After the "farewell" Hajj" completed, tens of thousands of pilgrims began
their return home. Those who came from deserts returned to the desert;
those who came from Tihamah returned there, and those who came from the
south of Yemen, Hadramawt and neighboring territories did likewise. Rasulullah
and his Sahaba (R.A.) set out in the direction of Madinah. When they
reached their homes, they settled down confident that peace had covered
the entire Peninsula. From here, it was natural that Rasulullah
became preoccupied with the conditions of those countries under the rule
of Byzantium and Persia, especially Sham, Egypt and Iraq. Now that the
people had coverted to Islam in such large groups, that their delegations
had already declared in Madinah their obedience and committed their people
to serve under its banner and, finally, now that all the Arabs have united,
the Arabian Peninsula became secure in its entirety. Indeed, there was
no reason for any of the Arab kings and chiefs to withdraw or to violate
loyalty to Rasulullah
or to Islaam. Under no other authority did they enjoy more power and internal
security under that which the Unlettered Nabi
had instituted.
In Muharram 11 A.H. Rasulullah
visited Uhad and prayed for the souls of the beloved martyrs who had sacrificed
their lives for Allah and his Rasool
He then visited "Jannatul Baqi", the Muslim cemetery in Madinah and offered
prayers for the departed. It was during his return from "Jannatul Baqi"
that he developed a severe headache. Hazrat Abu Muwayhibah (R.A.) who had
accompanied him to the cemetery supported Rasulullah
to the apartment of Rasulullah
wife Hazrat Maymunah binte Harith bin Hazin (R.A.) His headache brought
on a fever and he was confided to bed. It was not easy for the Muslims,
considering their great love for Rasulullah
The Sahaba (R.A.) knew that Rasulullah
never suffered from any serious illness. Nothing had adversely affected
his health throughout this period except a brief lack of appetite in 6
A.H. to Jewish magic, and a little discomfort following his eating a bite
of poisoned lamb in 7 A.H. Furthermore, the rhythm of his life and the
logic of his teachings always protected him with the barest and simplest
necessities. His clothes and his house always perfectly clean, For Rasulullah
not only saw it that the duties of ablutions were perfectly carried out
at all times, but he even used to say: "Were it not for my fear of imposing
hardship on my people I would have made it duty for them to brush their
teeth five times a day". On the other hand, the ritual of prayer and daily
exercise which Rasulullah
observed as well as his sense for minimalist economy in the pursuit of pleasure, his
refrain from indulgences of all kinds, and his general unconcern for things
of this world which always kept him at a distance from them, but in attachment
to the life after this life and the secret of existence - all the aspects
of their character protected him against disease and gave him good health.
His strong natural, construction and innate inclination to moral goodness
consolidated his immunity against disease.
The news of Rasulullah 's
illness spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula. The rebellious impostors
raised their heads in mischief claiming prophethood. Among, them were
Musailimah Kazzab of Yamama, Aswas al Ansi ibn Ka'ab of Yemen, Tulaiha
ibn Khuwaylid and a woman Sajjaa binte Harith . Each of them individually
laid claims to prophethood. Musailimah Kazzab had communicated with Rasulullah
regarding his claim to prophethood. He sent a message to Rasulullah
saying: "I too am a prophet like you. To us belong half of the earth, and
to the Quraish belong the other half, if the Quraish were only just". Rasulullah
asked the envoy of Musailimah to convey to him: "That, I Muhammed heard
his message and realized its lies. The earth belongs to none but Allah,
and Allah grants it to whomsoever He chooses among His worthy and righteous
servants. Peace belongs to the rightly guided."
Musailimah Kazzab met his death by the hands of Wahshi (R.A.), during the Khilaphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.). Wahshi would go about saying with great remorse that when he was a "kaafir", he had martyred one of the holiest persons (Hazrat Hamza (R.A.) and when he embraced Islaam he killed one of the most evil persons (Musailimah Kazzab of Yemen), during the Khilafate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.).
was in the house of Hazrat Maymunah (R.A.), when he found it necessary
to call the members of his house and to ask of them to attend to him in
the house of Hazrat Ai'sha (R.A.)
