Was the Impostor of Qadian?
for Yourself!!
The 30 Liars
The Final Hour
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
Resistence Movement and Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
Between Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the True Mahdi
Mirza Ghulam and the Real
see also:
Hazrat Isa (alayhis sallam) in
the Islamic, Christian and Qadiani perspective
Imam Mahdi
30 Liars
Dearest brothers and sisters, how truthful the Holy
was when he said:
“In my Ummah, 30 liars will be born.
Each will claim Prophethood and claim to be a Prophet, even though I am
the last Prophet and there shall be no Prophet after me.
(Abu Dawood)
According to his prophecy, many liars claiming to be the Prophet have
already appeared and will keep on appearing until the last to appear will
be Dajjal.
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Final Hour
Hadhrat Samurah ibn Jundab
reports that the HolyProphet
said in the sermon he delivered on the same day, there was a solar eclipse:
That the final hour will not come until
30 liars will appear (and claim Prophethood). The last of the liars will
be the one eyed Dajjal.
These lairs began to appear at the very time of the Holy Prophet .
Their aim was to create disunity
among the Muslims. Some of these liars that claimed Prophethood in the
past are listed below.
1. Aswad al Anasse – Claimed Prophethood whilst the Holy
was still alive. The Sahâbâh
killed him before the Holy Prophet
passed away.
2. In the later part of the Holy Prophet
life Musailama claimed Prophethood. The Holy Prophet Muhammad
wrote a letter to him and named him Musailamah al Kazzab
(the liar). Many Sahâbâh
gave their lives in the battle of Yamaamah which took place at the time
of Hadhrat Abu Bakr
to kill Musailamah and his followers.
3. A woman called Sajah also claimed Prophethood and
married Musailamah. However, when he was killed, she accepted Islam again.
4. Al Haarith al Kazzab claimed Prophethood in
the Khilafah of Abdul Malik ibn Marwaan. He was also killed.
There have been others like Mukhtar ibn Ubaid. However, the more recent
liar was Ghulam Ahmad al Qadiani.
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Ahmad Qadiani
Mirza Gulam, besides claiming to be the Mahdi,
the Promised Messiah, also claimed
to be the Prophet in 1901. He was born in a village called Qadian (Northern
India) in 1839. His fathers name was Gulam Mustafa whilst his mothers name
was Chiraagh.
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Resistence Movement
and Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
India at the time was ruled by the British colonial regime. The war of independence
of 1857 and the holy struggle of Sayyed Ahmed Saeed (One of our pious
elders) frightened and scared the colonialist. Because the colonialist were facing
difficulties in India they sought for an alternative to real Islam and
disunite the Muslims and remove the notion of resistence in the Muslims.
They saw that their target and aim could only be achieved if they can find
somebody amongst the Indians to claim to be a prophet. The colonialists found
in Mirza what they were looking for; Mirza Ghulam sold his faith for petty
worldly gains and claimed to be a prophet, the Mahdi and the promised messiah.
Read the following conditions laid down by the Prophet
regarding the Mahdi and The Promised Messiah and then decide for yourself
whether he was the Mahdi and the promised messiah or an impostor.
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Between Mirza Gulam Ahmad and the True Mahdi
1. The Mahdi will be a descendent of the Prophet
He will resemble the Holy Prophet
in character and his name will be Muhammad and his father’s name will be
Abdullah. The Prophet
“The Mahdi will appear from my progeny.”(Abu
2. The Prophet
“There will be a man from Tranxonia
who will be called Haris-Harrath. There will be a man named Mansoor at
his vanguard. He will give abode for the family of Muhammad (referring
to the Mahdi) just as the Quraish gave abode to the Holy Prophet .
This sign also did not appear before Mirza Gulam as the only people
had paved the way for him was the British Colonial Government and not Haris or Mansoor.
The Prophet
“His name will be similar to my name
and his fathers name will be similar to my fathers name. (Abu Dawûd)
Mirza Gulam was not a descendant of the Holy Prophet
and nor did he resemble the Prophet
in character. Drinking wine,
eating pork and associating with woman was Mirza's habit. His name was
Ghulam Ahmad whiles his fathers name was Ghulam Mustafa and not Abdullah
as it should have been if he was the true Mahdi.
