Correspondence of Faqihul Ummah - Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (R.A)
A selection of letters pertaining to various spiritual maladies and their replies from the pen of Faqihul Ummah
Reasons for Spiritual Retrogression
True Love of Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam)
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Kindly favour me with some advice
Respected brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Hereunder is some advice as requested:
Regard yourself as the lowest of all people (in status) and worse than every Muslim (In spiritual gratitude).
Constantly express gratitude to Allah Taa'la for his bounties and favours.
Maintain your focus towards acquiring the pleasure of Allah Taa'la in everything you do.
Refrain from the disobedience of Allah Taa'la.
Keep the love of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam dominant over the love of all the creation.
Refrain from hurting the feeling of anyone
May Allah Taa'la grant you and me the ability to practice upon his advice.
(Tarbiyatut Taalibeen-pg.181)
Reasons for Spiritual Retrogression
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
I do not have the enthusiasm and eagerness to do any work (and to complete my Tasbeehs, Tilaawat, etc.) I am forever in a state of uneasiness. Shaitaani thoughts and inclinations continue to bother me. Please advise me how to overcome this situation.
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Generally there are three reasons for such a condition overcoming a person:
Inappropriate company- The condition described could be as a result of adopting the company of such people who themselves are not inclined towards Zikr, Islaah, etc.
Consuming Haraam- Often due to a person consuming what was acquiring in a Haraam manner, he is afflicted with this condition.
Sins- A person is sometimes overcome by this problem due to having sinned.
Ponder deeply as to what the reason is in your case. Having determined the reason, remedy it immediately. Thereafter take a bath, perform two rakaats of Salaatut Tawbah and remain on the Musallah for a long time making Istighfaar and repenting with utmost humility. Beseech Allah Taa'la not to deprive you of taking his pure name and to forgive your sins. Having done this, commence with your Ma'mulaat (daily devotional practises of Zikr Tilaawat, etc). The day you do not manage to fulfil your Ma'mulaat on time, delay your meals until you complete it.
May Allah Taa'la grant you the ability to complete your Ma'mulaat and grant you constancy as well. (Maktoobat-pg.86)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Please explain to me the way of refraining from all sins. I also wish to know how one should develop the enthusiasm for performing ibaadat, rid oneself from all evils and be inclined to do good. I am teaching in a little madrasah. Make dua that I be granted sincerity.
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Sit in solitude and perform muraqabah (meditate) over the following aayah: “ Alam ya'lam bi an – nallaha yaraa” (Translation- Does he not know that verily Allah is watching) (Surah 96 Verse 14). Meditate over this as long as possible. There after, while you are busy in your work, as often as possible recite this aayah and ponder over its meaning. Allah Taa'la will grant you much benefit by means of this meditation. Read about the lives of the pious and narrate them to others as well. Sit in the company of the pious. Time permitting, go in Jamaat for forty days. When one has a good environment, ones actions and character also improve.
May Allah Taa'la grant you progress in serving His deen and bless you with sincerity and steadfastness. Aameen. (Maktoobaat – Vol.1,pg.68)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
I am in a terrible state. It seems as if some darkness has engulfed my heart. Daily I recite the kalimah 100 times in the morning and evening but yet I find no effect upon me. I am punctual with my salaah, but it is without any spirit and soul. I think I am the worst of all people. As a result, I feel absolutely despondent. Please make dua for me that I should be granted death on Imaan.
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Do not become despondent due to your present circumstances. It is the grace of Allah Taa'la that he has opened up the reality in front of you. You have not been left in the misconception that afflicts many people that they regard themselves as great and as being people of high status whereas in reality they are nothing. May Allah Taa'la save us from this malady.
Remember well that a person will only gain salvation due to the mercy of Allah Taa'la. No person will gain salvation on the basis of his actions. Sometimes a person does numerous good deeds, but then suddenly pride develops within him. Due to his numerous good deeds he regards himself as worthy s Jannah. However, due to the evil of his pride he becomes deprived of all the good actions and eventually becomes worthy of punishment. Allah Taa'la has saved you from this serious malady. For that you should be grateful to Him.
Sometimes a person who has spent 70 years of his life upon kufr, is finally granted Imaan and thus he goes to Jannah. It also happens that a person spends 70 years of his life on Imaan but then due to pride he is deprived of this great wealth and ends up in Jahannam. Hence no person can ever be proud of his actions and rely upon them while becoming totally unconcerned about the punishment of Allah Taa'la. To the extent that one regards himself as lowly and worthless, to that extent will one become worthy of the fogiveness and mercy to Allah Taa'la.
Ponder in solitude over this that Allah Taa'la has created you as a human being, not as a snake or scorpion, etc. He has saved you from kufr and Shirk. He grants you the ability to take His name daily. He permits you to stand in His presence and perform salaah. Insha-Allah He will protect you in then Hereafter as well. It is incorrect to despair of His mercy.
May Allah Taa'la help you. (Maktoobat-Vol 1,Pg.80)
True Love of Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
How can one generate the true natural love of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam within oneself?
