Approximately 1400 years ago.. Great Favour Football? The First Incident The Second Incident Injunction Regarding Football Shirts Fantasy Football A Religious Injunction Regarding Football by a Particular Jurist Conclusion see also: Food in Islam
To take part in any physical activities such as football is clearly permissible and at times beneficial. However, there are certain rules and regulations which the Shari’ah lays down, if these regulations are breached then it will be impermissible. Personally, as a devoted football fan, I write this article with a great burden upon my heart. Always looking for a loophole in which I may be able to dodge the issues these injunctions present me with. However, no luck! Football is an addiction! Every time I ask myself, what do I gain by purchasing a certain (expensive) football kit? I fail to find an answer that balances the need to help clothe the homeless. Approximately 1400 years ago . . . ...the world was engulfed in darkness, indecency was prevalent, cries
for a reformer were loud and clear, the world was begging for the man whom
Allah had promised it, upon its initial creation. Oceans of oppression
and wilderness were overflowing.
Allah bestowed this world with His greatest creation, whom he had promised
would reform the world. Making it a better place to live. After years of
constant striving a small but courageous group of Arab individuals placed
their hearts in his hands. Each and every advice or request made from his
part was treated like a commandment. They promptly sacrificed their health,
wealth and spent their lives on his behalf and on behalf of his revolution, more
importantly for the sake of their Lord. In return their hearts were liberated
from the evils and indecencies of their time, making them the perfect specimens,
to gain salvation and more significantly, he changed their previous barbaric
actions and lifestyle into humane. These people were the ideal humans.
The Quran constantly describes their attributes. To make the Muslims fully
aware that salvation only remains in following their footsteps, a salvation
of this world and the Hereafter.
Football, over the years has expanded. Previously, it had been a harmless
sport, in which twenty-two men kicked an inflated piece of leather, and
presently it has become a monopoly in which the fan is completely brainwashed,
conned and bewitched! Previously, a Muslim would relax by watching a match
or two; presently, its an addiction. To make my point clear on how the
football factory’s psychological process in brainwashing the fan takes
place, read on. Throughout this year, a satellite broadcasting company
has been displaying a billboard in which the slogan ‘Football no longer
remains a game. Football is a religion!’ was advertised. Whose religion?
Mine? Yours? Negative!
In another incident a so called philosopher, was foolishly made to look like one of the greatest philosophers ever when he made the statement, ‘Football is life!’ He logically, by means of two phrases, deduced ‘Football is a game!’ Now even if we (for the sake of argument) accept this, he then goes on to say, ‘Life is a game!’ Blowing everything out of all proportions! Islam on the other hand teaches that life is a grazing ground for the Hereafter; a test and a tribunal. By merging the first term (subject) and the second term (predicate) and omitting the syllogism (Had-e-ausat) he came to the conclusion (Major Term) that, ‘Football is life!’ Well, quite clearly this shows the importance given to football over precious life. If you were to ask a typical (Muslim) football fan, "Name me your football team’s first eleven?" he would be able to name them with relative ease. On the contrary, if he was to be asked far more serious Islamic matters, such as, "How many compulsory acts are there in Salaah and what are the consequences if you fail to comply with them?" The response would be a muted silence. If you were to ask him, "How many children did the Prophet have and how many mothers do the believers have etc." the answer again would be a muted silence. Apparently, these are the most primary and basic questions one can ask another. Our love for the Kuffar (plural non-believer) is manifest even over Islam, regarding these people who hold intimate friendship with the Kuffars (over an above mutual respect), there are many Qur’anic ayaahs cautioning and warning. The Prophet 's ahadeeth are also numerous. A Hadith which should really soften the heart, is: Imam Bukhari (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Hurairah "That the Prophet of Allah has stated; "I swear by He, in whose hands my life lies, that none of you are true believers until I am not more beloved to him than his parents, children and the whole mankind."
