HAZRAT SHAIKH MOOSAJI MEHTER TADKESHWARI Rahmatullahi alai Being a Translation of Imam-e-Ahle Sunnah Maulana Abdush-Shakoor Lakhnowi’s ‘Karamate Musaweeyah’ Foreword by: Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib Principal of Darul Uloom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, Bury, U.K. Senior Khalifah of Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Muhammad Zakaria Sahib Rahmatullahi alai ![]() Translator’s Note The Life & Miracles of Hazrat Shaikh Moosaji Mehter Tadkeshwari Rahmatullahi alai. The Holy Naqshbandiyya Spiritual Tree. Translator’s Note I undertook the translation of ‘Karamate Musaweeya’ on the instruction of my Shaikh Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Motala sahib (May Allah grant him a lengthy life). Work on the book commenced in 1995 which was my final year of studies at Darul Uoom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, Bury, England. However, it was not possible until recently to complete this work. In producing this translation I have sought to maintain a balance between a literal translation of the original Urdu book on the one hand, and the need for fluidity in reading on the other. I was also instructed by my Shaikh to use simple vocabulary, in order to make the book accessible to all groups. I have tried to do this to the best of my ability. I apologise to all readers for any shortcomings, grammatical, compositional or otherwise, that may have occurred in the preparation of this work. The reader is advised not to read this book with a view to criticism. If errors are sought then no doubt many will emerge. However, if read with an open mind in search for spiritual advises, these pages will provide countless such gems. Inshallah, they will assist the reader in his spiritual reformation and guide him on his journey towards the ‘Love of Allah’. Finally, I wish to thank all those who have assisted in the publication of this book. May Allah accept our humble efforts and grants us salvation in the Hereafter (Ameen). 29 Safar 1417 - 4 July 1997 Foreword The current condition, which the Muslim Ummah is experiencing, is one of great confusion and disturbance. One reason for this is the negligence of an important commandment of the Holy Qur’an. Almighty Allah says: THE COMPANY OF THE SAADIQEEN (THE HOLY MEN OF ALLAH)." By reading about these men, following their examples and most importantly sharing their company, ones life will begin to reform and one will acquire the spiritual benefit, which flows on the earth through their agency. It is therefore essential that the Ummah at large give practical expression to the above instruction. This book on ‘The Life and Miracles of Hazrat Shaikh Moosaji Mehter Tadkeshwari Rahmatullahi alai’ provides unique material for every seeker who wishes to tread the path of his pious predecessors. Hazrat and his Mashaikh lead exemplary lives, establishing beyond doubt that the prophetic way of life has always been and will always be, within the capability of every individual. I pray to Almighty Allah that He accept the efforts of the translator and publishers and make this book a source of benefit to the Muslim Ummah (Ameen). Rajab 1418 - November 1997 Yusuf Motala SECTION ONE THE LIFE & MIRACLES OF HAZRAT SHAIKH MOOSAJI MEHTER TADKESHWARI Rahmatullahi alai All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him. We seek His assistance and forgiveness. We believe in Him and place our trust in Him. We seek refuge in Allah from the mischief of our souls and our bad actions. He whom Allah guides no one can mislead, and he whom Allah misleads, no one can guide. We bear testimony that there is no deity except Allah. He is alone and has no partner and we bear testimony that our leader and master Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. O Allah, shower your everlasting peace and blessings on him and on his descendants and his companions. Name: Moosaji son of Hussain son of Ahmed (May Allah be pleased with them all). Motherland: Tadkeshwar was his motherland, a town situated approximately 36 miles from Surat. Initially there used to be a city at this place, by the name of Bheem-Nagar. The ruling king was Bheem. When the Muslims conquered this place, it started to be called ‘Tark-Sar’. Tark meaning Muslims, by which the Hindus called them at that time, and Sar meaning conqueror. Eventually, as time progressed both words were combined into one resulting to ‘Tadkeshwar’. It can also be observed from old stones still found in the town, with the name of Conqueror Sultan Mahmood Gajnawi engraved upon them, from which it could be assumed that he was the conqueror of this town. Birth and Upbringing: Hazrat’s exact date of birth is unknown. However, when calculating backwards from his age at the time of death, which was 55 years according to his sister, it can be assumed that he was born in 1254 AH. From a very early age Hazrat became an orphan. His respected mother took up the task of upbringing him from that time. While still suckling, Hazrat’s mother would present him in the presence of A’ala Hazrat Maulana Nizamuddin sahib Rahmatullahi alai, who with inclination and persistence adopted him as his son. He also took up the responsibility of sustenance and ordered his mother to bring him daily in his presence. From this early age his arrival in the presence of A’ala Hazrat commenced. Some Fuqara (pious mendicants) gave glad tidings of Hazrat becoming a great pious saint even before his birth. For instance one Majzoob (one lost in divine meditation) by the name of Nangai Mia (who used stay naked because his clothes would burn away), used to come to Tadkeshwar from Baruch. On one occasion Hazrat’s grandmother who was inclined to this Majzoob sahib requested him that he make dua that Allah tala grant them a son. The Majzoob sahib commented, "What will you do with a son?" Then he pointing towards Hazrat’s mother, who was still in her childhood, and said, "This girl will bear such a son who will be a great and pious saint." Thereafter, he presented the household with a handkerchief and a ring, which he ordered to be given to that child. By chance the local person at whose house the Majzoob sahib was staying at found out about this favour. So, out of jealousy and envy he stole the handkerchief and ring. Hazrat’s grandmother went and informed the Majzoob sahib regarding the theft. On hearing this the Majzoob sahib commented, "Who ever has stolen these things his house will be destroyed." Hence three sons of that person died. After realizing the outcome of the mistake the person presented himself with the handkerchief and ring and apologized to the Majzoob sahib, who in return said, "There is no need for this now." Features & Appearance: He was of medium stature, but a little towards tall. His colour was brown. Due to excessive hard work and hardship he had become thin, to such an extent, that only his skin and bones remained. The veins of his neck could also be seen. During his last illness before passing away Hazrat said to himself, "Oh body, you haven’t even left enough food in you that will enable you to go into the grave." He had sharp eyesight. His nose was long. Both his hands and fingers were also long. The face was a lovely oblong shape. His beard was thick but not extremely. His eyebrows were spread out and his forehead was broad. On the sides of the forehead it seemed as though he had trimmed the hair. Hazrat always used to keep his hair trimmed short. His head was moderately large. He had a wide mouth. His teeth were large, white and sparkling. He had some hair on his chest. All parts of his body were equal in size but due to his weakness this could not be recognised. His chest was broad and moderate in length. The muscles in his bones were chubby. He would generally walk with a fast pace; however, he would place his feet on the ground softly. His eyes would be focused more towards the ground. When he looked at something he would look fully. It was not his habit to look from the side of his eyes. Most of the time he would remain in Muraqabah (contemplation and conscious remembrance of Allah). He would keep a constant glance over his condition. He would be the first to offer Salaam. Means of Livelihood: Hazrat’s forefather’s livelihood was dependent upon farming. However, unfortunately due to some unexpected circumstances most of their farming land was destroyed. When the small patch of land that was left became insufficient, Hazrat would go to the jungle to collect firewood, which he would sell and make a living. Within a short time, Almighty Allah re-granted Hazrat some new land, on which he started farming. This remained his craft until he passed away. Hazrat would undertake all the required labour of farming himself, i.e. ploughing the fields, sowing the seeds and cutting the corn etc. Sometimes people would try to disgrace him whilst he carried out such tasks. Some of his Mureeds (disciples), who were scholars would say, "Hazrat when we come to you and see that you are busy in such work, it makes us feel ashamed." Hazrat would reply, "Should I beg to feed you?" In essence he would not regard effort and hardship, of any kind, a means of disgrace for himself. If Hazrat willed he could have made Peeri (being a spiritual guide) and Mureedi (having disciples), a means of vast favours. There would have been no need to carry out such hard labour, but by his own accord he never accepted this. Once the late Nawab Siddiq Khan sahib, the Governor of Bopal requested Hazrat that, he with all his family should move and settle down in Bopal, where he also promised to give them an estate. But, Hazrat turned down this offer. Apart from this Hazrat also knew Dast-e-Gaib (supernatural financial help to Saints). In respect he had taught Mullah Abdul Gafoor sahib Bukhari who was the student of Hazrat Maulana Abdul Gafoor sahib and Maulana Lutfullah sahib Aligari the act of Dast-e-Gaib. He carried out the act and attained five rupees. But, as Mullah sahib had not paid his Zakaat and did not conceal the secret, he could not retain it. Student Life: The student life of Hazrat is not known in any depth. Only this much could be recalled that he was taught fifteen paras of the Qur’an and some