"Save Us - Oh Allah!"
Life in this world is a test for everyone. We have been sent in this world to be tested. For every test, there is a result at the end. If the results and the outcome is good then there is a reward for us. But if the results and the outcome is not good then there is punishment.
For this great test, the reward in the hereafter is also great and similarly the punishment is also very severe. And for this punishment, those that fail will have to spend the rest of their time in Jahannam (Hell).
This is a place of grief and sorrow. Its
torments and troubles are far beyond imagination. It was fanned for
a thousand years till it became quite red, then it was fanned for a further
thousand years till it became white, and again it was fanned for a thousand
years till it became black. Now it is quite black and dark.
Distress, dismay and destruction will await one
who is thrown here. Joy and happiness will be unknown. Death
will have been sacrificed in the form of a Ram, so there will be no hope
of that either.
This place is vast. If a stone were to be thrown
into its depth, it would take approximately seventy years to reach the
surface. The fire, which awaits the dwellers, is seventy times more
severe than anything similar to it in this world.
It is mentioned in the Qur’an:
“The day we will ask Jahannam: “Are you full?” It will say: “Are there any more (to come).” (Qur’an 50:30)
From this verse we understand how big Jahannam is that it will never be full and it will always ask for more people. The depth of Jahannam is so great that if a rock was dropped into Jahannam, it will remain plummeting for 70 years before touching the bottom.
No one would like to come here. It is a
dreadful place. When it will be brought forth, it will have seventy
thousand reigns, each one pulled by seventy thousand Angels. Imagine the sky! What chances of escaping!
This is a place of punishments. All wrongs will
be dealt with. Punishments will be in various categories. The
person who will be subjected to the least punishment here shall have two
shoes of fire on his/her feet. And by their heat, his/her brain will be
boiling like a kettle on fire. The person will feel that his/her
punishment is the severest and no one else is under more punishment than
he or she.
There will be fierce looking angels inflicting various types of punishment for the different sins committed by the people. The Qur’an and Hadith have mentioned the different types of punishments.
For example, boiling water will be poured over the heads, lips will be cut with scissors of fire and so on. The fire of Jahannam has turned black because of its heat. There is no light and it will be pitch black. The food will be poisonous thorny trees and the drink will be the blood and pus from the washing of wounds.
Who will be the inhabitants of Hell?
By looking at the Qur’an and Hadith, we understand that people who preach without practice, those who use utensils of gold and silver, those who are arrogant and those who take pictures are to be amongst the many being punished. The above mentioned are only a few.
People will want to stay many miles away from
here. And why not? Many fortunate ones won't even have to go near,
many others will have no choice!
However, the greatest news for us is that the Creator
of this horrible place has indeed informed us of all things to be careful
of to avoid this place through His Holy Quraan
and His Noble Messenger Muhammad .
We must not ascribe partners to Him, which is called
Shirk. We must not be careless at times of Salaah and we must offer salaah punctually. No fit and healthy person should
miss out the Fasts in Ramadhan. Also, whoever has the means should give zakaah
and perform the Haj.
There are many other things as well, small things and
big ones - They may be prohibited
actions or words - Intentional or unintentional. Any one could
lead to this wicked place.
Swearing, slandering, backbiting, stealing, drinking
wine, drugs, haraam food, unlawful
actions, e.t.c. Any of these could lead to destruction.
As you will have gathered by now, we have been
talking about Jahannam (Hell).
It is most important that we study the Holy Quraan and
Seerah - Lifestyle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
to know how to lead our lives in this temporary material world, to be successful
in the Hereafter, and to be able to safeguard ourselves from Jahannam!
'Oh Allah! Save us all from Jahannam - Ameen!'
'Truly Hell is a place of ambush.
For the transgressors a place of dwelling.
They will abide therein for ages.
Nothing cool shall they taste therein, Nor any drink.
Except boiling water, and dirty wound discharges.
An exact recompense (according to their crimes).
For that they used not to look for any account.
But they (impudently) treated Our signs as false.
And all things have We preserved on record.
So taste ye (the fruits of your deeds);
For no increase shall We grant you;
Except in Chastisement.'
(Surah An-Nabaa: 21-30)