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Download The Qur'an (Arabic 13 Line Text ) v3.2.1 (79MB download) to your PC, Laptop, PDA, Game device or Phone.

Release Note: V3.2.1 has new re-scanned images which have been optimised for enhanced visual quality and storage/bandwidth performance. The previous download version was correct and lighter (19MB) however the underlying directory and file structure in V3.2 has now been organised into 30 Juz-Para directories and will allow simple distribution, integration and scalability. For maintainability we recommend that you remove any previous versions. STEP 4 was added on 2 Jan 2009. STEP 5 has been added on 18 Aug 2010.

System Requirements: You will need 87MB of free space and any web browser You will not need an Internet connection once installed. If you find any issues please email support.

Installation Instructions Steps 1-5:

Step 1. First delete any previous versions of the 13 line Quran from your system.

Step 2. Create and name a new identifiable folder in an appropriate location. (for example ..\My Documents\13HQv3_2_1 or ..\Storage Card\13HQv3_2_1)

Step 3. Download and Extract. You can now download the complete Quran in one go (01-30 Juz, 79MB download) by following Step 3A OR custom download the required Juz (approx. 3MB) at a time by following Step 3B once and then Step 3C for each Juz required. You may want to custom download where space or bandwidth is limited.

Step 3A. Download Inter-Islam_QuranV3_2All.zip (79MB download Complete Quran) and extract the file and folder into your new folder created in Step 2. NOTE you may not be able to extract directly to a mobile device so first extract to some location on your computer and then copy the extracted folder and file to the required folder on your mobile, PDA or portable device.

(Installation is now finished - do not conduct steps 3A or Step 3C)


Step 3B. Download Inter-Islam_QuranV3_2Container.zip (812kb) and extract the Inter-Islam_QuranV3_2_1 folder and the Start13LineQuran.htm file into your new folder created in Step 2.


Step 3C Download and extract the Juz folders from following zip files into the Inter-Islam_QuranV3_2_1\Paras_01-30 folder you extracted in Step 3:


2,931 Kb


2,774 Kb


2,642 Kb


2,538 Kb

JUZ05.zip 2,566 Kb
JUZ06.zip 2,601 Kb
JUZ07.zip 2,607 Kb
JUZ08.zip 2,635 Kb
JUZ09.zip 2,597 Kb
JUZ10.zip 2,517 Kb
JUZ11.zip 2,731 Kb
JUZ12.zip 2,640 Kb
JUZ13.zip 2,596 Kb
JUZ14.zip 2,696 Kb
JUZ15.zip 2,670 Kb
JUZ16.zip 2,622 Kb
JUZ17.zip 2,509 Kb
JUZ18.zip 2,611 Kb
JUZ19.zip 2,695 Kb
JUZ20.zip 2,465 Kb
JUZ21.zip 2,656 Kb
JUZ22.zip 2,467 Kb
JUZ23.zip 2,721 Kb
JUZ24.zip 2,406 Kb
JUZ25.zip 2,670 Kb
JUZ26.zip 2,731 Kb
JUZ27.zip 2,776 Kb
JUZ28.zip 2,736 Kb
JUZ29.zip 2,957 Kb
JUZ30.zip 3,187 Kb

Step 4. Delete L640000.html in Inter-Islam_QuranV3_2_1\Paras_01-30\JUZ23\ and replace with the following file L640000.html by right clicking and saving the file and ensuring the extension is html and not just htm.

This fixes a broken link on page 641 (the last page of Juz 23)

Step 5. Delete L194.GIF in Inter-Islam_QuranV3_2_1\Paras_01-30\JUZ07\ and replace with the following file L194.GIF by right clicking and saving the file and ensuring the extension is GIF in caps.

Inter-Islam 13 Line Quran v3.2.1 Installation is now finished

Start. You can browse by opening the Start13LineQuran.htm file in the folder created in Step 2. (please make dua for us that Allah accept us all, ameen)

Useful Tips for mobile browsing:

  • Landscape screen orientation is recommended for optimum mobile visibility
  • Where there is no scroll-button most Smartphones and PDAs allow you to re-assign a button to scroll-down and so scrolling is made easier. This button can also allow focus on the Next Page link at the end of the page.
  • You can bookmark any location using standard browser options and overwrite and reuse the bookmark to keep track of your browsing and reconvene from that location.
  • MP3 Quran Recitation and Rehearsal download

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