necessary masaa’il by Ahmed Saeed sahib the Imam of Jame Masjid in Tadkeshwar. Apart from this it seems that he did not study further. It is also known that he taught some Urdu booklets on necessary masaa’il and the recitation of the Qur’an to some people. A few people also memorised the Qur’an by him. He, himself knew the Qur’an in such a manner that if any one from the Huffaz was to make a mistake in the Tarawih Salaat, he would immediately rectify them. He would recite the Qur’an in an Arabic tone, the listeners would imagine that it was a pure Yamani person reciting. He could read and understand all kinds of Arabic, Urdu and Persian writings. However, he would only answer in Urdu or Gujrati. His handwriting was very clear and in the most common script. His dictation was mostly accurate but occasionally he would commit some errors. Characters and Virtues: His kindness towards the creations of Allah was such that the needy were always queuing at his doorstep. They would request for a Taweez (amulet), or would ask him to blow upon them, whilst others would come to request his duas for their cases, and even for their lost cows and buffaloes. Inspite of his continuous illness and sitting difficulties due to it, he would never make an excuse to turn away the needy. He would try to fulfill all their needs and would always accept them with open hands. If someone would invite him for dinner he would always accept the invitation and would never openly decline. However, if the food being served was derived from Haraam means he apologised with great politeness but even after this if his host was still persistent he would not break the person’s heart and would occasionally attend. It so happened that once he attended an invitation of some usurers. In such cases he would return after the meal and vomit the food consumed. If for some reason he could not vomit, he would become seriously ill. This illness would last for some time. He would advice those Mureeds who would refrain from attending such invitations and would not consider that the invitor would become upset, to follow his example and not break anyone’s heart. When people visited Hazrat, he would remain seated with them until they would leave, never would he stand up to leave whatever the hardship or necessity he would be in. During the latter part of his life, he started to suffer from dropsy, because of this it became very difficult to stay seated, even in this condition when people visited him he would remain seated with them until they left. When one of his servants would aid him to stand he would say, "Why did you lift me?" Once when he was alone at night devoted in Muraqabah some people came to see him, amongst them was a rude person who, without giving any notice of their presence placed his hand on Hazrat’s back. This startled him and caused him grief. Inspite of this, he did not say anything nor did his face show any disappointment. Another, incident, which demonstrates his exalted standard of character, is when he sent his son to study by one of his inclined ones, who was a Maulana sahib. At the time the Maulana sahib had a need to renovate his house so he made the son, who had come to study, work like a labourer. He would make him lift baskets and take hard work from him. He kept the son busy in this work for three months and did not teach him anything. When Hazrat came to know of this pathetic and heart rendering incident and even after observing for himself the reality, still he did not say anything to the Maulana sahib. Instead, when he saw the Maulana sahib regretful and ashamed he commented, "There is no obstacle, we are farmers and we don’t feel ashamed of carrying out such work." With these words he left leaving his son behind. When the renovation work was complete he called his son back. Some people would openly speak out with cruelty and harshness in front of Hazrat, but he would never become angry. When these same people would become indulged in any hardships and would come to Hazrat regarding their needs, he would fulfill their desires without showing any discontent. He would never backbite or talk bitter regarding any individual. Hazrat’s condition of concealing himself and hiding his exalted status was such that for a long time people did not know he was a Saint, and a person who possessed spiritual powers. He would always wear the clothes of a farmer, people only realised after observing his miracles that he was also a great Saint. It was a regular practice of Hazrat that he would often take a deep breath and sigh. Another, great quality of Hazrat was to conceal the mistakes and faults of others. Regarding this, two incidents are mentioned which will clearly testify to this. Incident Number 1: Once a person, who had come for spiritual rectification and was staying in the Masjid, looked at a girl who had come to the Masjid to fill water. The person tried to distract his glance from looking at the girl but unfortunately he was unable to do so, and the thought sank into his heart. The particular day was a Friday and it was the custom of the people that they would shake hands with Hazrat after the Friday Salaat. This person out of shame did not have the courage to shake hands. Immediately, Hazrat looked at the person with anger, the person lowered his face and realised that his condition had been exposed to Hazrat. Within himself the person started to say, "It’s not my fault, I was not able to control it." As soon as the glance of Hazrat fell upon the person his whole condition changed. In actual fact, Hazrat had extracted and removed all that which was within the person. Later after emerging from the Masjid he commented to the Musallees (those who perform Salaat in the Masjid), "Look, the Ulama are staying in our Masjid and it is a shame and disgrace for us that the womenfolk come here to fill their water. Why don’t they stop coming here?" All the people became astonished by these words of Hazrat, no one knew for what reason Hazrat had made this announcement. Later the person himself informed the people regarding his incident. Incident 2: When Hazrat was leaving for Haj, he entrusted Moosa Jogi a person from Surat to keep one hundred rupees. After his return, at the time of returning the amount Moosa Jogi said, "Please check that it is right." Ismail Patel, the person who was present, counted the amount and found ten rupees missing. Immediately, Hazrat hinted with his eyes to Ismail Patel and spoke out, "OK, the amount is right." There are many incidents of Hazrat enacting in this manner to conceal the faults of others. Mode of Life: Hazrat’s conduct with his family was always one of loving and affection. He would always give them good advice regarding Deen. If he saw anything in them which was against his pleasure he would show patience. He would spend on them according to his capability. He would always be happy with visitors coming. It was rare that he would not have visitors at his house. The majority of visitors would be the Ulama and auspicious people. He would say, "When visitors come we have nice food to eat, when they leave we are left to eat stewed food." Amongst food he had a deep desire for milk. When this was available he would eat more than his usual diet. In the morning he would consume rice boiled in pulse, and in the evening he would eat chapati made from barley. This would be his daily food. When someone in the house was sick or for some other reason there was nobody to cook the food then he would prepare it himself. He also knew the craft of tailoring. When the necessity would arise he would sew clothes for himself and his family. There were no servants in the house to do the work. Hazrat and his family carried out all the household duties. However, there was a Hindu servant, who worked in the fields, he began to recite Bismillah and the Kalima Tayyibah, even though he was not taught. His clothing was a kurta, pajama and topi (hat). The kurta and pajama were made from cotton. On Fridays he would also wear an Amama (turban). When he felt a need or took medicine for diarrhea he would wear a belt on the lower part of the body for comfort. The bedding of Hazrat was a thick blanket, which a person had made for him after much persuasion. This, he used for a very long time. Mujahadah (Effort & Struggle):As it has already been mentioned that Hazrat had become an orphan from childhood and A’ala Hazrat showed great love and affection towards him. When Hazrat grew up and started to have some understanding A’ala Hazrat asked him, "What would you like to learn Amalyat (treatment through practices and recitations), or to proclaim the name of Allah, Allah?" A’ala Hazrat had a combination of both things within him. Hazrat replied, "What will I do by learning Amalyat. I want to proclaim Allah, Allah!" This answer impressed A’ala Hazrat who became very pleased and taught Hazrat the way to do Istikharah (to ask guidance from Allah). The following day when A’ala Hazrat asked what did you dream last night, he replied, "I saw a Noor (light) in the shape of a trunk which came down from the Arsh (throne of Allah) and settled down in my heart." After listening to this A’ala Hazrat’s eyes were filled with tears. He requested Hazrat to do Istikharah again. The next day Hazrat said, "Last night I saw a rope coming down from the sky. I held the rope and climbed up. Then I came down again. This, I did a few times, but on the third occasion, I did not climb up again after coming down." A’ala Hazrat commented, "I wish you had not come down, however your family will not let you go." After this he taught him some Ashgall (recitals & practices). Hazrat would carry out these Ashgall during night, because during the day he would be extremely busy working to earn a living. Hazrat would often say, "I had no time during the daytime and if I fall asleep at night, I would abandon my Wazifah (daily recitals). Thus, I would not sleep during the night. This remained my condition for some time, until I began to be overcome by sleep. Then I decided it was wintertime so I would walk around in the courtyard of the Masjid and recite my Wazifah. When this also failed I would wet my clothes and wear them. When this too failed, I would sit in a pool of