His wives agreed to nurse him there. He moved out of Hazrat Maymunah (R.A.)'s
house, his head wrapped, leaning on Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (R.A.) on
one side and Hazrat Abbas (R.A.) on the other. His legs could hardly
carry him. He entered the quarters of Hazrat Ai'sha (R.A.) and there he
lay down.
Inspite of all his illness he continued to administer the affairs of
the Muslim State. He appointed Hazrat Usamah (R.A.) the son of Hazat Zaid
bin Harith (R.A.), as Commander of an expeditionary force to avenge the death
of his father who had been martyred at Mu'tah. The significance of Hazrat
Usamah (R.A.)'s appointment was also an indication of Rasulullah 's
confidence, love and respect for his Ummah, regardless of the persons being
a slave or his progeny. Furthermore, he placed all the Sahaba (R.A.) including
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) Hazrat Umar bin Khattab(R.A.) the senior most, under
the command of Hazrat Usamah (R.A.) for this particular expedition.
However Hazrat Usamah (R.A.) had left Madinah with his army and camped
temporarily outside Madinah at Jurf because of Rasulullah 's
illness. The Sahaba (R.A.) in the expedition often came into Madinah with
the permission of Hazrat Usama (R.A.) to be at the bedside of Rasulullah
Rasulullah 's
fever increased in the first days of his sickness so much that he felt
as if on fire. When the attack of fever subsided, Rasulullah
walked to the Masjid to lead the prayer. He continued to do so for several
days but felt too weak to talk to the Sahaba (R.A.) or to give audience to them.
But he could hear their gossip about his appointment of a very young man
to command the elder Muhajirun and Ansar in the coming campaign against
Sham (Syria). Despite the gradual deterioration of his health and the aggravation
of his pain, he felt it necessary to address the people on that subject.
One day he asked his wives and servants to pour on him seven goatskins
of water from various wells. The water was brought from different wells
as commanded and poured over him as he sat in a tub belonging to Hazrat
Hafsah bint Umar ibn Kattab (R.A.) He then put on his clothes, wrapped
his head and went to the Masjid. Standing at the pulpit he praised Allah,
prayed for the martyrs of Uhad, and addressed the congregation in the following
words: "O Men, carry out the expedition under Usamah (R.A.) Your complaint
against his generalship is of the same kind as your complaint against generalship
against his father before him. By Allah, Usamah is as fit for the generalship
as was his father". Rasulullah
stopped for a while, and there was absolute silence. He then resumed his
address, saying: "Has he not made a better choice who, when given the option
of taking this world, the other world, or property submit in whatever is
with Allah, choose the last alternative?" Nabi
fell silent again, and the people were absolutely motionless. With his
deep understanding and sensitivity Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) realized that Prophet
was here referring to himself. His loyalty to Rasulullah
and profound feeling for his person overwhelmed Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.),
who could not hold back his tears. Deeply moved and crying, he said:
"But we would give our own lives and the lives of our children for
you. O Muhammed
Fearing the spread of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) contagious affection among
the congregation, Rasulullah
said softly: "O Abu Bakr!" He then commanded all the gates of the masjid
to be closed except the one which led to the quarters of Hazrat Abu Bakr
(R.A.). When this was done he said: "I do not know of anyone whose companionship
is preferable to me than yours. Of all the people of the would, I would
choose only Abu Bakr as a permanent friend and constant companion.
His has been the friendship and fraternity of true faith and it will last
until Allah brings us together again". Rasulullah
left the pulpit to return to Hazrat A'isha (R.A.)'s quarters. As he did,
he turned to the people and said: "O Muhajireen, be good to the Ansar.
