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Introduction |
Inter-Islam items
Ibadat |
See: Ibaadat | |
Ibaadat |
Also referred to as: Ibadat, Ibadaat (plural), Worship See: Piety |
Iblees |
See: Shaytaan | |
Iblis |
See: Shaytaan | |
Idd |
See: Eid | |
Also referred to as: Beliefs, Ideas, Concepts, Ideals, Principles, Doctrine, Creed, Credo, Teaching, Dogma, Theory, Thesis, Tenets, Canon(s); Conviction(s), Persuasion, Opinions, Position, Ethics, Morals, Cultures, Civilisations |
Idol |
See: Faith | |
Ihraam |
Ihraam is a state in which the person performing Umrah or Hajj dons particular clothes/non-stitched sheets and abstains from certain actions and makes the intention (Niyyah) and prayer (Talbiyyah) for Umrah or Hajj. Also referred to as: Ihram |
Ihsan |
See: Tasawwuf | |
Ihsaan |
See: Tasawwuf | |
Ijmaa |
Ijmaa is the unanimous opinion of all the respected and rightly guided scholars on any Islamic issue. Also referred to as: Ijma', Ijmaa |
Ijma |
See: Ijmaa |
Ijma' |
See: Ijmaa |
The definition of 'Ijtihaad' as understood from the opinions of Ulama is as follows: “ Expending one’s utmost effort in deriving secondary opinions from the four fundamental sources of Islamic law, namely Qur’aan, Sunnah, Ijma’ (The unanimous opinion of all the respected and rightly guided scholars on any Islamic issue), Qiyaas (Analogy)" To be a 'Mujtahid' (a highly skilled scholar who is qualified to deduce legal rulings from the sources) certain criteria have to be satisfied. |
Ikhlaas |
See: Sincerity | |
Ikhlas |
See: Sincerity | |
Iklaas |
See: Sincerity | |
Ilm |
Ilm means 'Knowledge' Also referred to as: 'Ilm See: Knowledge |
Allah has created Man and all creation, he sustains Man and controls the environment. However every soul is temporarily tested in this world and sometimes through our brief illness contemplation of Allah increases and family bonds and community wellbeing is also tested. Allah has through the revelation of the Quran and His Messenger
See also: Health, Humanity, Healing, Cure, Taweez, Fate, Death |
The set of beliefs that constitute the principle tenets of Islam. Belief in: Allah, His Angels, His Revelations, His Messengers (Prophets People who were classified as followers of the Prophets Also referred to as: Faith, Iman, Creed, Doctrine, Faith, Belief, Practice, Tenets, Principles, Articles, Islam.
See also Allah, Quran, Prophet Muhammad |
Iman |
See: Imaan | |
Imitation can be explained as appearing to be like another in similar form, peculiar attributes, practices or habits. "Whoever imitates a group then he is from amongst them" Whoever imitates a group (be they disbelievers or transgressors or even pious people), in acts of good or bad they will be regarded from amongst them according to the sin or reward. By imitation here it is meant imitation in general, for example manners, clothing, figure and appearance, lifestyle etc. are included. That is why for those people who follow the trends of today, for example wear skin tight clothing, items of clothing which are unnecessarily torn in areas as part of its design, men who wear gold and silk, shave their beards or do not keep it according to the Sunnah and make fancy designs out of it, this hadeeth warns them of the severe punishment they are to expect if the they were to be raised with the disbelievers due to their acts of resemblance. This means that whoever imitates a group will be raised with them on the day of judgement. If we imitate the Prophet If the motive for imitation is to ridicule/insult then this will be backbiting which is considered as victimisation. Also referred to as: copying, mimicking, assimilation, take as model, to take example of.