water and recite my Wazifah. This remained my condition for some time." A’ala Hazrat had instructed Hazrat to hold his breath and carry out Nafi (denouncing all except Allah) and Ithbat (taking the name of Allah in a positive manner) this he practiced to such an extent that he could hold his breath for up to thirty minutes at any one time. This was also in the time of poverty and there would be nothing made from meat available to eat. Hence, the dryness and the heat of this practice had such an effect upon Hazrat, that bits from his brain would melt and come down from his nose. However, this was during his youth so he did not ever feel it. It was only by chance that once he mentioned this to A’ala Hazrat, who immediately stopped him from this practice. He also arranged food, made from chicken to be sent to Hazrat daily. Since Hazrat started to sleep at night he would lie down from 11 o’clock up to 2 o’clock and would say, "Three hours of sleep is sufficient." The Three hours he slept would be such that his eyes would sleep and his heart would be wide-awake. In this condition he would have a Tasbeeh (chain of prayer beads) in his hand and his eyes would be closed. His hands would be moving the beads continuously. Whenever he felt the slightest of laziness in the movement of his fingers, he would shout out Subhaan-Allah and awaken himself. His Tasbeeh would start to move about casually again. During the latter part of life when he began to suffer from dropsy, he would say, "In this condition I recite the remembrance of Allah twenty-five thousand times a day and before this I used to recite it fifty thousand times." From the remembrance of Allah, it is meant that Zikr, which is done willingly. Apart from this the remembrance of Allah that occurs involuntarily, which comes out from the fibre and veins of the pious Saints is unaccountable. The quantity of this latter Zikr remains the same in illness and in health. Salaat and Purity were two things highly regarded as significant to Hazrat. When he would travel from Tadkeshwar to Bombay, he would perform wudhu for Magrib Salaat at Keem Jogi station (Tadkeshwar’s train station) and would remain in the state of wudhu and would perform his Fajr Salaat with the same Wudhu when the train arrived in Bombay. In offering his Farz Salaat he had taken upon himself Jamaat as necessary. While traveling, if his place of stay would be far away from a Masjid, he would undertake much hardship to attain Salaat with Jamaat. On one occasion when he arrived in Surat, he left the train with only a short time remaining before Magrib. The stay in Surat was also extremely short, however, he still hurried and went to a Masjid, which was quite a distance and performed Salaat with Jamaat. His Salaat was composed of moderation and devotion. He would also lead the Jamaat on some occasions. When Maulana Aleem-uddin sahib Saharanpuri, who was an old aged person and had settled down in Bombay, once had the opportunity of performing Salaat behind Hazrat. He described the Salaat to Maulana Abdul Hai sahib who was at that time staying in Bombay with these words, "Oh, Salaat behind Hazrat Moosajee was such! The particular condition which I felt upon my heart during the Salaat I have never felt before." While making dua he would show humility and would be very humble. His duas would be long with effects of humbleness and respect appearing on his face. In this manner he would make dua after each obligatory Salaat. With regard to his Nawafil Salaat he did not have a regular habit of reading them excessively, however, he would only read them excessively on the nights such as 15 Sha’baan, Night of Qadar and the night before the day of Arafah. Once he said, "I have never missed the night of Qadar." He also informed the people of a rule to find out the exact night of Qadar. Unfortunately, the people present did not listen with concentration. When they asked again on another occasion, he did not reply. It was his habit that when people did not concentrate whilst he was talking, it would bring grief to him and he would not repeat his words again. It was his practice that he would call out the Fajr Azaan in his Jame Masjid. His voice would be loud and full of fear. Before saying the Azaan he would stroll about reciting in a loud tone Tasbeehat and Takbirat such as Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailaha illallahu Wallahu Akbar. At the time it would seem wonderful, only that person would really understand who had listened to the Tasbeehat and the Azaan. He also had a talent of predicting the times of Salaat, he would immediately find out the beginning time of each Salaat. Once the people asked him, "Do you have a watch?" He replied, "I have such a watch that never makes mistakes." He would keep Nafil fasts with concealment, at most times not even his near ones would find out. The Qurbani of Eid-ul-Adhaa was also something very significant and important to Hazrat. Hazrat was bestowed with the gift of performing Haj and Ziyaarat once. He fulfilled this obligation with much virtue and quality. During this visit his mother was also accompanying him, Mullah Shoaib sahib asked, "Hazrat, your mother is weak, where are you taking her?" He replied, "We will leave her there." Thus, it so happened that she passed away in Madina Munawwarah. During his stay in Madina Munawwarah he would spend the whole night in Masjid-e-Nabwi. As it is the common practice of the Servants of Haram that they would send all the people out of the Masjid after the Eesha Salaat, but nobody would confront Hazrat. Only Allah knows if he would vanish from their sights or what else would happened. A person once asked him in this regard, he replied, "I requested by clinging to the fences of the sacred shrine that I be granted this. It was accepted." The journey of Haj was carried out in 1303 A.H. Faaiz (spiritual influence): The creations of Allah benefited from Hazrat both with External Faaiz and with Internal Faaiz. External Faaiz:The condition of delivering this would be carried out both physically and spiritually. An example of the former method is that he would give out a Taweez,Faleeta (charms to burn, method used against evil spirits etc.) or make Dua, so that the persons needs were fulfilled. Sometimes, he would also prescribe some kind of medicine for the illness. The example of the later method is that if someone would come and ask for help in their case or would reveal the condition of their beloved ones that were sick, then Hazrat would just say, "Go your purpose will be fulfilled." Some incidents regarding this type of Faaiz will be mentioned under the chapter of Hazrat’s miracles. Internal Faaiz: It should be understood that the Saints of Allah convey this type of Internal Faaiz in two ways. Firstly, the seeker is put under effort and gradually he undertakes the path of Sulook (the path to spiritual reformation and to gain nearness to Allah). The example of this is like a student who proceeds gradually after every lesson. This type is common amongst the Saints. The second type is that the seeker is put under no effort. He achieves and attains the gift of Sulook in an instant. This type is expressed very rarely. Both types can be understood by this example. Someone is asked to bring oil, then he is told to make a wick, and then informed how to inflame it. If the person goes according to the directions and constructs the things required with his effort, then his lamp will illuminate. This is the example of the first type. But, if the lamp of a person were illuminated without the person bringing oil or wick, taking no effort from him at all, this would be the example of the second type. It should be made clear at this point that Hazrat conveyed both types of Faaiz. However, when the latter type is compared with his External Faaiz and also bearing in mind his exalted status it seems much less. The true wisdom behind this only He-the creator knows ‘And you will not, unless (it be) that Allah wills.’ The logical explanation could also be the fault of the seekers. This will become evident from the forthcoming stories. As people had become aware of Hazrat’s status and had found out that he could convey the second type of internal Faaiz, it is for this reason that they would not pay much attention to the first type. Whoever came would try to attain the second type. From amongst the seekers of the second type there were also those who were not sincere, while others wouldn’t have much eagerness. For this reason Hazrat would not pay much attention to them and would say, "The one who comes with full desire will attain it instantly." The conveyance of the second type of Faaiz from Hazrat was carried out without asking. A few incidents are related here. Incident 1: Once a person from a place near Surat accompanied Hazrat from Tadkeshwar up to Keem Jogi station. Another devotee of Hazrat Ahmed Diwan sahib was also present. During the journey the person started to press Hazrat’s legs, upon this Hazrat became happy and changed his internal condition by gifting him with the second type of internal Faaiz. Instantly, Jazb (deep spiritual absorbtion) overcame the person. When he returned back to his town and felt the extreme heat he wrote to Hazrat of his condition and informed him that it was unbearable. When his letter arrived, Ahmed Diwan sahib was again present by Hazrat who said after reading the letter. "He is well again, or else he would become mad and the boys would tease him." Ahmed Diwan sahib says that when I inquired regarding his condition I found out that his condition had changed at that precise time and the state he was in had been extinguished. Incident 2: The late Maulana Noor Jamal sahib Peshawari who use to live in Bulsar and was also the Imam of the Jame Masjid came to Hazrat after hearing about him. On his arrival and after listening to his intention of self-reformation, he was prescribed with the customary recital to be prayed twenty-five thousand times. Upon this the Maulana who was aware of the fact that the destination could be reached without any effort said. "I also know this, I will attain it without effort and I will not leave unless I am granted it." Hearing this Hazrat as usual tried to