
This humble servant, at the request of my master Hadrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saahib,-May Allah fill his grave with nur and make his resting place cool - used to stay in Delhi quite often for a few days, to assist in the printing of is kitaab 'Badhlul Mjhud fi halli Abi Daawud'. There, a kind friend, Janab Muhammmd Uthmaan Khaan, urged me to write a short translation of the Shamaa-il Tirmidhi'. Owing to my shortcoming, I knew I was not capable of this. Also before this, I did not have an opportunity to either write a book or deliver a lecture. Janab Muhammad 'Uthmaan Khaan,
however, did not accept any of my excuses, due to certain kind thoughts he held regarding me. By virtue of my shortcomings I would never have attempted this translation. Since he was a close friend of my late father and, being mindful of the hadith, 'The best relationship after a father's death is to treat his friends kindly', I did not have a way out but to present a short translation according to my understanding and thereafter, acknowleding my incapability to the readers, and asking them to forgive me for the complication of the sentences and the dispersion of words and request them to give attention to the aim, that is, the noble character, habits, qualities, virtues, attributes and practices of the emperor of the world, Sayyidina Bashr, Sayyidina Muhammadur Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi
Wasallam . A wise person, does not on account of an ugly and tattered veil, fail to pay attention to a beautiful face; and an understanding person does not, because of a bitter skin, throw away the delicious substance of a fruit.
In this transalation a few things have been given special importance:

a. Most of the sayings were taken from the writting of the great 'ulama of the past,thus I did not resort to my own views.
b. Most of the references in this transalation are derived from the following books: 'Jam'ul Wasaa-il' of Mulla 'Ali Qaari Hanafi; 'Munaawi' of Shaykh 'Abdur-Ra-oof Misri; 'Mawaahib-Ladunniyyah' of Shaykh Ebrahim Bayjuri and 'Tah-dhibut Tah-dhib' of Haafiz Ibn Hajar 'Asqalaani.
c. Since the translation is meant for the layman, literal meanings have been given . Word for word transalation has been avoided.
d. In addition to the translation many things have been added to serve as a commentary. This has been written separately after the actual translation.
e. At many places in the translation of the ahaadith additional information has been provided.
f. Where there seems to be contradiction between two hadith, the differences have been briefly explained.
g. The view of the different madhaa-hib have been mentioned briefly at places. The Hanafi mahd-dab has been specially mentioned as the majority of the local population (i.e the inhabitants of India ) adhere to this madh-hab.
h. The proof that substantiate the Hanfis madh-hab have been mentioned briefly where deemed necessary.
i. Where a battle or incident is mentioned in a hadith, the battle or incident is described in the commentary.
j. Where the relation of a hadith to a chapter is not obvious, an explanation has been provided.
k. To keep the subject matter brief, with regard to those incidents that have not been narrated herein, the readers have been referred to their original sources. The name of the kittab is given where they can be found in detail so that those who are interested may easily refer to them.
l. Utmost care has been taken to keep the subject under discussion short and precise, as readers may become bored with lengthy discourses.

And divine guidance to me is but from Allah, on Him do I rely and to Him do I return.

Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhelwi.
(8th Jamadi-uth Thaani 1344)
b. Most of the refernces in this transalation are derived from the following books: 'Jam'ul Wasaa-il' of Mulla 'Ali Qaari Hanafi; 'Munaawi' of Shaykh 'Abdur-Ra-oof Misri; 'Mawaahib-Ladunniyyah' of Shaykh Ebrahim  Bayjuri and 'Tah-dhibut Tah-dhib' of Haafiz Ibn Hajar 'Asqalaani.
c. Since the trasalation is meant for the layman, literal meanings have been given . Word for word transalation has been avoided.
d. In addition to the transalation many things have been added to serve as a commentary. This has been written separately after the actual transalation.
e. At many places in the transalation of the ahaadith additional information has been provided.
f. Where there seems to be contradiction between two hadith, the differences have been briefly explained.
g. The view of the different madhaa-hib have been mentioned briefly at places. The Hanafi mahd-dab has been specially mentioned as the majority of the local population (i.e the inhabitants of India ) adhere to this madh-hab.
h. The proof that substantiate the Hanfis madh-hab have been mentioned briefly where deemed necessary.
i. Where a battle or incident is mentioned in a hadith, the battle or incident is described in the commentary.
j. Where the realtion of a hadith to a chapter is not obvious, an explanation has been provided.
k. To keep the subject matter brief, with regard to those incidents that have not been narrated herein, the readers have been referred to their original sources. The name of the kittab is given where they can be found in detail so that those who are interested may easily refer to them.
l. Utmost care has been taken to keep the subject under discussion short and precise, as readers may become bored with lengthy discourses.

And divine guidance to me is but from Allah, on Him do I rely and to Him do I return.

Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhelwi.
(8th Jamadi-uth Thaani 1344)

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