see also: Profiles of Islamic Months Commencing in the name of the most glorified, He who bestows supreme
command over everyone and everything and He who has prestigiously blessed
us to be amongst His Beloved Prophet's ( Sha'baan is the eighth Islamic month that comes between Rajab and Ramadhaan. The word 'sha'baan' means consecutively escalating and undisturbed increase. There are many virtuous days that Allah Ta'aalaa has blessed His Prophet's
( Yet, look at the ignorance of our Muslim bretheren today, we let things slip through our fingers before our very eyes not realizing that 'time lost is lost forever!' Each breath of a man is a step nearer to his death, nearer to the time of reckoning before His Creator upon the Day of Resurrection. Everyday Allah Ta'aalaa with His love and mercy has allocated a time in which those who call to Him are answered. He has made some days in which mercy has no limits, to those who plead for it. From amongst these times Allah Ta'aalaa has placed before us the month of Sha'baan, in which each deed acted upon, is rewarded more generously as compared to any other day. The arrival of Sha'baan causes the beginning of innumerous blessings that are showered upon us. These blessings progressively escalate so that by mid-Sha'baan the blessings have reached a considerable amount and finally such blessings reach their peak by the end of Ramadhaan. WHY IS SHA'BAAN SO IMPORTANT ? In a Hadith Hazrat Usaama ( "There is a month between Rajab and Ramadhaan called Sha'baan, people are very ignorant towards this month, even though the reward of each deed is greater within it, and the deeds are presented to Allah Ta'aalaa". (Imam Bayhaqi reports this Hadith in his Kitaab Shuab-ul-Iman). It has been narrated by Hazrat Anas ( It has also been stated in the kitaab `Daylami' that the Prophet From the above ahaadith we learn the significance of Sha'baan
and our Prophet's Nowadays Muslims from all over the world are engaged in shopping for Ramadhaan, everybody is engaged in their own worldly thoughts, cares and worries. Some thinking of the future, some preparing for weddings, others checking their bank balance and choosing garments for Eid. On the other hand, Allah Ta'aala is inscribing their final departing breath which maybe before they've even finished their plans, let alone entered Ramadhaan. This month should be spent preparing for Ramadhaan, not in the heart of the city centre but by virtuous acts, so that in Ramadhaan we act upon even more virtuous deeds, hopefully religious duties would have become habitual by Ramadhaan. Many of us do not realize but our beliefs in Sha'baan are such that we believe we may as well commit all increditable acts before the month of Ramadhaan, hoping that upon the arrival of Ramadhaan we will become pious and refrain from evil. This, is self deceit, which is a great shame and loss of very valuable time and rewards. Shab-e-baraa'at 15th Sha'baan One glorious night is most favoured by Allah Ta'aalaa who sends down His blessings and forgiveness to mankind. This auspicious night takes place on the fifteenth night of Sha'baan which has been especially named as `Shab-e-baraa'at', this has the meaning of `Refuge from Hell'. From a narration it has been acknowledged by Hazrat Aisha ( She responded, " Oh Prophet of Allah, I thought that you may have proceeded from me to another of your wives." The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied, " Allah Ta'aalaa on Shab-e-baraa'at descends onto the first of the skies, forgiving more sinners than the hair on the backs of the sheep of `Banu Kalb'." (Ibn Maja) Hazrat Ali (R.A.) narrates that the Prophet ( "When the 15th of Sha'baan proceeds, perform salaat and observe a fast on the following day, as Allah Ta'aalaa on this night descends onto the first of the skies,proclaiming, `Lo! Is there anyone requesting for forgiveness that I may forgive? Is there anyone requesting for provisions that I may provide? Is there anyone in misfortune that I may deliver them from their misfortune?' and so forth enquiring of every need and trouble until sunrise." (Ibn Maja) Commentary :- The greatness and superiority of this night can be gathered from this Hadith. Glad tidings are for those who search earnestly for the shelter of their provider, consequently finding blessings and mercy on this night. In another similar Hadith, Hazrat Abu Musa Ash'ari ( Hazrat Aaisha ( She has also narrated that the Holy Prophet After being informed of the eminence of this night, it is a great shame and misfortune should we forsake this night and not take heed of these narrations. Due to the benefit which one can gain on this night it is recommended to spend this entire night in worship and remembrance of Allah. It has been approved by Ulamaa that one should perform `Salatut-Tasbih' on this auspicious night as the benefit of this salaat is that ones' present, previous, small, large, old, new, known and unknown, hidden and apparent sins are all forgiven through this salaat. INNOVATIONS (BID'AAT) UNDERTAKEN BY MUSLIMS on THIS NIGHT 1) Certain Muslims have conceived the idea that before the arrival of Shab-e-Baraa'at if a person passes away then until the `Fatiha'. (Conducts of Innovative recitations for mercy and such alike) is not completed on Shab-e-baraa'at, the deceased is not regarded as a deceased. 2) Others firmly believe that upon similar nights to Shab-e-baraa'at
(inclusive of Shab-e-Baraa'at) souls of the dead return to houses observing
whether food has been cooked for them. (From several Ahadith it has been
established that on this night the Prophet 3) On this night some people consider it compulsory to cook Masoor lentils.No recognition to its origination can be found to this very day. 4) Out of all the innovations the most practised is the making of Halwa. Some women are thoroughly committed to the making of this dish that they can no longer distinguish between true practises and unfounded customs. A greater emphasis is placed upon the making of Halwa than that of obligatory acts that should be performed on this night. 5) Lit Lanterns are mounted on the walls of homes taking great pride when one's house is brighter lit than his neighbours. 6) The use of fire works on this night and likewise. 7) Cooking rich and special dishes on the 15th and making a show of inviting others, wasting time in celebration. May Allah help and protect us all. Ameen. |
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