The Muslim community increases every day, but the number of the Ansar remains
the same. The Ansar have been my own people, my trustworthy people among
whom I have taken shelter. Be good to the virtuous among, them reward the
pious, and forgive the wrongdoers.
The following day, Rasulullah
tried to get out of bed and lead the prayers in the Masjid as usual. When
he found his effort futile, he ordered that Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) lead
the prayer in his place. Hazrat A'isha (R.A.) was anxious for Rasulullah
to lead the prayer himself . She thought that nothing would better allay
fears of the people than for them to see Rasulullah
resume his daily functions. She therefore apologized for her father, Hazrat
Abu Bakr (R.A.) saying that his voice was too soft and that he would break
down and cry whenever he recited the Qur'aan. Realizing his incapacity
to rise from bed, Nabi
ordered once again that Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) lead the prayers. When Hazrat
A'isha (R.A.) insisted, Rasulullah
in anger said: "How obsessive are women! Order Abu Bakr (R.A.) to lead
the prayers at once".
After this, Rasulullah 's
sickness and pain increased. His fever was so high it could be felt by
his wives and servants upon touching the blankets which covered him. Hazrat
Fatimah (R.A.) his daughter, whom he loved deeply as his only surviving
offspring, visited him everyday. Whenever she entered his room, Nabi
would cry, kiss her, and give her his own chair. One day when she entered
the room, he greeted her saying, "Welcome my daughter". But it was she
who kissed him. He asked her to sit by him on his bed and whispered to
her twice, first making her cry then making her laugh. Hazrat A'isha (R.A.)
sought to discover what was said: but Hazrat Fatimah (R.A.) refused to
give away what she took to be a secret. It was not until after Nabi
demise that Hazrat Fatimah (R.A.) divulged what Rasulullah
had then told her, namely that he was to leave this world of that same
sickness - which caused her to cry - and that she would be the first member
of his family to join him after death - which made her smile.
In order to cool his fever, Rasulullah
dipped his hand in a container by his bed, filled every now and then with
cold water, and wiped his face. At times the high fever gave him convulsions,
recovering from one of these attacks, he overheard his daughter Fatima
(RA.) saying with deep sorrow: "Oh, the terrible pain my father is suffering!"
At this Rasulullah
said, "Your father will suffer no more pain this day", meaning he was to
meet his Lord before the day was over.
At the beginning of his illness Rasulallah
had in his house seven Dinars; he feared he might leave this world while
some money was still in his possession. He therefore commanded his relatives
to give the money away to the poor. However, their preoccupation with his
sickness and constant attendance upon, in addition to their concern for
his deteriorating health, caused them to forget to carry out his order.
When he came to himself on Sunday, on the eve of the day of his passing
away, Rasulullah
enquired whether they had fulfilled his order. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) answered
that the money was still in her hand. He then said: "What spectacle is
this of Muhammad, if he were to meet Allah in this condition?" The money
was thereafter given to the poor.
spent a peaceful night in which his fever seemed to subside. It was as
if the medicine which his relatives had prepared for him had somewhat alleviated
the disease. In the morning he was even able to go to the Masjid although
his head was still wrapped and he needed to lean on Hazrat Ali ibn Abu
Talib (RA) and Fadl ibn al Abbas (RA). Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was leading
the prayer at the time of Nabi
's entry into the Masjid. As the Sahaba (RA) saw Rasulullah
come in, they were so overjoyed at his recovery that they almost allowed
their prayer to be interrupted. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) raised his voice
in the recitation signaling that the prayer must go on and not to be interrupted.
