Allah Taa'la says in the Qur'an:
“Verily Allah and his angels sent salutations to the Prophet . O you who believe, send salutations and greetings to the Prophet
Alhamdulillah, being Muslims, we all tend to recite durood shareef quite frequently, especially on Friday, due to the reward. But, many of us are unaware of how this durood reaches the Prophet .
It has been reported by Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood that the Prophet
Allah has created Angels that tour the land and bring to me the greetings of my followers. (Nasai)
The Prophet says in another Hadith reported by Hazrat Ammar bin Yaasir
that Allah has appointed an angel to my grave, whosoever sends durood upon me, until the day of judgment his durood is presented to me along with his name and his father's name.
All the Ulama are unanimous on the fact that all the Prophets Alayhis Salaam are alive in their graves, the durood that is recited next to the blessed grave of the Prophet , is heard directly by the Prophet
There is a Hadith narrated by Hazrat Anas that all the Prophets are alive in their graves and they are worshipping. (Baihaqi)
There are many more Hadith stating the life of Prophets in their grave.
Hazrat Abu Darda reports that the Prophet
said: ‘Whosoever sends durood upon me, it is presented before me as soon as he finishes.' Hazrat Abu Darda
further reports that I asked: ‘Is this also the case after death?' The Prophet
replied: ‘The Earth has been prohibited by Allah to eat the bodies of the Prophets,' (Ibne Majah)
In another narration, there is an extension, ‘so the Prophets of Allah are alive and are given rizq (food).
From the above Hadith, we find that the durood is also presented before the blessed body of the Prophet along with his blessed soul.
A Hadith in Sahih Muslim supports this belief. In this Hadith, the Prophet says: ‘I saw the Prophet Musa Alaihis Salaam worshipping in his grave standing.'
Hazrat Maulana Qasim Natotvi Rahmatullahi Alayhi stated that the Prophet Alaihis Salaam are alive in the grave, and the likeness of this life in the grave is like that of our sleep. This is because when we sleep, both our eyes and our hearts sleep. But when a Prophet sleeps, his heart remains awake.
This belief is supported by a Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari in which the Prophet says: ‘My eyes sleep but my heart does not.'
May Allah Taa'la grant us the true understanding of Qur'an and Hadith, and may He give us the ability to send durood upon the Holy Prophet and visit his blessed grave time and time again, ameen
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