One day Hazrat Bayazid Bastami while in meditation, saw himself in a synagogue dressed as a Jew. At first he was confused, but when he kept on seeing the same vision over and over again, he decided to put it in to action. So, he dressed himself as a Jew and went to their synagogue. When the Jews and their scholars were present, their chief Rabbi stood
up to speak. But when he stood up, his tongue became stuck and he could
not talk. After he had been standing quietly for some time, the Jews
started to complain. The Rabbi said, “In this gathering there is a follower
of the Prophet Muhammed On hearing this, their anger fled like wild fire and they asked the
Rabbi to give them permission to kill this follower of the Prophet Muhammed The Rabbi then said, “Oh Muhammadi. For the sake of your Prophet please stand up in your place. If you can remove our doubt about Islam then we shall accept Islam, but if you can't, then we shall kill you.” On hearing this, Hazrat Bayazid stood up and gave permission for them to question him. Rabbi: What is one and not two?
And we made night and day two examples. (The darkness of the night and the brightness of the day, sometimes one and sometimes the other is bigger or smaller. Then in the night, the increasing and decreasing of the moon, and the cool and soft moonlight. The sharp hot sunlight in the day, all these are examples of the power of Allah (God) from which their arrangements are separate and from which thousands of benefits come.) Rabbi: What is three and not four?
(There is a difference of opinion on whether the six days are of this
world or of the next world as Allah (God) says,
Meaning that one thousand years here is equal to one day in the Hereafter.) Rabbi: What is seven and not eight?
Who created the seven skies layer upon layer! (It comes in narration of the Prophet Mohammed (Now only four Angels are holding up the Throne, whose piousness or
virtue only Allah (God) knows. But on the day of resurrection another four
will be added to make eight).
(It is possible that those nine persons are like nine groups whose work
was to spread mischief in the kingdom. For correction they never lifted
a foot. In Makkah there was also nine chief who in the time of the beginning
of Islam, endeavored to create more enmity between the Prophet Muhammad
s Rabbi: What is ten and not eleven?
So keep the three Haj (Pilgrimage) days and seven fasts when you return. Rabbi: What is eleven, twelve and thirteen things which Allah has mentioned?
The number of months, with Allah (God), or twelve months. Hazrat Yusuf (Joseph) I saw in a dream eleven stars, the sun and the moon, I saw them (for my sake) prostrating (to me). Rabbi: Which is that nation which lied and went in to paradise and which
is that nation which said the truth and entered hell?
Oh father! We went out to run and we left Yusuf (Joseph) with our belongings, then he was eaten by the wolf. The contradiction between the Christians and the Jews was true but they
went to hell.
And the Jews said that the Christians are not on any path, and the Christians said that the Jews are not on any path, even though they all read the book. (The Jews read the Torah and understand that when the Christians made
Hazrat Isa (Jesus) Rabbi: What is the meaning of Qur’aan chapter 51 verse 1-4: In the name of those flying scattered ships, then weight carrying ships, then calmly sailing ships, then those angels which share out (with the order of Allah (God)? Bayazid: The meaning of flying scattered ships is air, the meaning of
weight carrying ships is a water filled cloud, the meaning of calmly sailing
ships is boat, and the meaning of those angels are the angels which distribute
the sustenance.
And the morning, when it breathes. Rabbi: What are those twenty things that Allah talks with honour?
Then He said to it and to the Earth, come both of you with happiness or hardly, They said we will come happily. Rabbi: Which is that grave which moves the person in it around?
Then the fish took him as a morsel. Rabbi: Which is that water which didn’t come from the earth nor rain
from the sky?
Rabbi: What is that thing which Allah created and then bought?
Allah bought from the Muslim’s their souls (spirits). Rabbi: What is that voice which Allah created and then spoke bad about?
Without doubt the worse voice is of a donkey. (Speak with humbleness. Don’t talk without need. When you speak don’t
go over the limit, and if you want to speak loudly, then remember the voice
of the donkey. It takes its voice out loudly and it is undesirable.)
Certainly your trick is bad. (It is about the story of Hazrat Yusuf Rabbi: What is that thing that Allah created and then asked about?
And what is that in your right hand, Oh Musa? He said “This is my staff.” Rabbi: Who was the most pious of the women and what are the blessed
The month of Ramdhan in which the Qur’aan was revealed in. Qur’aan chapter 97 verse 3: The night of power. It is better than a thousands months. (To do worship on this night is as if worshipping for a thousand months, rather, it is even more). Rabbi: There is a tree which has twelve twigs, each twig has thirty
leafs, and each leaf has five fruits, two in the sun and three in the shade.
What is the meaning of this tree?
Rabbi: What is the voice of the dog called?
And your lord gave order to the honey bee. After this the Rabbi couldn’t ask anymore questions and became quiet. Hazrat Bayazid said, “Now you give me the answer to my one question. What is the key to paradise?” The Rabbi replied, “If I give the answer to this question, this gathering will kill me.” The gathering shouted in one voice “We shall not do anything. Now tell us the true answer!” The Rabbi then said, “Listen! the key to paradise is: There is no God
worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad
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