was extremely pleased with what he saw, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) knew well
that the people would not have been diverted from prayer by the arrival
of any other man. As Rasulullah
came close to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) to join in prayer, the latter moved
himself away from his position of leadership so that Nabi
might take over. Rasulullah
however, pushed him back into place. He sat besides Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
and prayed in a sitting position. When he completed his prayer, he joined
the congregation and talked to them with a clear voice, audible even outside
the Masjid. He said: "O Men, the fire is ready. Subversive attacks are
advancing like waves of darkness. By Allah, I shall not be held responsible
for ought of this. I have never allowed anything which the Qur'aan had
not made legitimate, and I have never forbidden ought which the Qur'aan
had not forbidden. Allah's curse is upon those who take graves for their
The Sahaba (RA) were so overjoyed at the signs of recovery in the health
of their beloved Nabi
that Hazrat Usamah ibn Zayd (RA) even asked permission to march on Syria
(Shaam). Indeed even Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) came forward and said: "O Rasool
of Allah it is evident that Allah has granted you His blessings and given
you good health just as we all wished and prayed. I had promised the daughter
of Kaharijah [meaning his wife] to spend the day with her. May I take leave
of you? "Rasulullah
granted him leave, and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) went to al Sunh on the outskirts
of Madinah, where his wife resided. Hazrat Umar (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA)
returned to their business as usual. The Sahaba (RA) dispersed in joy and
happiness after their days of sadness over the news of Rasulullah
illness. Rasulullah
returned to the quarters of Hazrat Aisha (RA). Rasulullah
felt quite weak. Hazrat Aisha (RA) helped Rasulullah
in with a heart full of awe and sympathy, wishing she could offer him her
own life and energy to replace his waning strength.
Rasulullah 's
visit to the masjid turned out to be only an interlude of wakefulness which
precedes death. After he returned home, every minute saw further deterioration
of his health. There was no doubt that he had only a few hours to live.
How did he spend these few hours of his life? What was his last vision?
Did he spend those precious moments reviewing the career he lived since
Allah had commissioned him to Risalat (Prophethood) and appointed him a
guide to mankind. Did he recall the hardship he suffered, the joys he experienced,
and the spiritual and military victories he achieved? Or did he spend the
last moment praying to Allah and asking mercy with all his soul and all
his mind as he used to do throughout his life? Or was he too weak to review
anything and too unconscious even to pray? At this stage Hazrat Abdur Rehman
ibn Abu Bakr (RA) entered the quarters of Hazrat Aisha (RA) carrying a
miswak in his hand. Hazrat Aisha (RA) inquired of Rasulullah SAW whether
he desired to use the miswak. Rasulullah
indicated by signalling that he so desired. Hazrat Aisha (RA) took the
miswak from the brother, chewed on it until it became pliable, and handed
it over to Rasulullah
who used it to brush his teeth.
As the agonies of death became stronger, Rasulullah
turned to Allah in prayer saying: "O Allah help me overcome the agonies
of death". Hazrat Aisha (RA) reported that his head was in her lap during
the last hour. She said: "The head of Allah's Nabi
was getting heavier in my lap. I looked at his face and found that his
eyes had become fixed. I heard his murmur, 'Rather, Allah on High and Paradise'.
I said to him, By him who sent you a Rasool to teach the truth, you have
been given the choice and you chose well. The Rasool of Allah
passed away while his head was on my side between my lungs and my heart
reciting :
'It was my youth and inexperience that made me let him depart from
this world in my lap. I then placed his head on the pillow and rose to
bemoan my fate and join the other women in our bereavement and sorrow"
On Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 11 A.H. after an illness lasting thirteen
days, Rasulullah
passed away. Rasulullah
's family was plunged into indescribable grief. Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan
(RA) fell in a swoon. Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA) felt as if the earth
had caved in under his feet.
The news spread everywhere and the Muslims of Madinah were stunned and
dumbfounded to think that their beloved Nabi
was no more in this world . On hearing of this sad news, Hazrat Usamah
ibn Zayd (RA) came back to Madinah from Jurf with his whole army.
