
Adam ![]() |
See: Man | |
Adhaan | See: Azaan | |
Adolescent | See: Youth | |
Adultery | See: Zinaa | |
Advice | See: Guidance, Education | |
Afterlife | See: Hereafter | |
Agreement |
See: Trust | |
Ahadeeth | See: Hadeeth | |
Ahadith | See: Hadeeth | |
Ahle-Kitaab | See: People of the Book | |
A Non-Islamic movement who claim to be Muslims but who are unanimously rejected by all Muslim groups and classified as Non-Muslims. The Movement was set up by the impostor Mirza Gulam Ahmad of Qadian - (Pre-Independence India) who falsely claimed to be a prophet. Belief in Prophet Muhammad Also referred to as: Qadiyanism, Qadiyani, Mirzais, Mirzaiyat, Imposter, Qadian, Qadiani, Lahori, Ahmadiyyah. See also: Prophet Muhammad |
Ahmadiyyah | See: Ahmadiyya | |
Akhirah | See: Hereafter | |
Alayhis Salaam | Alayhis Salaam is the transliteration of the following arabic script meaning 'Peace be upon him'. It is a prayer said/written after a Prophet's name. Also referred to as: Alaihe Salam, AS, A.S. See Also: Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam |
Alcohol | See: Intoxicants | |
Alim | Literally means a person who has knowledge whoever it invariably means a person who has graduated from an Islamic Seminary (Darul-Uloom) having passed an advanced course in Islamic Studies including Arabic, The Holy Quran, Jurisprudence, Theolgy and Hadith Sciences. The course usually lasts at least 6 years and normally incorporates a Qari (quranic reciter) course will certainly cover 6 authentic books of Hadith; plural: Aulma, Ulama.( a female would be titled: Alima/Alimah). The words Sheikh, Shaykh are still used to denote a spirutual mentor and guide who has Khilafat (deputeeship) of a Sufi order, however these two words are now also used out of respect for a teacher and used interchangeably with the following to describe an Alim: Also referred to as: Molana, Moulana, Movlana, Molvi, Sheikh, Shaykh, Shaikh. See also Hafiz, Qari, Mufti, Darul-Uloom, Madrasah, Education |
Name of God in Islam (Single Divine, Supreme Being). There is only one Diety in Islam and He is Allah. He has many names/titles, e.g. Ar-Rahman - The Most Beneficent, Ar-Raheem - The Most Merciful. He created everything including the Angels, Jinn, Mankind, the Universe, emotions; he is the giver of life and death. He is the Most Powerful and He does not depend on anyone. He does not eat, sleep or get tired; He gives sustenance to all creation and all are dependant on Him. Allah has no partners, parents, wives or children; He does not father children or give birth nor was He born. Allah has been and will always be forever. He created the concept of Time and controls it. Nobody resembles Allah, and He resembles none; He is not and cannot be depicted by any idol. He is pure from all faults. Nothing is hidden from Him; He knows the past, present and future and He knows our thoughts. None besides Him is worthy of any worship and only to Him do we pray. Also referred to as: Rabb, God, Lord, The Creator, The Greatest, The Almighty. See also: Messenger, Revelation, Quran, Angels, Man, Jinn, Hereafter, Qiyaamah, Muslim, Believer, Ka'ba, Muhabbat |
Allegiance | See: Bayyah | |
Almighty | See: Allah | |
Alms | See: Zakaah | |
Al-Ansab | See: Gambling | |
Al-Azlam | See: Gambling | |
Al-Jami’ Al-Sahih | See: Bukhari | |
Al-Quran | See: Quran | |
Al-Quraan | See: Quran | |
Al-Qur'an | See: Quran | |
Amaanah | See: Amaanat | |
Amaanat | Amaanat means a Trust. Those entrusted with an entity as amanaat must ensure that the entity survives as intended and that the trust is not breached. An example of enties could be money, a book, clothes, a position of trust such as leadership/guardianship, etc. Allah has entrusted our bodies as an amaanat upon us. See: Trust |
Anbiya | Plural of Nabi (Prophet) See: Messenger |
Angels | Angels are one of Allah's creation and they always obey Allah. Allah has created Angels out of light (Noor) and given them various duties to perform. Some famous Angels are:
Numerous angels are in charge of various other duties such as being in charge of Heaven or Hell, some look after children, the old, the weak and whoever Allah wishes to protect, etc. Also referred to as: Malaikah, Farishta, Malaaeeka See also: Allah, Messenger, Revelation, Quran, Death, Qiyaamah, Deeds, Faith |
It is really common that a comment or criticism or someone behaving badly makes someone angry. Becoming angry immediately is natural but becoming angry is such a way that it goes beyond its limits is certainly blameworthy. This includes doing all the things that anger demands a person to do. There are remedies and virtuous ways to reducing and controlling anger. Allah's Messenger Muhammad Also referred to as Rage, Gussah, Ghussah, Wrath, Fury |
Anti-Christ | See: Dajjal | |
Antimony | See: Kuhl | |
Annulment |
In the context of Marriage See: Divorce |
Apostle | See: Messenger | |
Apparel | See: Clothing | |
Apparition | See: Jinn | |
Aqeeqah | Aqeeqah is the sacrifice of an animal upon the 7th day after the birth of a child. The meat is normally distributed; one third to charity and the remaining two thirds to be distributed amongst friends and relatives. Also referred to as: Aqueeqah, Aqiqah See: Birth, Sacrifices |
Aqiqah | See: Aqeeqah | |
Aqueeqah | See: Aqeeqah | |
Arafa | See: Arafaat | |
Arafaat | Arafaat the name of a plain about thirteen miles to the east-southeast of Makkah, Arabia. Also referred to as: Arafa, 'Arafa, Arafah, Arafat |
Arafah | See: Arafaat | |
Arafat | See: Arafaat | |
Armpit | See: Hair | |
Articles | See: Faith | |
Ascension |
see: Me'raj | |
As'haab -e- Suffah | In the Madrasah of Nabi Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam there was a permanent group of lovers of Allah and devotees of Rasulullah Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam who assembled at a raised platform (suffah) and were at all times engaged in the purification of the nafs, and the reformation of the Baatin by, means of practical education-This group is called As'haab -e- Suffah, later when Islam acquired a universal status, the Ulama of the Deen formulated the teachings of Islam into separate departments. Those who rendered service to the Knowledge of Hadith are called the Muhadditheen; those who undertook the responsibility of Tafseer are called the Mufassireen; those who specialized in Fiqh are called the Fuqaha while those who took custody of the department of Islaah -e- Baatin (purification of the nafs) became known as the Mashaa'ikh Sufiya Also referred to as: Ashab as-suffa |
Aslaaf | See: Sahaabah, Pious | |
Assimilation | See: Imitation | |
Ask | See: Dua, Istikharah | |
Attainment | See: Deeds | |
Attire | See: Clothing | |
Aulama | See: Alim | |
Avarice | See: Tazkiyah | |
Awra | Awra means the private parts of the body that must be covered. Also referred to as: Satr, Awrah |
Awrah | See: Awra | |
Azan | See: Azaan | |
Azaan is the audible proclamation and call to Salaah (Prayer). Azaan is given just before the Salaah as a means of announcing that 1 of the 5 congregational prayers is imminent. The Person that gives Azaan is called a Muazzin. Also referred to as: Azan, Azhaan, Adhaan, Call, Proclamation (literal) |
Azhaan | See: Azaan |
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