ignore the matter. However, when he observed the Maulana’s continued persistence he said. "OK go to Surat." The Maulana said "If I reach Surat and I don’t feel anything I will come back." Hazrat responded "OK, then return." When the Maulana arrived in Surat and went to a small Masjid near the station he started to feel and witness Lataif (the favoured grace). Incident 3: When Hazrat traveled to Banda which is next to Bombay he was staying on the top floor of Fazil Bhai’s house. A person by the name of Kaku Mia who was like a beggar and a resident of Banda came to the house where Hazrat was staying. The people present on the bottom floor of the house were Fazil Bhai, Qazi Ameeruddin sahib (Imam of Jame Masjid in the district of Nowapui), Haji Rahmatullah sahib and some others. Someone from those present said to the beggar, there is a pious Saint who has come and he is staying on the top floor. The beggar spoke some very harsh words making a joke and said "I have seen many Saints, Okay I will go and test him out." So he went and sat close to Hazrat, immediately Hazrat began to deliver his Faaiz until every part of his body began to do the remembrance of Allah. When the beggar realised this condition he said, "Hazrat I don’t want this I want money." But Hazrat continued his Faaiz. When he could not take anymore he got worried and ran off. When he reached the bottom floor he related his condition to the people who were present and said, "Indeed he is a very pious Saint." Those present denounced him and said, "You have been stupid to let go of such a big favour, many people come and stay with him in order to attain this great gift and not many people are able to achieve it. Incident 4: Maulana Mahmood sahib Surtee came to Hazrat during his final moments prior to him passing away. Hazrat’s eyes were closed so after Magrib Salaat he called out to Hazrat aloud. On hearing his voice he opened his eyes and asked "Molvi sahib do you want anything?" He replied "Hazrat this is the time." Upon this Hazrat gave his tongue into the mouth of the Maulana. But, unfortunately within a short time he became disappointed due to something and pushed him away. The Maulana fell down and was overcome with Baykhudi (deep spiritual ecstasy). His condition became such that he didn’t even realise that this was the final movements of Hazrat and went straight to Keem Jogi Station and caught the train back to his hometown. When he was at Keem Jogi Station the sound of Allah, Allah was coming from his heart and everyone could hear this sound clearly. This remained his condition until his last time. That same night Hazrat passed away. As explained earlier Hazrat conveyed the amount of Internal Faaiz of the second type, which is conveyed instantly, very little. One reason for this was that sometimes he would ask the seekers in such a way that the question would be compendious. The seekers would misunderstand the question and answer incorrectly or at that instance the right answer would not be given. A few examples are mentioned here in this respect. Examples: 1. Once he began to ask his second wife, "Do you want to become mad? Do you want to become mad?" He repeated this question a number of times. Ahmed Diwan sahib who was sitting nearby tried to hint to her to say yes. But, at that precise moment she did not understand. Later when she did understand and asked Hazrat he replied "The time has elapsed, now what!" 2. Once the late Maulana Noor Jamal sahib was sitting at the Jame Masjid in Tadkeshwar. Suddenly Sultan-ul-Athkar (a condition in which every part of the body performs Zikr) overcame him, Zikr was running through his hands and feet. Hazrat at that time was running through the fields in a very happy mood from which it could be assumed that Hazrat had influenced Sultan-ul-Athkar upon the Maulana. Upon Hazrat’s arrival he asked the Maulana, "Do you want to have Kashf?" (Knowledge through mystical means) He replied, "Yes." Hazrat asked, "With or without effort?" He replied, "With effort." Hazrat commented, "You have been deprived of it if you would have only said, without effort you would have achieved it instantly." In response to this he said "Yes, I want it without effort." Hazrat said, "Now what! You should have said it in the beginning now the time has gone!" The reason that Hazrat’s conveyance of internal Faaiz of the first type was also limited is that there would be no seeker for that except a few rare ones. However, when some seekers through the second type would fail in their attempt (as previously mentioned) then they would resort to the first type. Hazrat would escort these people through the various stages of Sulook, according to the teachings of the Saintly ones. His habit was to convey Faaiz secretly and quietly. If an outsider saw Hazrat he would not realise what he was doing, he would convey spiritual influence from his sitting place while the seeker would be sitting or lying down. During this time if someone would have a Waswasa (a distracting thought) he would cough and caution the seeker. The condition of some seekers would be such that whenever they would see Hazrat immediately they would become respectful and sit down in Muraqabah. Sometimes Hazrat would be talking with people but this would not impede or terminate his strong heavenly bond with the seekers by which he would be delivering Faaiz to them. A few incidents have already been mentioned which highlight Hazrat’s Faaiz, both externally and internally, with both types of the latter and also conveying it from near as well as far. Once Ahmed Diwan sahib asked Hazrat in what time could you make someone complete. He replied, "In a breath, but he would not be able to tolerate it, such a person would pass away. Yes there is a way in twenty-one days. The manner of this would be that a person be given spiritual influence and made to become unconscious then awoken the following day at that same time and given food, then again he would be spiritually influenced until he would become unconscious. If this routine were carried out for twenty-one days that person would become complete. On the request of some seekers he also said, "There is no rarity in the treasures its just a matter of Be it!" Sometimes he would say, "Sometimes it is possible to lift up mountains and sometimes we are incapable even to lift a leaf." Miracles: The miracles of Hazrat were countless. If only the reliable ones were written down these would have to be divided in chapters. Herewith we relate only a few as examples: Miracle 1. One of the first miracles of Hazrat by which his Sainthood became known amongst the people is that once some thieves decided to steal mangoes from his field. After Eesha Salaat they instructed some of their companions to keep a watch on Hazrat who was sitting in Muraqabah at the Masjid. They were told to inform the other thieves as soon as Hazrat stood up to leave. The group of thieves left for the field only to find Hazrat sitting in Muraqabah over there. This angered the thieves that their party members did not inform them of Hazrat. When they arrived at the Masjid to ask why they had not been informed of Hazrat leaving. They replied Hazrat is still in the Masjid. They walked into the Masjid to find Hazrat in Muraqabah. Quickly they returned to the field only to find him there as well. Immediately the thieves realised this person was a Saint. This incident lead to a lot of publicity amongst the people. Miracle 2. Maulana Noor Jamal sahib whose name has been recently mentioned, used to visit Hazrat, every few months from Baldar, which is approximately 100 to 110 miles from Tadkeshwar. Once he informed Hazrat that he was unable to wake up for Tahajjud Salaat, Hazrat remained silent as usual. Molvi Noor Jamal sahib, who use to stay in a room at the Masjid relates that after returning back I locked my door and went to sleep. At Tahajjud time my eyes opened but still thinking there was time I fell asleep. Suddenly a hand sprinkled water over me, I tried to catch the hand but it vanished. Out of astonishment I thought it must be a dream but the drops of water were on my face and clothes. Furthermore, I checked if someone had entered the room but the door was still locked. When I returned to Hazrat on my routine visit, Hazrat looked at me and said, "Did you try to hold my hand out of jest?" Immediately, I remembered the incident and I asked Hazrat, about the hand and its appearance, he replied, "Yes, I was performing Wudhu in the pond of my Masjid, I awoke you but you did not wake up so I sprinkled water upon you." Miracle 3. The above mentioned Maulana Noor Jamal sahib was once doing Muraqabah in his hometown Bulsar, when he felt that in the heart there is a small room and from there Shaytan came out in the shape of a mouse and lowered his mouth towards the heart to inject his evil suggestions. Upon this feeling the Maulana hit his head with a blast of ‘Il-Lallah.’ Due to this blow he lost his consciousness and stood for sometime shaking his head. This same thing happened for sometime. When the Maulana returned to Hazrat he immediately on seeing him commented, "Shaytan can only be restrained in that room." Or he used some other words for Shaytan. Further he said, "Excellence is to keep the enemy open and fight him." Miracle 4. Once Sayyed Abdul Baqi sahib from Qandor a suburb of Kabul and Maulana Noor Jamal sahib both went to Ajmair at the time of Urs (death anniversary). Both were friends and were ready to go to Calcutta from Ajmair. Sayyed Abdul Baqi sahib participated in the singing band of the Urs, however Maulana Noor Jamil sahib abstained and stayed away. Sayyed Abdul Baqi sahib directed him to join the singing band, at this he made some intention to join them and started to walk towards the gathering. But as soon as he got near the audience he was left standing in astonishment and lost all control over himself. Later after the singing band had finished Sayyed Baqi sahib asked why did you approach the gathering and then all of a sudden you remained standing. He replied Hazrat appeared before me and hit my heart with his hand and said, "What combination is there between your path and this?" After, which he took me away and threw me in the presence of another Saint, and commented whilst pointing towards me, "For how long will I keep looking after him, he always seems to be leaving the boundaries of the Shariah (to worship Allah in the form of executing all the general obligations of the Qur’an and Sunnah)." Another, Saint who was present interceded on my behalf and said, "Forgive him this time he won’t do it again." Miracle 5. The same Maulana Noor Jamal sahib once mentioned to Hazrat that he had much desire to see the Holy Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam in his dream and for this purpose he would pray much before sleeping. However, unfortunately he had never yet seen the Holy Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam. Hazrat said, "There is such effect in these things but where is the effect of the tongue?" Soon after, either that very same day or some other day while the Molvi sahib was doing his regular Muraqabah in the presence of Hazrat, he suddenly observed that there was an open field and in the mist of it was a beautiful mansion. In side the mansion was a crowd of Agwath and Aqtaab (two exalted positions of the pious Saints) in the centre of the mansion Rasulullah Salallahu alayhi wasallam was seated on a platform. Molvi Noor Jamal sahib although being saintly and courageous was unable to go near the platform. His condition became such that he was overcome by fear and grandeur and his body also started to shiver. This condition remained with him for some time, whenever the auspicious name of the Holy Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam would be mentioned before him he would start to shiver. After, sometime Hazrat bestowed him back to his original status and said "This is our master in whose dignity this verse was revealed, "Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves…." Furthermore, he commented, "You could not reach the Holy Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam with your own power, when you reach my status you will be able to reach him." Miracle 6. It would not be the common practice of Hazrat that he would take Bay’at (pledge of a disciple to follow the instructions of his Shaikh) from seekers. However, these seekers would receive benefit regardless of it, he would say, "In the path of Sulook, Bay’at is not necessary, as long as there is love everything can take place." Maulana Noor Jamal sahib once persuaded Hazrat to take his Bay’at, he agreed and even presented his hand however, at that instance his face changed to such an appearance like a lion. The fear of this appearance had such an effect upon his heart that for a long time whenever the name of Hazrat was mentioned he would begin to shiver. Miracle 7. Dawoodjee one of the leaders of Tadkeshwer narrates that a boy use to herd the ox and buffaloes for Hazrat. The place where the boy would take the animals was across a stream. Once in the rainy season the boy was late in returning until the sun went down. The Parents of the boy came to Hazrat and said it is very late and our child has not yet returned. Hazrat replied, it is raining the boy must have sat down somewhere and the ox and the buffaloes have yet to return as well. The parents sat down in silence. After a while the animals returned, the parents on seeing this became despaired for their child and started to insult Hazrat. Hazrat calmly and humbly answered their comments, and proceeded to a corner of the house and sat down with his eyes closed. Within a short time the boy returned, when he was questioned for his delay he replied, "The stream became flooded so the ox and the buffaloes swam their way across however, I sat down near the edge. Suddenly I saw the water split from the middle and a dry path was created, I walked through this path and returned back." This miracle of Hazrat was similar to that of Hazrat Moosa Alaihis salaam. Miracle 8. Yusuf Jee Lachpuri who was the nephew of Suleman Jee Lachpuri narrates that Hazrat was once ploughing his field (the way this was done in those places, is that the seed is placed in the drains of the plough so the seeds would reach the exact place where the plough had made a line) for some reason the seeds would not end up in the correct place, instead they would scatter. Observing this Hazrat felt restless and finally made Wudhu to perform two Rakaats and sat in Muraqabah. It was conceived to him that a dervish was doing this out of his power for a joke. Hazrat seized his Sainthood by leading him into fallacy of a few days. Immediately, he began to cry, after which he returned his Sainthood and ordered not to do such a thing again. Miracle 9. Once Hazrat commented regarding a Salik (a traveler on the path of Sulook), "We requested for Sainthood, it was said it is not written for him (in Taqdeer-fate), we replied remove your Taqdeer." He instructed the blessed hand of Allah to erase and write down Sainthood for the person. The meaning of this is that Hazrat requested in the presence of the Almighty that grant such seeker Sainthood. It was said that this is not written for him. So he requested, Oh Lord! Remove it from your Taqdeer. After which the Taqdeer was erased and it was written down the attainment of Sainthood for the person. From this incident it could be clearly understood that Hazrat was phenomenal and a tool of the quality of Allah, i.e. "Allah diminishes what He wants and He establishes what He wants." Apart, from the Internal Faaiz that Hazrat delivered he could also pass his influence in this way, however this was scarce. Miracle 10. The wife of Qazi Ammeruddin sahib the Imam of Jame Masjid in Bandra near Bombay, passed away he was very much overcome by grief and worries. This was because he was very much affiliated to her. During this period, in the company of Haji Rahmatullah sahib a resident of Uthan, arrived to see Hazrat. Whilst staying with Hazrat, Qazi sahib did not relate the incident of his wife passing away and neither to Haji Rahmatullah sahib but, after they had left Hazrat commented, "Qazi sahib is in the state of grief because his beautiful wife has passed away. We should get him married to another beautiful girl." A person present related this to Haji Rahmatullah sahib who was totally unaware of this incident and when Qazi sahib was asked he attested to the whole story. Miracle 11. During the time when Maulana Ainul Qazah sahib was in Tadkeshwar he received a letter from his father regarding the worrying factors of his illness. The Maulana decided to inform Hazrat regarding this and went to him, but he found ten to twelve people present so he decided in his heart that when these people leave he would inform Hazrat. No sooner had the Maulana arrived that Hazrat found out this secret of his heart and through his influence made the hearts of the people such that they at once immediately left one after the other. After which he asked the Maulana what would you like to say. Miracle 12. Fazil Bhai a resident of Athen opposite Bombay was one of the disciples of Hazrat. Once he informed Hazrat that my children do not stay alive, so Hazrat prayed upon a white string and said tie this around the childs neck. When he tied this string around the childs neck he stayed alive. On the birth of the first child he named him Faqeer Muhammad. On the birth of a second child he asked Hazrat for a name. He was sent three names, Zainuddin, Abdul Latif and Shamsuddin. From this it could be assumed that there would be three sons and surely it was like that, after these three sons no more children were born. All these children and their father are alive and well till this day. Miracle 13. When Hazrat came to Uthan he advised the people to observe their five times Salaat, upon this the people felt an urge to build a Masjid. After sometime whilst leaving from Uthan, he pointed to a plot of land and said, "This site seems very enlightened assummingly this could be the place where the Masjid will be erected." He also showed a desire that if a prayer mat was available he would have performed two Rakaats there. Upon investigation it was revealed that this plot of land belonged to Karim Ali the son of Khan Mohammed Sunni Kwaja. Therefore Hazrat personally went to Puna to request permission to erect the Masjid. After this incident ten years lapsed. Then once again the Muslims felt that a Masjid should be built. But at that time the owner of the land Karim Ali Kwaja declined to give permission to utilize the land because he was using it. So the Muslims were compelled to make a Masjid on the site of the existing Jamaat Khana. After spending approximately one hundred and seventy five rupees on the land the question arose whether the site could be acceptable to become a Masjid according to the Shariah. The reason for this was that the whole community, which consisted of Sunni’s and Shia, owned the existing land. There was also the fear that sometime in the future if the Shia’s (Kwojas) demanded their land, the Masjid would end up in a dispute. At this point the extension work of the Masjid ceased. During this same period of time astonishingly Karim Ali son of Khan Mohammed re-offered his land which Hazrat had previously preferred. Finally, the Masjid was built on this same site. Miracle 14. Once two Gair-Muqalids (those who do not follow any Imams) from Bhopal came to Hazrat disguised as seekers. Hazrat ordered them to perform Salaat-ul-Istikhara, he also advised them to recite ‘Ya Muhammad’ upon this both of them declined to say this and said it was shirk (polytheism). Hazrat became angry and frustrated and asked, "How is it in your religion to cut the nara (string of the pajamas) of a sleeping girl and have intercourse with her?" One of them went pale in he face, because he had committed such a shameful sin, which even his friend was unaware of. Miracle 15. Once Hazrat informed Maulana Noor Mohammed sahib that two Maulana’s would arrive here. Shortly, then after Janab Maulana Sayyed Ainul Qazah sahib arrived, then after a few days Janab Maulana Aleemuddin sahib Sahanpuri resident of Bombay arrived. Miracle 16. One of the associates of Hazrat who was from the island of Mauritius near Burma, once came to Tadkeshwar his hometown. During his stay he received a letter informing him that his shop in Mauritius