(Primary Deeni Institutes)
Selected Discourses by Shaikhul-Hadith Hazrat
Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib
SAHIB is one of the senior disciples and khulafa of the late
Shaikhul-Hadith Hazrat Maulana Zakaria Sahib rahmatullahi alai.
Born in 1946 in India he started his studies at Jamea Hussainia, Rander
Gujarat and eventually graduated from the renowned Islamic University,
Mazaahirul Uloom, Saharanpur. In 1968, upon the instructions of his Shaikh,
he migrated to England to set up the first Islamic University in the United
Kingdom known as Darul Uloom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, Bury. At present
he is the founder and patron of numerous Islamic Institutes throughout
the world. His students, who number hundreds, are spread across the globe
occupied in the service of deen in varying capacities. In short
a remarkable individual of rare intellectual and practical talents.
Maulana Khalil Ahmed
Kazi |
All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him.
We seek His assistance and forgiveness. We believe in Him and place our
trust in Him. We seek refuge in Allah from the mischief of our souls and
our bad actions. He whom Allah guides no one can mislead, and he whom Allah
misleads, no one can guide. We bear testimony that there is no deity except
He is alone and has no partner and
we bear testimony that our leader and master Muhammad is His Servant and
Messenger. O Allah, shower your everlasting peace and blessings on him
and on his descendants and his companions.
Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
Read (O Muhammad)! In the name of your Lord,
Who has created (all that exists)
Has created man from a clot
(a piece of thick coagulated blood).
Read! And your Lord is the most Generous,
Who has taught (the writing) by the pen.
Has taught man that which he knew not.
(Surah Al ‘Alaq {Clot} 1-5)
Respected brothers and friends! We have gathered
here for the commencement of an auspicious and pious work, the building
of Madrasah Islamia, Mount Pleasant, Batley. We pray to Almighty Allah
that He sees this noble task to its completion. May Allah establish throughout
England numerous such institutions, and may He preserve them till Qiyaamah.
May Allah lavish their faiz (spiritual influence) throughout the
four corners of the world. And may He give us the ability to participate
in such work with our lives and wealth. Ameen
of Ilm (knowledge)
The Qur’anic verses I have recited are the opening
verses of Surah Alaq. These are the first verses revealed by Allah
to His beloved Prophet .
In them Allah says, “Read! (O Muhammad) in the name of your Lord, who
has created.” Further, to emphasise, He says, “Has created Insaan
(the human being).” In the verses that follow Allah mentions
the word ‘iqra’ (read) over and over again.
In the verses with which Allah commenced revelation,
He mentions qir‘aat (recitation), taleem (learning), and
ta‘allum (teaching). Thus emphasis is being placed upon establishing
Maktabs and other institutions of ilm. He ends the first
revelation with “Has taught man that which he knew not”, thereby
stressing yet again the importance of knowledge.
This mention of qir‘aat and ilm
in the opening verses of revelation is a lesson to Muslims that the preservation
of deen (religion), iman (faith) and haq (truth) in
the unique manner the Prophet ,
brought us, i.e., through the medium of wahi and sunnah,
can only be possible with ilm. In places where the acquisition of
knowledge was neglected, then even if Islam and Muslims remained, they
were in a pitiful state. (May Allah forbid) Wherever there is knowledge,
this faith of ours will remain in its original purity.
Hence, the verse, “Read! in the name of your
Lord who has created”, is the very first lesson for us. Who is the
teacher? Allah, Glorified and Great! Yes! Allah is teaching His beloved
Prophet ;
and He in turn is shouldering the responsibilities of an educator. To whom
does he teach? Khadijah tul’ Kubra .
When the Noble Prophet ,
returned from the cave of Hiraa and informed our mother of his fear, he
also recited to her the verses revealed to him. We learn from this that
a person should firstly be concerned about his own household. If one wishes
his sons and daughters to remain faithful Muslims, he should make an effort
to create in his wife an Islamic consciousness. If she is imbued with the
spirit of Islam, the children who grow up under her care will blossom into
upholders of the deen. Whoever is lazy and negligent in this matter
will see the ill effects in his children.
Converts To Islam
As you may be aware the first lady to embrace
Islam was Hazrat Khadijah ,
and amongst men, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Ali radiallahu anhuma.Muhadditheen
(commentators of Ahadith) have written that they accepted Islam at the
same time these verses were recited to them; Waraqa bin Nawfal also embraced
the new faith. When the Prophet ,
related to him the event that had transpired, and recited that which had
been revealed to him, Waraqa testified to it and promised to assist the
Prophet ,
in his mission.
