Volume 1 Letter 140
From: Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Hadith Sahib (May Allah enlighten his resting place)
To: Hazrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (May his lofty shadow be lengthened)
Date: 17 th Rabiul Awwal1389/2 nd June 1969
Dearest Molvi Hafiz Qari Muhammad Yusuf Sahib
After the sunnah greeting, your letter of affection for the attention of dearest Abdur-Raheem was received upon our return to Makkah Mukarramah from Medina Shareef, the 14 Pounds were included therein. You gave reasons for not writing to me directly, opting instead to request dearest Abdur-Raheem to relay your letter, yet it makes no difference to me either way. As regards to correspondence received here, he both dictates the letters and responds to them. Nonetheless, you are from among those individuals whose thoughts occupy me regardless of whether you write or not.
My heartfelt prayers are maintained for the construction of your madrassa, may Almighty Allah bring it to its desirable and fitting completion. You penned of your desire to visit here, coincidentally yesterday, a person from London, whose name escapes me, arrived here by car. On meeting him, my thoughts immediately turned to you and how convenient it might have been had you travelled with him. I counsel, should you desire to visit, to wait a further two more months, as it will be difficult to sojourn here for six whole months. Nevertheless, when you do arrive, kindly bring your madrassa receipt book with you. This useless-one may decide to stay on; yet, in relation to dearest Abdur-Raheem a prolonged absence from his family is undesirable. I received a letter from his Khala wherein she notified me of her illness and included protestations from his wife.
You penned of sending further monies for dearest Abdur-Raheem, even though I have explicitly prohibited you from doing so, in future there is no need to forward anything for Abdur-Raheem. Your priority is your own outstanding debt, which you must try to settle post-haste. Notwithstanding, had the money you sent for Abdur-Raheem gone toward your own debt, it would have been more pleasing to me. Kindly be mindful not to send postal orders, as they are of little use here, while Sterling is exchanged conveniently anywhere in the market place.
The gentleman who arrived here by car from London has today travelled to Jeddah; hence, I have not had the opportunity to speak to him. After spending a few days there, he will journey on to Medina Munawwara to spend a week there. If pertinent, I consider sending some Dates and Zam-Zam with him, when they arrive accord 15 pieces to Moulana Naseerullah Sahib’s three sons. Confer 10 pieces to both Moulana Khair Gami and Abdul-Aziz Khan respectively along with a little Zam-Zam, as presently after the Asr prayer Ahmed Padia Afriki Sahib presented me with your gift of £5 and Itr, as well as gifts on behalf of the aforementioned gentleman. I have written a note of acknowledgment included within your envelope, if they resides close to you then hand my letter to them personally, otherwise mail it to them.
Two persons have recently arrived from London; they delivered your own gift as well as gifts from your friends. It pleased me immensely to receive them and their acknowledgment is included in your envelope. In today’s mail, I received a letter from somebody who listed 40 persons requesting bay’at; he enclosed a postal order for the purposes of a response and the dispatch of some prescriptive prayer booklets. The post office does not accept anything here; the money exchangers generally accept unmarked Sterling notes, but as you have previously written, there is a possibility of them going missing in transit. The postal order has been handed to someone for exchanging, and then I will write my response and pass on your address. I have previously forwarded your address to numerous people; it is your responsibility to minister them.
I am unaware if Molvi Yakub Sahib was able to arrange the printing of the English rendition of the Prescriptive Prayer booklet. The individual concerned has requested 50 copies, but it was difficult to transmit that quantity from here, consequently I requested Molvi Naseer Sahib to dispatch them to his address via airfreight. Kindly inform me if you possess the English and Gujerati copies of the booklets and how many. Haji Gulam Muhammad Sahib has arranged 200 copies of the Prescriptive Prayer booklet to be printed in Gujerati. The address of the individual who wrote requesting the bay‘at and responsible for the postal order is as follows: Ibrahim Ahmed Bismillah, No 4, Saville Town, Dewsbury.
I remain concerned about your wife’s indisposition; there is no mention of her in yesterday’s letter. Kindly communicate my sunnah greeting and inform her that I pray for her intently. It troubles me that your arm has not mended, may Almighty Allah through his grace and bounty accord you an expeditious, complete and enduring recovery. Convey my sunnah greeting to your Khala Sahiba and Khaloo Sahib. I continue to supplicate on your behalf and offered salutations at the Holy Sepulchre on your behalf numerous times.
I arrived in Makkah Mukarramah on 24 th May with an intention to return to Medina Munawwara on Thursday 5 th June for two to three months. Dearest Abdur-Raheem, Abul- Hasan, Molvi Ismail, along with other colleagues send their sunnah greeting.
That is all. Salaam
Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Hadith Sahib
Dictated to Abdur-Raheem
2 nd June 1969
It has just been brought to my attention that the Sterling for Abdur-Raheem has been refused by the bank, asserting that it is a postal order. I have sent it to a friend, god willing that it can be exchanged.
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