had been destroyed by one of his own men, upon receiving this news he immediately came to Hazrat with his grief informing him of the incident. Hazrat asked him to come the following day, the next day when he arrived the next day Hazrat commented, "Your shop is fine, the letter you received was from a jealous person." Upon making inquiries he found the incident had been as Hazrat had stated. Miracle 17. One seeker, a Maulana sahib was staying with Hazrat. During the stay his daily food was fixed from Hazrat’s house. One night the Maulana sahib gave his food to a traveler and asked Hazrat’s son Miah Gulam Hussain sahib not to inform Hazrat. When he arrived home with the empty utensils immediately Hazrat said, "Why didn’t you take more chapaties." The son who was still young at the time asked what would be the use for more chapaties. Hazrat replied, "The Maulana sahib would have had eaten it, because he has given his share to a traveler." The son inquired, "How do you know?" Hazrat replied, "A secret cannot be concealed." Miracle 18. Once Hazrat said to the above seeker, "Why don’t you make the people sit up?" meaning why don’t you give them spiritual influence. The seeker replied, "I don’t know craftiness, nor do I feel anything within myself." Upon hearing this, Hazrat kept silent. Then the seeker asked, "If I try to make the people sit up, would it work." Immediately Hazrat replied, "Yes, most certainly." When the seeker tried, it worked as Hazrat had said. Miracle 19. Once Hazrat pointed towards the same above-mentioned seeker who was sitting in front of him and said, "By this soul many will receive Faaiz." It so happened that many people received Faaiz through the person just as Hazrat had foretold. Miracle 20. Once Hazrat on the way to Lachpur via Sachin Station was traveling by bullockcart. During the journey he stopped to relieve himself. While he was away his son Mia Gulam Hussian sahib who was yet only in his teens drove the bullockcart which hit an old lady and injured her. A policeman came and arrested Mia Gulam Hussian sahib, when Hazrat returned and the policeman saw Hazrat’s face he immediately let free Mia Gulam Hussian sahib. This was due to the influence of Hazrat upon the policemans heart. Miracle 21. Maulana Liyaqat Ali sahib a god fearing, religious scholar who was also a pious Saint was staying at Lachpur. During his short stay he was accused of being an informer during the freedom fight and got arrested. His friends were also accused of the same allegation and they also were arrested. It was also alleged against Hazrat that he was an informer because he was from the companions of Maulana Liyaqat Ali sahib. On many occasions policemen came to arrest Hazrat, but each time they would come in front of him they would forget why they had come. Hazrat was never arrested by anyone. Miracle 22. A person whose name was also Moosajee use to live near Hazrat’s house. He was a very sincere person and Hazrat was also deeply connected to him. Once this person decided to leave for Mauritius to earn a better living. As Hazrat was deeply inclined to him he disliked his leaving, but when he had already made a firm intention to leave he did not wish to forbid him. When he was about to travel Hazrat accompanied him to Bombay from where he would leave. When they arrived at Bombay, the person purchased a ticket and tried to board the ship, but the captain declined to let him board the ship. When he asked the reason for his decision he replied, "Just merely without any reason." The ship was not even full and the captain was letting other passengers on deck, eventually the person returned to the shore from where Hazrat was standing and watching. When he arrived back Hazrat said, "Don’t bring us here next time." This incident occurred because of Hazrat’s influence. Miracle 23. Another incident of the above-mentioned Moosajee is that during his training for internal rectification he was ordered by Hazrat to carry out some duty of Sainthood. But unfortunately, he was unable to carry out this order, so Hazrat for disciplinary reasons hit his heart with an internal blow. This resulted in him trembling restlessly when he began to leave after Salaat. Hazrat left him in this condition and returned home. Some disobedient critics accused Hazrat of doing magic. Within a short while he was restored with calmness. Miracle 24. It was the regular practice of Hazrat that he would perform Muraqabah after Eesha Salaat until eleven o’clock in the night. Before his journey for Haj when he would rise after Muraqabah his body would be perfumed with scent, the fragrance would be such that it is beyond description. His clothes and bedding would also be filled with fragrance. Often he would comment, "When a seeker reaches a precise status a fragrance is released from his body." After returning from Haj this condition did not last, which indicates that he had passed the earlier position. Miracle 25. Hazrat would also cure physical illness with his miracles. Once a group of people suffering from fever gathered at his doorstep, Hazrat came out with some Chach (a yogurt drink) and gave it to them to drink, this would serve as a remedy for the fever. Mad people would be brought to him tied in chains he would order them to be unchained and would write in bold words ‘Bismillah’ which would be dipped in water and that would be given to drink, immediately they would be cured. Once a person had a wound on his hand Hazrat advised him to put yogurt and tie it round the wound. When this was carried out the wound healed. The yogurt had worked as a cream. With regards to Taweez, and their high demand or for some other reasons, he would use the very letters he would receive requesting a cure and make them into a Taweez. The letters in Persian and Urdu would serve the people who wanted to tie it or dilute it in water for drinking purposes. The Taweez from the Gujrati letters were given for Faleeta. The necessities of each person requesting these amulets would be fulfilled. When someone would complain regarding anti-natal pains he would give them his Tasbeeh to dip in water and drink from it, this would immediately calm the pain down and the delivery would take place with ease. He would also advise people not to drink from the water until the pain was extremely severe. One of Hazrat’s Tasbeehs made from stone beads can still be found from his devotees. It still serves the same purpose, and has been witnessed on many occasions with no distinctions between a Muslim or a disbeliever or a devotee or a non-devotee as long as there is a true reliance. Death: In accordance with the Hadith, "The people who go through most trails are the Prophets then those who are alike them, then those who are like them." Almighty Allah also put Hazrat through various trails and examinations. He suffered heavy financial losses and experienced heart-breaking misfortune, his first wife from whom he had all his children except one son passed away in his lifetime. Thereafter due to hardship in his hospitality towards his guests he married a second wife who is still alive to this day. From this wife he only had one son named Ismail who also passed away in his childhood. From his first respected wife most of his children passed away some in childhood while others after reaching pubity. Hazrat only left a son and two daughters. Hazrat also went through physical calamities, which were very difficult upon him, but he always showed patience and steadfastness. Explanation: A kind of fever would always remain with Hazrat, it would never go away, he too did not care much about it nor was it a means of distraction for him. Even with this fever he would attend the Masjid and go to the fields to carry out his usual work. This fever was due to the heat of spiritual love. It is for this reason he would call it his friend. But when he arrived in the city of Makkah this fever disappeared, later he would sometimes say, if someone took us to Makkah this fever would go away. Apart from this he would sometimes suffer from another type of fever this would make him helpless and he would have to rest in bed. He would also suffer from extreme headaches along with stomach pains. When these pains would not be intense he would tie his stomach and keep working but when they became severe he would become unconscious. His nose would often bleed. In 1304 A.H. he began to suffer from dropsy. While suffering from these mentioned hardships he would still not say a word of complain or suffering, never did a word of ‘Ah!’ come out from his mouth. Instead when someone would ask him about his health he would answer with full confidence, "Alhamdulillah, All praises be to Allah I am very well." A’ala Hazrat had instructed Hazrat that whenever a boil or eruption occurred in his body he should place a leaf of a celandine (a wild plant) over it and tie it around the wound. If the illness was something else he should crush small H’ar (A bitter taste fruit) and swallow it with hot water. Hazrat would always carry out these two formulas whenever he was sick. If by chance, he tried any other medicine on someone’s pursuance it would have devastating effects on him. A few days before Hazrat passed away he traveled to Ahmedabad, Amwara and Diwa to meet his friends and colleges. He returned back and remained well for a few days. During these last few days he would say such words that informed of his death, the people did not understand the true meaning of Hazrat’s words until he had passed away. For example Hazrat brought back from his journey two pairs of cloth, he told his son one pair is for you and the other is for the Imam sahib of the Masjid (it was a custom of the time that when someone passed away a pair of cloth would be given to the Imam sahib of the Masjid). When his son asked, "What will you wear?" He answered, "I am already wearing clothes at the moment." On another occasion he asked his son, "I will be leaving for a journey, would you be happy or not?" He replied understanding it to be the journey of Haj, "I will also accompany you" Hazrat responded, "You come later." During this period he would say many words of advice and testament. Later Hazrat was taken ill with extreme fever, this lasted for