3. The Muslims will make Bai’at with the Mahdi in Makkah near the Ka’aba.
The Holy Prophet
“Some people of Makkah will come to
him (Mahdi) and will take him out though he will be unwilling. Then they
will make him accept their Bai’at between the black stone and the place
of Ibrahim.
(Abu Dawûd)
Nobody ever made Bai’at with Mirzah Ghulam in Makkah.
4. After Bai’at an army will be sent from Syria to fight the true Mahdi
and the earth will swallow this army before it reaches him. The Prophet
“An army will then be sent to fight
with him from Syria. The army will perish in Baydah between Makkah and
(Abu Dawûd)
No army ever came to Mirza Ghulam and thus never perished.
5. The Holy Prophet
has informed us:
The true Mahdi will fill the world
with justice and equality and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth
will be pleased with him
(Musnad Ahmad).
The only people pleased with Mirza Ghulam were the British Colonialists. He displeased
one billion Muslims by insulting our beloved Prophet
by claming Prophethood and making a mockery of the Qur’ân
and Hadith.
6. We have been told in many Ahâdith that the Dajjal
will appear in the time of Mahdi and ‘Isa
(A.S) will descend to earth to kill him. It has been over 80 years since
his death, yet the Dajjal has still not emerged and nor has ‘Isa (A.S)
I am sure by now you have come to the conclusion that Mirza Ghulam was
not the true Mahdi; referred to in the Ahâdith.
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Ghulam and the Real Messiah
We can learn from the Hadith of Nawas Bin Sam’an
which can be found in Muslim Shareef (the second most authentic book after
the Holy Qur’ân) and from the Hadith of Abu Ummamah Al-Bahilee
which can be found in Ibn Majah, the following regarding the Promised Messiah:
1. The Promised Messiah’s name is ‘Isa (A.S) and his mothers name was
2. The Mahdi and the Dajjal will have already appeared before his descension.
3. He will descend from the heavens to the white minaret in the east
of Damascus wearing two garments slightly dyed with saffron and his hands
will be placed on the wings of two Angels.
4. Every Kaafir (disbeliever) who smells his breath will die and his
breath will reach as far as he can see.
5. He will kill the Dajjal at the Eastern gate of Ludd.
6. The barbarious tribe of Gog Magog will appear in his time and the
promised Massiah will take the believers to mount Tur for their protection.
7. He will elevate the Islamic religion by breaking the cross and putting
an end to Christianity.
8. The Jews and Christians will believe on him before his death.
9. He will kill the pigs and the Christians consider Halal it to eat
and non-Muslims will not have to pay tax.
10. Wars will cease at his time, as everybody will be in complete agreement
with one another.
11. There will be so much wealth that the receiving of Sadaqa will
be discarded as everybody will have enough wealth of his own.
12. In his time, all harmful animals will be made harmless and the
venom will be taken out from all venomous animals. A child will put his
hand in a snake’s mouth and it will not harm him, a girl will be able to
chase a lion away and it will not harm her.
13. The earth will spout with vegetation and will produce fruits so
abundantly that a large group of people will gather to eat a bunch of grapes
or one pomegranate, and it will suffice them.
14. From the Hadith of Abu Hurairah
in Muslim, we learn that the promised Messiah will perform Hajj and Umrah
from a place called Rawha.
15. From the Hadith of Abdullah Bin Amr
we learn that he will get buried next to the Holy Prophet ?.
None of the above conditions were fulfilled by Mirza Ghulam.
His name was Ghulam Ahmad and not ‘Isa, he was the son of Chiragh and not
Maryam. The Mahdi and the
Dajjal did not appear before him and thus there is no question in him killing
Dajjal. He did not descend from the heavens nor did any Kaafir die from
his breath.
The tribes of Gog Magog did not appear in his time nor did the Jews
and Christians believe in him before his death. He did not elevate Islam
but insulted it by claming to be the Mahdi, the Messiah and a Prophet.
He didn’t kill the pigs but enjoyed eating it. Wars did not cease in his
time as the Muslims were struggling against the colonialists in India. The receiving
of Sadqah was not discarded nor was venom taken out of venomous animals
in his time. He never performed Hajj or Umrah and died in a toilet.
I am sure by now you have easily come to the conclusion that Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad was not the promised Messiah the Mahdi or a Prophet, but was an impostor
and a liar. His aim and purpose in life was to keep the colonialists happy,
those who made him and nourished him with evil ideas to confuse and disunite
the Muslims.
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