The Need
for Makatib
This was the infiradi - personal and discrete
- manner in which the teaching of the Holy Qur’an began. Gradually, as
more people embraced Islam the following verse was revealed, “Therefore,
proclaim openly that which Allah has commanded, and turn away from the
Mushrikoon.” The first concern of the Holy Prophet
thereafter was to arrange teaching facilities for the new converts. How
could they be taught the Holy Qur’an? The circumstances at the time did
not permit the dozen or so Muslims to gather in one place in order to perform
Salaah and be taught the Holy Qur’an. For this reason the Holy Prophet ,
organised their taleem in various homes where they could secretly
assemble and study the Holy Qur’an.
First Maktab of Makkah Mukarramah
The home of Umar’s sister, Fatima binte Khattab
radiallahu anhuma, was selected for this purpose. This was the first
Maktab of Makkah Mukarramah. Muhadditheen write that the
first teacher of this Maktab was Hazrat Khabbab ibn Aratt .
Umar ,
once remarked, the Holy Prophet
had fixed upon my sister’s household the feeding of two persons on a daily
basis; one was Sayyidina Khabbab ,
and the name of the other teacher I cannot recall. (Sayyidina Umar
, was relating this during the time of his khilafah, and could not remember
the name of the other person.)
Conversion to Islam
Most of you are aware of the incident that led
to Hazrat Umar’s conversion to Islam. The story in brief is Hazrat Umar
set off with the intention of assassinating the Holy Prophet .
On his way he met Hazrat Sa’aad ,
who tried to obstruct him from executing his vicious intention. During
their conversation a quarrel broke out, and both of them unsheathed their
swords. Just as the swords were about to meet, Hazrat Sa’aad
proclaimed, “Firstly, see to your own household, your own sister has embraced
was shocked and diverted his attention immediately. He turned towards his
sister’s house and knocked on the door. At the time the occupants were
busy studying verses of the Holy Qur’an from their teacher Khabbab ibn
Aratt .
Upon hearing the voice of Umar ,
Hazrat Khabbab ,
hid himself. Sayyidina Umar ,
in his rage, launched himself upon his sister and brother-in-law (Saeed
ibn Zayd )
until they began to bleed. In this condition the sister called out, “You
can do what ever you like, we have already accepted the new faith.”
When Umar’s anger abated, and he saw the state
his sister was in as a result of the attack, he asked to be shown the parches
they were studying. Upon hearing this request Hazrat Khabbab ,
re-appeared and made Umar ,
perform ghusl (bath). Umar
then read from the parches, on which were written some verses of Surah
Taha. Thereafter, he went to the HoIy Prophet ,
and embraced Islam.
I was saying that this was the very first Maktab
established in Makkah Mukarramah. It was in the house of Saeed ibn Zayd ,
the brother-in-law of Umar
. The teachers here were Khabbab
and another Sahabi (may Allah be pleased with all of them).
Second Maktab of Makkah Mukarramah
A second Maktab came to be established
when the Muslims increased and the former premises became insufficient.
It was set up at Dar-e-Arqam, which was near Mount Safa. Here, approximately
forty Sahabah ,
would reside on a permanent basis. The Holy Prophet ,
would also stay here for many days. According to some traditions, once
the Holy Prophet
spent an entire month here. During the whole month he would teach the Holy
Qur’an and other religious instructions.
Third Maktab of Makkah Mukarramah
A third Maktab was set up in the Sha‘be
(glen) of Abu Talib where the Holy Prophet ,
and his family were exiled for three and a half years. During this period,
the Prophet
would teach the Holy Qur’an to his family and to those who secretly came
to visit him.
From the traditions of Makkah Mukarramah it is
clear that these three locations were the main Maktabs in the early
days of Islam. There may have been more.
of Makatib in Madina Munawwarah
Similarly, when the Noble Prophet ,
came to Madina, efforts to set up Maktabs were made from the outset.
The sole purpose being that the teachings of the Holy Qur’an should also
be made known to the people of Madina Munawwarah. In fact this happened
before the Prophet’s migration to the holy city. He despatched Mus’ab bin
and Abdullah ibn Umme Maktoom .
The latter was also a maternal cousin of the Prophet ,
due to his marriage with Hazrat Khadijah .
of Abdullah ibn Umme Maktoom
The Holy Prophet ,
had great affection and love for Abdullah ibn Umme Maktoom ,
and he too was fida (ready to be sacrificed) for the Prophet’s sake.
Although he was blind, he held a very lofty status in the sight of the
Holy Prophet .
Whenever the the Holy Prophet ,
had to be absent himself from Madina, he would appoint one person to
oversee the affairs of the city, and lead Muslims in prayers in the Prophet’s
Mosque. Abdullah ibn Umme Maktoom ,
was chosen for this purpose on a number of occasions.
First Maktab of Madina Munawwarah
The Holy Prophet ,
selected these two companions and sent them to Madina with As’ad bin Zurarah .
As’ad bin Zurarah ,
was the first person from the Ansar (helpers) to embrace Islam at
the hands of the Prophet .