A couple of years back Southampton F.C were caught dog fighting in the relegation zone. One of their greatest players ever, secured their Premiership life by playing extremely brilliant at decisive times. Whenever Matt Le Tissier would go forward to take a corner, the spectators upon his arrival would bow and prostrate before him. Not once, nor twice, but numerously. Blatant Shirk (ascribing partners with Allah) and guess who watches this type of shirk? Our children and their parents watch with them! As I previously mentioned, it no longer remains harmless. The Second Incident
Injunction Regarding Football Shirts The matter regarding football shirts (tops) is simple. Firstly, the
Muslims’ imitation of the kuffar is impermissible. Again the Prophet
has given grave warnings regarding it.
a) Wearing football shirts which advertise breweries b) Wearing red football shirts c) These injunctions, regarding wearing football shirts in which advertisements of breweries are made are totally im-permissible in Islam. Firstly, on the basis of squandering wealth. The cost of each top is exhorbitant and the Qur’an is clearly states against the over spending of such clothing. It is mentioned in the Qur’an: "Verily the spendthrifts are brothers of the shaytaan and shaytaan was ungrateful to his Lord."
Regarding this the Qur’aan states: "Do not help one another to commit sin and transgression."
Imaam Tirmizi (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates on the authority of Anas ibn Malik "that the Prophet has cursed ten people who deal with ‘khamr’ (intoxicants). One who crushes, one who is engaged in crushing it, one who drinks, one who carries it, the one to whom it is carried, one who gives it to drink, one who sells it, one who devours its price, one who purchases and the one for whom it is purchased". From this we can perceive that whosoever has any link or connection with the buying and selling of intoxicants has been cursed by the Prophet of Allah . We can also claim through the sternness of this hadith, the prohibition of advertising (of intoxicants). The religious injunction concerning the wearing of red shirts is that many jurists declare it haraam and impermissible. However, the most dominant view amongst the jurists which is stated, in Durrul Mukhtar: "To wear red clothing is undesirable (makrooh-e-tanzihi)."
Another addiction, which has been brought out to fool the public, is
fantasy football. By changing the appearance of something and brandishing
it with a different name will not change its realities and facts.
In the Qur’aan, the harm and ill effects of gambling have been explained in many ayahs, which there remains no need to make explicit. A Religious Injunction Regarding Football Given by a Particular Jurist This is an extremely fine matter to comment on. Many jurists, such as
Mufti-e-Azam of Pakistan, Moulana Rashid Ahmed Ludhyanwi have dealt with it at length. His point of view is as follows:
1. Possibilities of physical loss and incidents are manifest to justify. 2. Financial losses are could become apparent i.e. breaking of windows, causing harm to building sites and homes. 3. Football’s financial, physical and religious harms are apparent (many have been quite clearly pointed out through this article). 4) The aspect of futile entertainment and baseless pleasures are dominant and manifest over the aspect of physical exercise. He relates four points explaining this matter: 1. The aspect of physical activities and futile entertainment should never be dominant over physical exercise. Such is the case in football. 2. For mere physical exercise, others don’t gather to spectate in the same manner which is encountered in football. 3. Television viewing of football squanders hours upon hours of a person’s time, which is haram. 4. In physical exercises, no one goes over the appointed limit. Which so blatantly is the case in football. In football hours pass and the player is not aware of the time. With the above points, Mufti Rashid clearly explains his opinion and his injunction he issues on the matter of football. Throughout this booklet, I have mentioned the negative aspects, which
would make football impermissible by bringing the view of a leading jurist.
However, one should not be deceived and take an extreme role in the abolishing
of football from our streets. Undoubtedly, through ahaadith it has been proven that to look at the satar (thighs) of a living or dead human is haram. Other aspects such as
spending excessive hours playing it or wasting time will again issue the very same verdict.
Causing intentional harm to fellow footballers will also conclude with
the same injunction.
"The physical exercises which have no apparent link to martial/military, if these types of exercise are for the sole purpose and sake of keeping fit so that they are means of aid in religious and worldly matters are not in itself only permissible but also to an extent necessary. However, there are a number of pre-requitals which are as follows (These have been previously mentioned above in his verdict)"
I pray to the Almighty, make this article not only beneficial to me but also to the entire mankind. We invoke blessings on the greatest creation of the Almighty, the Holy Prophet Muhammad , may Allah be pleased with him, all his companions and followers till the Day of Judgement. (Aameen) |
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