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
One of the companions of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam was Hazrat Anas Radiallaho anho. He was only ten years old when his mother left him in the service of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam. He served Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam for ten years. He loved his master dearly and Rasul Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam also loved him dearly.
Once Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam said to him: “O my beloved son! If it is possible that you could commence the day or night in such a condition that your heart is free of malice against anyone, then do so!” (i.e. you should definitely try to acquire this). Thereafter Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam said: “This (Keeping the heart of any malice) is from my Sunnah. The one who loves my Sunnah has indeed loved me. The one who loves me will be with me in Jannah.”
This clearly indicates to us how to acquire true love of Rasulluah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam. By loving the sunnats of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and practising upon them ones love for him will increase.
(An-Noor- Ramadhaan 1416)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
I performed Salaatut Tawba and sincerely repented from all my sins. Nevertheless, whenever I make sincere Tawba, I become conscious of Allah Taa'la for a few days. Then suddenly I find myself inclined to sin even more than previous times. As a result my Tawba breaks (i.e. I resort to the sin).
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
The fact that you became conscious of Allah Taa'la for a few days after performing Salaatut Tawba is itself a great bounty. Be grateful for this. Allah Taa'la declares: “If you are grateful I will increase my bounties upon you.” After a few days to once again become inclined to sins is like a person who fasted for the entire day and by the end of the day he felt extremely thirsty. As a result he gulps down some water. Since you become conscious of Allah Taa'la for a few days after Salaatut Tawba, with utmost devotion perform Salaatut Tawba daily. May Allah Taa'la assist you. (Tarbiyatut Taalibeen- pg.137)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
I am entrapped in the disease of casting lustful glances at women. Kindly give me some advice to remedy this situation.
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
If the glance falls unintentially, no sin has been incurred. However, to continue looking and derive pleasure from that glance is an illness which requires treatment. The treatment is to immediately close the shutters that Allah Taa'la has created above an below the eyes. Furthermore, sit in solitude, close your eyes and meditate: “If my Ustad or Sheikh was present will I cast any lustful glance? Never! How can I cast lustful glances in the presence of Allah Taa'la – that being who knows the deception of the eyes and what the hearts conceal.” Also keep in mind the warning that has been mentioned in the Hadith for casting lustful glances. It is reported that molten lead will be poured into the eyes of such people.
One pious person states: “While making tawaaf of the Haram Shareef, I saw a person who had only one eye. He was continuously making the following dua: “O Allah I seek refuge for this strange dua. He replied: “For the past twelve years I had been in I'tikaaf in the Haram Shareef. One day my glance fell upon a woman who was making tawaaf. I became enchanted by her beauty and looked at her again. From the unseen a hand appeared and slapped me in such a manner that m one eye fell off. When I screamed in pain, a voice aid to me: “this is the retribution for one glance. If you had continued further, we too would have taken further action.” Hence from that day I continuously make this dua: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from yourself.” (Tarbiyatut Talibeen – pg.218)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
I have become entrapped in an illicit affair. This has resulted in much problems for me. Kindly show me a way out of this problem.
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Be absolutely certain that nothing is achieved without courage. You will have to pluck the courage to get out of your predicament, irrespective of how agonising and difficult it maybe on your nafs (inner-self). If indeed you wish to come out of this predicament, firstly distance yourself physically from the person whom you have fallen in illicit love with (there should be no chance of meeting or seeing one another – translator). In the last part of the night engage in the zikr of La-ilaha-illallah five hundred times.
The method of the zikr is this: Lower your head towards your heart and whilst saying La-illaha, turn the head towards the right shoulder while imagining that one has taken out of the heart all forms of impermissible love and thrown it behind one. Thereafter say illallah (while bringing the head forwards towards the heart) and imagine that the love of Allah Taa'la being embedded in your heart. After this make zikr of Allahu one thousand times with the thought that the love of Allah Taa'la has now been firmly established in your heart.
It is extremely important that you should disassociate yourself from the person in such a manner as if you never heard or thought of him/her. Never correspond with the person in any way. May Allah Taa'la cure you from this predicament.
(NB: With regard to the zikr, one should consult ones own Shaikh. Different amounts of zikr are prescribed to different people due to their varying conditions – translator.) (Tarbiyatut Taalibeen)
Respected Mufti Saheb
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
I am trying to give up smoking but I do not seem to be able to give it up?
Previously in my ignorance I had photographs taken of myself. Some of these are in my possession while some are in the possession of others. What should I do with those photographs?
I always over-eat. How can I stop this?
Respected Brother
As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
To give up your smoking adapt the following procedure: Immediately cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke daily by a quarter. After one week cut it down by another quarter. In this manner each week reduce it by quarter. Insha-Allah you will then manage to give up this habit.
Burn the photographs that you have in your possession. Also acquire those photographs which are in the possession of others and burn them. If they refuse to give it to you, buy it from them and burn them.
Fix the amount that you require to eat beforehand and eat that much only. Do not eat to your fill. One should stop eating when just a little hunger is still left. (Maktoobat – Vol.1)
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