He undertook the responsibility of taking Musaib bin Umair and Abdullah
ibn Umme Makttom radiallahu anhuma, to Madina Munawwarah for the
purpose of teaching the Holy Qur’an.
SecondMaktab of Madina Munawwarah
The second Maktab of Madina was established
by Rafe’ ibn Malik
for the people of his tribe. This Maktab was located outside a large
house. Here he started to teach the Holy Qur’an. This is the very place
where later a Mosque named Masjid-e-Banu Zuraiq was erected. This place
is located directly opposite Masjid Gamamah. Surah Yusuf was the
first Surah to be taught at this Maktab.
Third Maktab of Madina Munawwarah
A third place was Masjid Quba. Here the freed
slave of Abu Huzaifah namely, Salim radiallahu anhuma was Imam as
well as teacher of the Holy Qur’an. Some companions also memorised the
Qur’an under him. This was the biggest Maktab in Madina, the reason
being that it was directly on route from Makkah. Whoever from the Muslims
did Hijrah (migrated) would reside here. This place was also known
as Baitul Uzzab (house of the lonely ones) for the reason that the
Sahabah ,
who made Hijrah arrived here alone for the sake of helping the Prophet ,
and left their wives and children in Makkah in the hands of Allah. At this
place there was accommodation and food for all those people who would arrive.
The responsibility of their taleem and the taleem of the
local Ansar was upon Salim .
at the Maktab of As’ad bin Zurarah
From these three Maktabs, the best place
of residence was at the house of Sayyidina As’ad bin Zurarah .
The Sahabah narrate that his house was located in a very open surrounding.
>From the very initial stage As’ad bin Zurarah ,
had selected this place because people could free themselves from all types
of worries and anxieties, just as our Darul Uloom, Bury and Jamea tul Imam
Muhammad Zakaria, Bradford are also located at similar sites. The site
of As’ad bin Zurarah ,
was a vast open field called Naqeeul Khazamaat the reason for this
name was that a special type of grass named Kuzaihma, which is still
well known, would grow there. At this Maktab Musaib bin Umair and
Ibn Umme Maktoom, radiallahu anhuma, would teach the Holy Qur’an.
very First Jummah Salaah
The first Jummah Salaah was also established at
this site by As’ad bin Zurarah ,
on the instructions of the Holy Prophet ,
before his arrival to Madina Munawwarah. This place (Naqeeul Khazamaat)
is also known as Harre-bani-Bayada.
Other Makatib
Apart form these Makatib, during the Hijrah
from Makkah to Madina, the Prophet
continued this work of establishing Maktabs. The Prophet
during his journey arrived at a place called Gumaim, there Buraidah
Aslami came
to meet him (he had not yet embraced Islam) and invited him to his home.
The Prophet
accepted the invitation and proceeded to his house and invited him to Islam.
On that journey of Gumaim eighty households embraced Islam. Now
just imagine eighty households and in each household there would have been
at least five to ten people; such a large number of people embraced Islam
at once. The Prophet
commenced his taleem by teaching them the opening verses of Surah
Maryam. Then, he appointed Buraidah Aslami
as their teacher and proceeded on his journey. Buraidah fulfilled
this responsibility of taleem in such a manner that he did not even
have the opportunity to visit the Prophet
in Madina. When the Prophet ,
finished from the important battles of Badr and Uhad, he arrived at Gumaim,
and completed the teaching of Surah Maryam.
Significance of Makatib
Respected brothers and friends our manner of taleem
is exactly the same as it was in the early days of Islam. The Sahabah
would learn the Holy Qur’an directly from the Holy Prophet
both Nazrah (reciting by looking inside the Qur’an) and Hifz
(memorization of the Qur’an). This manner of teaching the Holy Qur’an is
so significant and important, that the Holy Prophet
himself initiated it. In other words the foundation of our whole deen
is based upon this taleem. This is why the Prophet
formally established these Maktabs and sent senior Sahabah
to teach at these places.
The gist of my talk up till now was an account
of how the first Maktabs of Islam were established during the lifetime
of the Holy Prophet .
If you study and ponder over the history of Muslims who came after the
Prophet ,
you will no doubt find numerous examples and incidents which will clearly
testify that this method of taleem i.e. establishment of Maktabs,
has remained the most vital and effective way of retaining and preserving
our deen in its original pristine purity. This is also the reason
why the children of those people who established Maktabs maintained
their Islamic identity. A community which fails to do this, will retain
its Islamic identity only with difficulty, if at all.