See also: Sunnah, Kaafir, Modernity, Integration, Victimisation |
Immigration |
See: Persecution | |
Indecency |
See also: Haya | |
Indicate |
See: Speaking | |
Infidelity |
See: Zinaa | |
Information |
See: Knowledge | |
In the Arabic language, Inheritance is known as ‘Fara-idh', which is the plural of ‘Fareedah', which means something that has been fixed, set or determined. Inheritance rights are fixed and take into consideration the rights of specific male and female members of family. Our beloved Prophet "Indeed I am a man who will be taken away, therefore learn Fara-idh and teach it. The time of the disappearance of knowledge will come close, when two persons will dispute regarding an Islamic ruling and they will find no one to decide the dispute.” Also referred to as: Fareedah, Faraaidh, Fara-idh, Legacy, bequest, endowment, birthright, estate, heritage, bestowal, bequeathal, benefaction, provision, patrimony; devise, hereditament
See also: Testament (Will) |
Shaytan tries to deflect Man from Allah's and the Prophet's Also referred to as: Biddah, Bid'ah. See also: Prophet Muhammad |
Insaan |
See: Man | |
Inspiration |
See: Example, Prophet Muhammad![]() |
Integration |
There is a difference between Integration and Imitation. With Integration there is interaction and cooperation in certain matters and a degree of amalgamation. There is unified formation however the entities integrating can be identified as distinct. Entities have unique attributes that differentiate them from other entities but still achieve seamless integration. This means that an entity can have, dependant on chosen attributes, a relationship with another without being absorbed, or converted. A Muslim has a unique set of beliefs, values and practices that identify and differentiate him from non-believers but a Muslim also has certain values that are shared by others. These qualities should not be abandoned when interacting with other people, instead they should be exemplified so that good conduct can be a means of communicating the message of Islam. Allah has created people to look different so that they may recognise each other. People are naturally physically different from one another although equal; what differentiates people spiritually and practically are their deeds. Imitation can be explained as appearing to be like another in similar form, peculiar attributes, practices or habits. Certain actions are commonly found in many types of people however the manner in which they are performed may differ. A simple example is eating: a Muslim is required to eat using his right hand to place food in his mouth whilst many non-muslims are accustomed to using their left hand. If a Muslim and a non-muslim were to eat together or at the same location the Muslim should not assimilate the non-muslim by eating with his left hand. Another example would be clothing. Wearing a coat in the cold is common to all types of people and this would not be considered as assimilation since this is not a characteristic or representation of non-muslims and is not against Shariah. In contrast however would be publicly wearing clothing that does not sufficiently cover the Awra of a person (private parts of the body that should be covered) and hence against shariah. Likewise spending time sitting in a pub/bar whilst alcohol is being drunk is the attribute of non-muslims and against shariah. Such attendance would be assimilation and considered impermissible integration. This does not mean a Muslim cannot communicate with, befriend or assist a non-muslim - provided requirements and conditions of Shariah or Contract are not breached in the process or as a consequence. All people should avoid bad company and their influences regardless whether they are Muslim or not. In conclusion not all attributes or interactions are permissible hence not all integration is allowed. |
Intention is the main measure of deeds as the Prophet Also referred to as: Niyyat, Niyyah, Niyah, Niyyaat See also:Deeds, Tasawwuf, Tazkiyah, Steadfastness |
Also referred to as: sexual intercourse, sex, lovemaking, intimacy, coupling, mating, coitus, coition, copulation
In Islamic terminology Interest means effortless profit or that profit which comes free from compensation or that extra earning obtained that is free of exchange. " Riba` is a loan with the condition that the borrower will return to the lender more than and better than the quantity borrowed." Typically this would include conventional loans, finance, mortgages, etc. Islam recognises trade and commerce not only as a lawful profession but also as a moral duty. However there is a distinction between trade and usury. In trade there is an exchange of the commodity for another commodity whereas in usury there is no exchange in the commodity only an increase in the units of the commodity. For example, the sale price for a particular book is 10 units of currency (Dinar,£, $, etc). The commodities here are the particular book and the 10 currency units. Let's assume that the cost of selling the book is only 8 units of currency, the sale price being a 25% markup. When the book is sold for the 10 units there is an exchange and a profit of 2 units of currency. This is termed as Trade and the profit is Halaal. If however the commodities were just the same types of currency there would not be an exchange of commodities and any increase or decrease in the units would be deemed as Riba, (Usury/Interest). A typical example is the lending of Money on commercial terms. For example 8 units of currency are lent and then the re-payment of 8 units back to the lender plus an additional 2 units (25% increase totalling 10 units) as Riba/Interest. This is not Trade it is Usury and is Haraam. "Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Satan by his touch has driven to madness. That is because they say, "trade is like usury", but Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden usury" Quran: Surah 2 verse 275 Hazrat Jabir radiyallahu anhu has reported that the Messenger of Allah Also referred to as: Usury, Ribaa, Al-Riba, Sood