eight days, his son constantly advised him to take treatment but he declined to. After persuasion from the people a Hakim (a herbalist) was called from Surat. The doctor delivered his treatment for three consecutive days, then Haiku Gulam Mohammed sahib of Navya near Ahmedabad arrived who was a close devotee of Hazrat and postponed any further treatment. After postponing the treatment for a few days Hazrat’s illness gradually started to intensify. In the beginning he would perform some of his Salaat at home while others in the Masjid. However, near to the end when he became extremely weak his going to the Masjid was canceled. Later on he could not do Wudhu by himself, and he could only pray Salaat with indication. During all his period of illness he only missed two Salaats, the Zuhr Salaat on the day he passed away. This too was because he would do Wudhu and become unconscious, this happened regularly. The other Salaat he missed was the Magrib Salaat after which he passed away. During his final moments he said to his son, "Don’t let anyone talk to me and you sit near me." The son started to put Zam Zam water with a spoon into Hazrat’s mouth he accepted it a few times then indicated him to stop. During this time the son also observed that Hazrat picked up his fist and thumped someone and said something to the effect that, "I have thumped Iblis (Shaytan)." Hazrat’s food consumption few months prior to death had already become very light. He would only have a saucer of sago (porridge). During his last time Hazrat had called Fazil Bhai and Haji Rahmatullah and would ask consecutively regarding them, but unfortunately they did not arrive until his last moment. When Fazil Bhai arrived he shouted to Hazrat I am here, immediately he opened his eyes and indicated to him it is the time of departure now everything is too late. Just prior to passing away his Zikr-Qalbi (Allah’s remembrance in the heart) was so loud that the people sitting around him could hear the sound. While in this condition the cherishing sound of, {To the righteous soul Will be said:} "O (thou) soul, In (complete) rest And satisfaction! Come back to you Lord" (90:27-28) fell into his blessed ears, immediately he turned his face towards the Qibla and began saying Allah! Allah! So Loudly that those present could hear. With this words on his lips the power of his speech ended and his blessed soul departed to rest in the vicinity of the elevated companion (Almighty Allah). The time was between Magrib and Eesha and the date was 16 Jamadul Ulaa 1309 AH – the night of Monday, "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly to him we shall return." (2:156) Prior to Hazrat’s death about two months earlier he said, "Both near ones and strangers have been deprived." This so happened, because at the time of his death no one was present from his spiritual disciples. When Fazil bhai arrived it had been too late, time had lapsed. The meaning of Hazrat’s comment ‘deprived’ was that none could obtain his achievements which he would pass on to anyone who he thought was capable of receiving. Hazrat attained three spiritual achievements within himself firstly, his personal achievements, secondly, those achievements passed on from A’ala Hazrat, and thirdly, the achievement from one of the Peer bhai’s (disciple of the same Shaikh-spiritual guide) of A’ala Hazrat who had conveyed to Hazrat. The condition of controlling and safeguarding his achievements was such that on one occasion while he was in the fields he said to Ahmed Diwan sahib, "The ocean is boiling, it is not staying in control inspire of controlling it." Upon receiving the news of Hazrat’s death people from the surrounding villages started to arrive, from the three near villages, Barithy, Karanj and Naroli all the people from these towns participated in the funeral. Apart from these people, the important people from other villages also attended. This was also one of the reasons for the delay of Hazrat’s funeral, he was buried on Monday near the time of Zuhr. The Janazah (funeral) Salaat was performed in an open field in the forest close to the graveyard. Hafiz Ahmed Saeed sahib the Imam of Jamea Masjid, who was also one of the respected teachers and Peer bhai of Hazrat led the Janazah Salaat. Hazrat was buried next to his Shaikh Murshid, whose grave is in a perimeter of the graveyard. There also exists the grave of another great Saint inside the boundary of the perimeter. Hazrat’s grave was prepared according to his will. He had also prohibited funeral rites to be held on the third day and fortieth day. However he did say, "After my death whosoever visits me, from the travelers, feed them." Back to Contents SECTION TWO A LIFE SKETCH OF A’ALA HAZRAT MAULANA NIZAMUDDIN Rahmatullahi alai THE SHAIKH OF HAZRAT SHAIKH MOOSAJI MEHTER TADKESHWARI Rahmatullahi alai A’ala Hazrat was a resident of Bajour in Afghanistan. He was the leader of his people. He was also well aged. He would never reveal himself regarding his leadership and age. However it was known through other people regarding his leadership and through his testimony of events which he sometimes narrated. From this the people estimated A’ala Hazrat’s age was approximately 125 to 150 years. A’ala Hazrat was a devotee of Hazrat Shaikh (spiritual guide) Muhammad Jaan Shaikul Haram the Khalifah (successor) of Shah Gulam Ali sahib. He stayed in his company for a long time in which he undertook much hard labour, for example for many years he used to operate the hand mill of the Khanqah (convent – place where people go and stay under the supervision of a spiritual guide for self-rectification and to gain nearness to Allah) In the initial stages he learnt Amalyat (cure through practices and recitations) from his Shaikh, who was a professional in this field. Thereafter he underwent the various stages of Faqr and Sulook (the paths to spiritual reformation and to gain nearness to Allah) and attained excellency in both fields. He practiced in Amalyat, Hizbul-Bahr and Qasida-Burda (two recitations). This remained his practice until his last time. A’ala Hazrat obtained the company of his Shaikh from India and thereafter he accompanied him to Makkah Moazzamah where he stayed for sometime. A’ala Hazrat was very obedient and adhesive in carrying out the instructions of his Shaikh. Once he was ordered him to do a chillah (forty days) seclusion in a park. Not knowing the duration of a chillah he assumed it to be 40 days. On completion he ate a berry from the tree under which he had passed his seclusion. As soon as he tasted the berry he became a lunatic and left towards a jungle. When A’ala Hazrat did not return to his Shaikh he asked, "Where is Nizamuddin." Thereafter he informed the people to bring him from the jungle. When he returned the Shaikh asked, "Did you enjoy the berry?" and slapped him and ordered him to undertake the chillah again." Once in the presence of his Shaikh A’ala Hazrat called out, ‘Il-Lallah’ upon hearing this he was turned away from the Khanqah and disciplined with these words, "Do you want to show off your piety to other people." After A’ala Hazrat completed the path of Sulook, his Shaikh bid him fair well from Makkah Mukarramah and accompanied him for some distance while he left. He also gifted A’ala Hazrat with half of his spiritual earning and commented, "Look after this with much care." He also advised him with many words of wisdom, and was told to return to India and stay in a particular town, which was not inhabited by many people. The Shaikh also laid down some other conditions. After his return from Makkah Mukarramah he arrived in Bombay and left for Gujrat. In Gujrat he came to Tadkeshwar which at the time was not inhabited by many people and was according to the conditions laid down by his Shaikh. A’ala Hazrat settled down in this town and also erected a Masjid in which he had a room where he stayed. The people of Tadkeshwer and of the surrounding towns benefited greatly from the auspicious personal qualities of A’ala Hazrat. Whenever a needy person would approach him, for example, if a bull was lost or some other need he would start to recite in his precise manner the couplet of Qasida-Burda, in which it refers to finding lost things. The person’s need or purpose would be satisfied. Apart from this many other miracles were also witnessed from A’ala Hazrat. First Story: Ismail Patel son of Dawoodjee a resident of Tadkeshwer narrates that once a fire broke out near the Masjid. A’ala Hazrat came out of his room holding a shifter (used in the fields for barley) and addressing the wind whilst holding up the shifter pointed it towards the jungle where there were no houses and said, "Go there!" Upon this the fire instantly went out, and the remaining houses were saved. Second Story: Ahmed Jee Patel a resident of Ummer Warah narrates that it use to be the custom of A’ala Hazrat to visit all his associates once a year. During one of these visits he went to one of his associate’s house but there were no men present in the house at the time. The women inside became worried because at the time there was nothing in the food box with which they could show their hospitality to A’ala Hazrat. Instantly he commented, "Go and take the food out of the box", the ladies initially thought A’ala Hazrat was unaware that the box was empty. Upon his insistence the women went to see the box and found it full of food. During this same period A’ala Hazrat’s clothes became dirty, so he asked the women to wash them, the ladies informed him that the water pit in which the clothes are washed has dried out. Upon hearing this he commented, "Go over there." When the ladies arrived at the water pit they found it full with water. The water pit remained full for many years after this incident. The quality of A’ala Hazrat‘s Kashf (Knowledge through mystical means) was also very strong. He would give information regarding the pious saints that lived in far away towns with their names. He would say in Banaras there is such a saint and in that town there is such a saint and in that town there is such a saint and in Bhaimry there is Hazrat Sayyed Ahmed sahib Khalifah of Shah Gulam Ali sahib. He would mention their Nisbat (spiritual connections) with whom