I hope by now you have understood why I feel you
are worthy of congratulation; Almighty Allah has selected you to take up
this august task of establishing the first purpose built Maktab
in the whole of England. You were also extremely fortunate in having the
honour of building the first purpose built mosque in England. Although
there was a purpose built Mosque in Woking but, that was not under Muslim
control at the time. The other Mosques in England at the time were all
Ibadat Khanas (houses of worship). Again I wish to reiterate that
this is a very noble step you are undertaking. Until today throughout the
whole of England there were no such Maktabs. Any taleem of
our children was taking place in Mosques or in rooms adjacent to Mosques
and in selected homes. May Allah tala make the completion of this Maktab
easy and fast. May He fulfil all its necessities from the ghaib
Our Present
Brothers and friends before I end my talk, I wish
to draw your attention to one very important matter, which I feel is prevalent
amongst us. Listen carefully!
We are seeing that nowadays many Mosques are being
built, much work of deen is carried out and so forth. However, parents
and guardians always seem to be worried about their children. In other
words, every parent is extremely distressed and concerned regarding the
future of his sons and daughters. Astonishingly, if this condition was
only with those people who are not so religious and seperated from the
Mosque it could be understandable. However, it is with regret that this
condition of anxiety regarding one’s children is prevalent amongst even
those who are working for deen and affiliated to the Mosques and
Maktabs. Truly there should have been some difference between the
two. Unfortunately, we see there is none, both are similar regarding their
stance with regards to children. How strange!
Brothers and friends what is the reason for this?
Have we ever pondered over why this misfortune afflicts us?
The Killer Vice
Only Almighty Allah knows the true reason behind
these problems. However, sometimes due to some shortcoming on our part
we find ourselves in such situations, and thus I would like to shed some
light on the aforementioned dilemma.
Brothers and friends! Always remember, the sins
that were committed at the beginning of man’s journey in this world, are
such sins, which are and will remain the most severe. Furthermore, the
consequences of committing such sins will be most appalling and terrible.
You may not fully understand what I am trying to say.
Let me try and explain this in another way. Can
there be a greater worshipper than Shaitan - Iblees? Such a great worshipper
was he, that according to some traditions there was no place between the
heavens and the earth where he had not made sajdah (prostration).
Inspite of all this worship he was cursed by Allah for declining to perform
sajdah to Adam alaihis salam.
The Respected Ulama have commented extensively
to establish which Gunah(sin) or Akhlaq-e-razeelah (debasing
character/trait) lead to Shaitan’s refusal to prostrate? This sin would
then be the very first and most severe sin, and also the most detestable
trait of character. I will recount briefly, some of the opinions mentioned
by the Respected Ulama.
Shaitan thought himself to be greater than Adam
alaihis salam and declined to prostrate.
Shaitan felt that Adam alaihis salam had
just recently been created, so why should he be given such an exalted status
over me and I be made to prostrate before him.
(malice and hatred)
Shaitan had this feeling within himself long before
the creation of Adam alaihis Salam, which finally resulted in his
Ujub (conceit)
Most prominent Ulama are of the opinion that this
was the reason for his downfall. Shaitan due to his worship for thousands
of years had built in his heart the disease of thinking himself to be distinguished,
laudable and the focus of excellencies whilst at the same time thinking
others as inferior to him.
yourself from this vice
Brothers and friends, do you understand now, that
this was the first sin committed; thinking one’s self to be superior and
others as inferior. This is why the Holy Prophet
said “Never say one phrase, “Halaqat Ummati” (Everyone is destroyed),
i.e. everybody is on the wrong path! Everybody is very bad! Everybody is
heading for Jahannam (Hell)! Everybody is doing evil! All Muslims
are leaving deen! Everyone is astray!
For people who proclaim such words the Prophet
has said, “Fahowa Ahlaquhum” (He himself is the most destroyed).
The Prophet
has cursed such a person and made Bud-Dua for him. Why is this?
Because whosoever makes such a statement he is considering himself pious
and superior to others. This evil trait of character is compelling him
to utter such words and issue verdicts regarding others. What right does
he have to do this? Who has authorised him?
Brothers and friends, do you see! Although, we
are erecting Mosques and Maktabs, we do not see any improvement
in our moral and spiritual conditions – who knows, such bitter statements,
which we often utter, at times even without realising, could be the very
reason for our misfortune and downfall.
A Plea
for Reformation
I appeal to you brothers and friends, make a firm
intention that from now on we will never concider someone’s action, word,
possession or the person himself to be inferior to ourselves. What ever
a person may be doing or saying we must never deem him inferior. Why should
we anyway? We should do our oun work. If we keep busy with ourselves, Allah
will put Barakah (blessings) into the work of deen we carry out
in the Mosques and Maktabs and we will witness the fruits and khair
(goodness) of our efforts. I pray again that Allah accept your intentions
and may He fulfil your task easily and swiftly. Ameen
And our last call is that all
praise be to the Lord of the
worlds and peace and blessings be upon the
Master of
the Messengers, his descendants and his companions.
see also: The Value of Knowledge
Teachings of Islam (Part 1)