Miracles of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad The
Firmness and Majesty of the Holy Prophet Muhammad The Greatest Miracle - The Qur`an In a quick glance around this world, it is quite evident
that the Muslims have increased in large numbers. The Muslims have established
Islam as the fastest growing religion. The honour for this reality is attained
only by the greatest man to set foot on this earth, the best of all creation,
the most humble, most God fearing person, the seal of Prophethood, the
Noble Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah May Allah through his infinite mercy shed divine light
onto our sinful hearts and guide us to acknowledge his respect and the
respect of the most truthful religion. In this present day we find many
people who object to Islam, many objections, amongst them that the Prophet Inshallah, I hope to prove the authenticity of the Holy
words of the Prophet Miracles
of the Prophet Muhammad Prior to the merciful birth of our Prophet Amongst the many miracles, there was the destruction of
Abraha’s army after his attack on the Ka’bah. The society of Makkah was
shown the dignity of the house of Allah, when Allah sent a flock of birds
that destroyed Abraha’s elephant army from penetrating by pelting them
with pebbles. Also, the Prophet's Even in his early childhood, most of the Prophet's Before he was brought into this world, his father was
taken away from him making him an orphan from birth. Then according to
Arabian customs he was given away to his foster mother, Halima Sa’diya.
Her story tells us that although being in the depth of famine and with
a child of her own to feed she was showered with Allah's mercy through
this child. When her milk started flowing her animals came home fully grazed
and her life became healthy. She only returned the Prophet The
Firmness and Majesty of the Prophet Muhammad His mother departed from him at the age of six and his grandfather followed. His uncle’s care provided security since he was the head of the clan. This was useful to him especially when he claimed to be Prophet. His saying, ‘Even if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left I will not give up until this religion rules or I die in sake of it, explained his willingness, mentality and his Prophethood. His life in total shows an eagerness to demonstrate truth and to rectify the wrong. His character was humble, ready for sacrifice, a kind man at heart, stiff in his devotion, that which could only be personified as the perfect human being. His complex would never deteriorate nor his esteem drop. He had a clear vision of what he was supposed to do. He established in his life, a sovereignty that ruled the hearts and minds and mentality was devoted to his wishes. His majesty was such that could not be compared. Such was said at the treaty of Hudaybia: “I have been to many kings as a messenger but I have never seen any sovereignty that could be compared to Muhammad. His followers do not let his spit touch the ground, they virtually fight for it and whoever gets it will rub it on himself and whoever does not will ask the one who does to put it on him. He does not make a command but they react straight away…” These are the words of the enemy concerning the Prophet The Greatest Miracle - The Qur`an The glorious Qur’ân is such a miracle that it is beyond comparison. No other scripture possesses the exquisite and majestic charm of melody that the Holy Qur’ân has. An English scholar bears testimony to this fact when he says: “…The glorious Qur’ân, that inimitable symphony the very sound of which move men to tears and ecstasy” Thereafter comes the point of the Arabic language. The Arabic language itself, which is the language of the Qur’ân, is an extremely rich language, a fact attested by all the Arab cists of the world, non-muslins as well. Beyond that, there is the style employed in the Qur’ân, whose depth in the dimension of meaning and heights in respect of grandeur are simply immeasurable by any human genius. This fact has given the language of the Qur’ân the status of pure Arabic and the standard of the Arabic tongue. “Whenever Muhammad was asked a miracle as a proof of the authenticity of the mission” says the French scholar Paul Cassanova, “He quoted the composition of the Qur’ân and its incomparable excellence as proof of its divine origin. And, in fact, even for those who are non-muslims nothing is more marvellous than its language. It is correct to say that the miraculous quality of the Qur’ân resides only partly in its literary aspect. Its emphasis on this aspect was, however, necessitated by the arrogance of the Arabs of those days who were proud of their high attainment in literary aspects." |
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