Just after the boycott, our Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessing be upon him) lost his most faithful and loving uncle and his wife. With the death of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadija (R.A.) in one year, he was left alone without any family help. The Quraish seeing this increased their harassment, tortures and hardship on Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) and the Muslims.
He went to Ta'if, a town in the mountains 48 km, from Makkah to teach the message of Islaam to the people living there, but he was attacked and stoned by them. He was badly wounded and blood flowed into his shoes. Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) made dua for the people in Ta'if that Allah make them and there children Muslims .

Contents of the biography of the Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessing be upon him

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