Among those who was struck with disbelief was Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab
(RA) . Upon hearing the news and hardly believing it, Hazrat Umar (RA)
turned quickly to Rasulullah
quarters . Upon arrival, he went straight to Rasulullah
bed uncovered and looked at his beloved's face for a while. He perceived
its motionless and deathlike appearance as a coma from which he believed
would soon emerge. Hazrat Mughirah ibn Shu'bah (RA) tried in vain to convince
Hazrat Umar (RA) of the painful fact. When Hazrat Mughrirah (RA) insisted,
Hazrat Umar (RA) said in anger:
When the ghusal was completed. Rasulullah
's body was wrapped in three shrouds (kafan): two of them made in Suhar
the third in Hibarah in Yemen. After the shrouding was completed, the body
was left where it was and the doors were flung open for the Muslims to
enter from the masjid, to take a last look at their beloved Nabi
and to pray for him, Undoubtedly they emerged deeply moved and conscious
of their sad bereavement. The room was practically empty when Hazrat Abu
Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA) entered the room joined the Sahaba (RA)
in the funeral prayer for Rasulullah
The Salaah was performed without a leader. When the Salaah was over, the
men left and the women and children took turns taking a last look at Rasulullah
One and all, every man, women and child, emerged from the room torn with
sorrow and crushed by a sense of bereavement for the loss of Allah's Rasool
the seal of His Ambiya.
There were differences of opinion among the Sahabs (RA) as to where
should be buried. Some were in favour of burying him in Masjid-e-Nabawi;
others suggested that he be buried in his own house. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
said that he had heard Rasulullah
say that every Nabi had been buried in the same place or spot where he
had passed away.
The Arabs knew two ways of digging graves. The Makkans made their graves
flat at the bottom while the people of Madina made them curved. Hazrat
Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah (RA) was the gravedigger for the Makkans, and Hazrat
Abu Talha Zayd bin Sahl (RA) was the gravedigger for the people of Madina.
's relatives could not choose between them. Rasulullah
's uncle Hazrat Abbas (RA) sent two men to call the grave diggers for consultation.
Only one was found and could respond to the call, and that was Hazrat Abu
Talhah (RA) from the people of Madina. He therefore was asked to dig a
grave for Rasulullah
as he knew best.
When evening came and the Muslims had taken leave of the body of our
beloved Nabi ,
's relatives prepared for the burial. They waited until quarter or third
of the night had passed before proceeding with the burial. Hazrat Ali ibn
Abu Talib (RA) ; Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (RA) and the two sons
of Hazrat Abbas (RA) lowered the seal of all Ambiyah-Hazrat Muhammed
to his last resting place in this World. They built over it a bridge with
bricks and then covered the grave with sand.
Hazrat Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib
left this world just as he had entered, without material shackles. His
only inheritance left to mankind was the Deen (religion) of truth and goodness.
He had paved the ground and laid the foundation for the great civilization
of Islam which had covered the world in the past and would cover the world
in the future. It was a civilization of which Tauhid, or the Unity of Allah,
was the cornerstone; and an order in which the word of Allah and His commandments
are always uppermost, while those of unfaith are nethermost. It was a civilization
absolutely clean of all paganism and of all idolatrous forms and expressions,
a civilization in which men were called upon to co-operate with one another
for the good and moral happiness of all men, not for benefit of any group
or people. Rasulullah
left to this world the Book of Allah (Qur'aan), a guidance and mercy to
mankind, while the memory of his own life gave the highest noblest example
for man's emulation.
One of the last sermons which Rasulullah
delivered to the people during his illness contained the following words:
"O Men! if I have lashed the back of anyone, let him come forward and lash
my back in return. If I have insulted anyone let him come forward and take
satisfaction of me. If I have dispossessed any one of any wealth, let him
come forth and seize his wealth from me. If there be any such men as these,
let them come forth without any fear of retaliation or hatred, for neither
of these become of me". Only one man came forth to make a claim, that Nabi
owed him three dirhams, he was paid in full by Nabi
on his deathbed. Rasulullah
left this world an inheritance of a great spiritual legacy which will continue to illumine the world until
Allah completely fulfills His promise and gives success of His deen (religion) to all.
Contents of the biography of the Prophet Muhammed
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