See also: Halaal, Haraam, Trust, Globalisation, Morals |
Interpretation |
See: Innovation, Quran, Hadeeth | |
Inter-Marrying |
See: Nikah | |
All intoxicants impair the faculties of thought and perception in the mind (Intoxication). O You who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones and (divination by) arrows are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Avoid (such abominations) that you may prosper. Quran (5:90) Jabir The scholars of all four madhab's unanimously agree that consuming anything intoxicating is haraam, certain plants have also been included as Imam Rafee' clearly says that, ‘The scholars have included intoxicating plants etc. within the prohibition.' When a person is intoxicated (or ‘stoned' in slang) he does not know what he is doing. He could easily kill someone or fornicate etc. In the same manner, to feed his habit, he will most probably have to steal. These are, without a shadow of a doubt, unlawful. And there is a general rule that whatever leads to something haraam (unlawful) is in itself haraam. Also referred to as: Drugs, Alcohol, Khamar, Khamr, Sharaab, Solvent, Daaru See also: Health, Healing, Smoking, Haraam, Gambling, Halaal |
Intoxication |
See: Intoxicants | |
Invitation |
See also: Dawah | |
Invocation |
See: Dua | |
(Prophet) Isa ![]() |
Prophet Isa
Prophet Isa
Prophet Isa
The Prophet Muhammad Prophet Isa The name of Jesus appears in Islamic literature as I'saa. The Quran mentions Jesus using the name I'sa` twenty five times in different verses. Also referred to as: Jesus, I'sa, Masih, Messiah, I'saa, Ruh (Spirit) and Kalimah (His Word), Eesaa, 'Eesaa. See also: Allah, Messenger, Believer, Prophet Muhammad |
Islaam |
See: Islam |
Islam |
Islam is one of the main Religions of the World. The set of beliefs that constitute the principle tenets of Islam are: Belief in: One Deity called Allah, His Angels, His Revelations, His Messengers (Prophets Also referred to as: Islaam See also Allah, Quran, Prophet Muhammad |
Istigfaar |
Asking for forgiveness See: Repentance |
Istihaada |
Istihada irregular vaginal bleeding. Also referred to as: Istihada, Istihaza |
Istihada |
See: Istihaada | |
Istikhara |
See: Istikharah | |
Istikharah means to make a special supplication to Allah for guidance in a matter. Istikhaarah is commonly observed for marriage, although it can be performed before starting any intended work be it a journey, business etc. Istikhaarah is an appeal to Allah to give guidance of the better between choices, when an individual is hesitant and cannot make up his decision of choosing either. "Seek Allah's help with patience and Salah and truly it is indeed hard except to the humble minded." (Baqarah 45) The purpose behind Istikhaarah has been widely mistaken by people. It is to seek help and guidance from Allah in the achievement of any intended work, and not to acquire information or a report. It is merely a supplication to enable one to make the right decision. Through Istikhaarah a servant requests a beneficial outcome from Allah and should the intended be harmful that Allah will create such causes that will prevent him from carrying out his intention. Also referred to as: Istikhara, Guidance, Appeal, Dua, Supplication, Ask. |
Istilaam |
To say 'Bimillahe-Allahhu-Akbar' (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) and kissing the Black Stone (Hajre-Aswad) is called Istilaam and it is part of the rituals of Tawaf (circumambulation/circuits) of the Kaaba in Makkah, Arabia. If kissing the stone is not possible Istilaam can be performed by touching the stone with one or both hands or where contact with the stone is difficult raising both hands with the palms facing Hajre-Aswad saying Bimillahe-Allahhu-Akbar and then kissing the hands. The black stone is at one of the corners of the Kaaba. Also referred to as: Istilam See: Umrah |
Istilam |
See: Istilaam | |
Istihaza |
See: Istihaada | |
Istinja means cleaning the private parts after passing urine or stool by using clean water, etc. In Islam the method of relieving oneself in a manner that achieves purification, personal hygiene, public safety and morals is given great emphasis. For example the left hand is used to clean impurity and not used for eating; whilst both hands are always washed. This excellent practice was taught by the Prophet Also referred to as: Istinjah, Instinja', Urinating, Passing Stool or Water, Relieving one's self, Going to the Toilet/Washroom. |
Istinjah |
See: Istinja | |
Itaa'ut |
See: Obedience | |
Itaa'ut |
See: Obedience | |
Ita'at |
See: Obedience | |
Itikaaf |
See: Etikaaf | |
Itikaf |
See: Etikaaf | |
I'saa |
See: Isa ![]() |
I'sa |
See: Isa ![]() |
Itikaaf |
See: Etikaaf |
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