they had reached such exalted positions. The condition of his steadfastness upon his Wazaif (daily recitals) was such that he would never miss them, while traveling or at home, in sickness or in health. Hazrat narrates that whenever I would go to him I would find him busy in his Wazaif. The father in law of Maulana Abdul Hai sahib Kafletaiwi the Khataeeb (lecturer) at Jamea Rangoon narrates that once A’ala Hazrat came to our town Rander in the district of Surat. At that time he was suffering from fever, but still he was busy in his Wazaif. Every person would come and request him to partake in food but he would decline. After completing his Wazaif he requested for Chach (a yogurt drink) of which he consumed a mug full. This was also his miracle that he drank Chach during fever because it is something that should be avoided. Whoever would make a request to become Bay’at (pledge of a disciple to follow the instructions of his Shaikh) he would accept this even though the person may or may not be a seeker of Sulook. From amongst those who became bait he would enter the seeker into his circle, whilst for the others they only became Bait and no further. Once Hazrat asked him, "What is the benefit of becoming bait when they are not seekers of Sulook." He replied, "O boy, if nothing more at least their Khatma (death) will be with Khair (with Iman). A’ala Hazrat spent most of his life as a bachelor however, during his old age on the request of many people he got married. He was blessed with two daughters who are still alive today. The eldest daughter also has children. Some time prior to A’ala Hazrat’s death Hazrat saw a dream in which he observed that a red roof made from cloth is hanging from the sky. From that A’ala Hazrat is tearing pieces of cloth and handing them out. When this dream was mentioned to A’ala Hazrat he began to cry. (The interpretation of the dream was clear that the time for A’ala Hazrat to leave world was near and that Hazrat had been selected by Allah to become his Khalifah. The cloth symbolized the Kalimah.) During his last illness A’ala Hazrat made a will that his grave be made on a specific small hill which was outside the town. On that hill there was also a grave of a pious saint from an earlier time. A’ala Hazrat would often visit that place, he also made a will not to make his grave solid. Nobody knows what happened in the final moments before he passed away, the only thing that some old aged people speak about it that Hazrat was only present at the time. Whatever A’ala Hazrat had spiritually achieved was left to Hazrat. A’ala Hazrat passed away before noon on Tuesday 17 or 18 Jamadil Akhir 1283 AH and left this world a jail for the believers and took the path of Jannatul Firdous. "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly to him we shall return." (2:156) In accordance with his will his funeral was taken to the small hill and there he was buried. Hazrat narrates, This incident had a grave shock upon me and I was in deep sorrow. I was thinking there is no one left to whom I can turn to in different matters, the shadow of kindness and mercy has been lifted. I was going through these thoughts when suddenly I felt drowsiness over come me and I fell asleep. I saw in my dream that the whole body of Hazrat is in the sun except his face, which was in the shadow. After seeing this dream my grief and sorrow was reduced because it was indicated to me that the saints of Allah don’t die they only hide their face. (The face being in the shadow was indicating this.) After the burial his grave was kept according to his wishes. However some of his associates decided to make the grave solid, when Hazrat was asked on the matter he replied, "Don’t go against his will." But when he was continually harassed he said, "We will bring the bricks, but you will have to build it." It so happened that as soon as the person started to build the solid grave his hand became paralysed and worms appeared on his hands. After witnessing this miracle the people became conscious and no one ever made an intention to build a solid grave there. The little part started at the time still remains till today. After sometime one Mureed (disciple) from Rander made fencing around the two graves on the hilltop. Back to Contents SECTION THREE LIFE SUMMARY ABOUT THE MASHAIKH OF THE NAQSHBANDIYYA SILSILAH OF HAZRAT SHAIKH MOOSAJI MEHTER TADKESHWARI Rahmatullahi alaihe Salallahu alayhi wasallam His name was Abdullah and his title was Siddiq and Atique. He was known as Abu Bakr and the name of his father was Abu Quhafah. Abu Bakr was the first person to accept Islam. He was a Sahabi (a companion of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam) as were his parents and children. It is without doubt that he is the most superior person in this Ummat. There are countless narrations of Ahaadith, which point to his righteousness and virtues. At the time of the Prophets illness he was made the Imam to lead Prayers. After the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam left this world he was made his Khalifah (successor). The task of compiling the Holy Qur’an was carried out in his era. His reign lasted for two years and three months and at the age of 63 years on Friday 17 Jamadil Akhir 13 AH he passed away. He was buried next to Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam in Madina Munawwarah. His name was Salman Farsi, and was known as Abu Abdullah. He originated from Faris. He was a fire worshipper after which he became a Christian; he was also a scholar of Christianity and had stayed in the company of many great Christian scholars. The last of the scholars, with whom he stayed with, informed him of the forecoming of the Holy Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam and about the Hijrah to Madina. Once he was traveling with an Arab caravan who captured him and took
him to Makkah as a slave. He was bought from the Makkans by the Jews of
Madina and therefore resided in Madina. When the Prophet arrived in Madina
after Hijrah he embraced Islam. He is attributed with many qualities and
virtues. He passed away in Madyan in the year 35 AH. His age at the time
was without doubt at least 250 years however according to others it was
He was Qasim son of Muhammad the son of Abu Bakr Siddiq. Therefore, he was the grandson of Hazrat Abu Bakr. His piety and austerity was unique in his era. He is amongst the Tabi’een (those persons who saw the companions of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam). He is one of the seven most famous Fuqaha (scholars) of Madina Munawwarrah to whom people referred to and their virtues were widely acknowledged. Ibne Saad has characterised his personality as being comprehensive. He passed away in 106 AH. Imam Jafar was the son of Mohammed Bin Ali (known as Baqir). The grandson of the grandson of Hazrat Ali Radiallahu anhu. He is from the Ahle-Bait (family of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam). He narrated Ahadith from the distinguished Tabi’een such as Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik. His mother was Umme-Farah the granddaughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq. Ammer bin Abi Muqdah narrates that whenever I saw Jafar bin Mohammed Sadiq it would remind me that he was from the family of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam. From his face the Noor (light) of being a member of the Prophet’s family was radiant. He was born in Madina Munawwarah in the 80 Hijri. He resided there and finally passed away on Monday 15 Rajab 148 AH. He is buried alongside his forefathers. Hazrat Kwajah Abu Yazeed Bastami was known by Abu Yazeed. His real name was Tayfoor, and his title was Sultan-ul-Arifeen (Leader of those saints who have attained Ma’rifat – particular knowledge through mystical means). He did not meet Imam Jafar Saddiq personally however he received Faaiz (spiritual Influence) from him. He was born in the year 136 AH and passed away on 14 Shabaan 261 AH. He was well known for his piety abstinence and rigidity in following the Sunnah. Rahmatullahi alaihe He received Faaiz from Hazrat Sultanul-Arifeen. His era coincided with the era of Sultan Mahmood Gaznawi, who had complete reliance in him, and their stories are well known. He had the ability to perform miracles, Shaikh-ul-Rais Abu Ali bin Sinna inspire of his disbelief was compelled to acknowledge in his book Shifaa after observing these miracles. He passed away in Khorkaan in 424 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe He received Faaiz from Shaikh (spiritual guide) Abul Hasan Kurqani and Shaikh Abu Qasim Gargani. He was a student of the famous commentator of the Qur’an, Hazrat Imam Abul Qasim Qashiri. He died in 477 A.H. at a place called Tows. Rahmatullahi alaihe He received Faaiz from Kwajah Abul Hasan Khurqani directly and through Abu Ali Farmadi as well. He was well known for his knowledge of Shariah and especially in the field of Hadith, he was absolute. He would deliver lectures and also issue Fatawa (religious verdicts). Shaikh Mohiuudin Abdul Qadir Jeelani would often be present in his gatherings. He was born 440 AH and passed away in 535 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe His title was Kwajahe-Jahan, he is considered as the leader of the Naqshbandi Kwajah’s. He was from the progeny of Imam Malik. His mentor was Hazrat Khizar Alaihis salam and his spiritual guide was Abu Yusuf Hamdani. He passed away on an island known as Gajdawani, which is on the outskirts of Bukhara on 12 Rabiul Awwal 575 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe He was from amongst the Distinguished Khulafah of Kwajah Jahan. He was also his rightful successor after his death. His graveyard is in Raywgar, which is 18 miles from the city of Bukhara. He passed away in the month of Shawwal 616 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe He was a resident of Alkhubair Fagnawee a place near Bukhara, for this reason he is referred to this place. He would perform Zikr–bil-Zahr (remembrance of Allah in a high tone). He and Shamsul Aimmah Halwani were from the same era. He passed away in 715 AH and was buried in Alkhubair Fagnawee. Rahmatullahi alaihe He was one of the distinguished Khulafah’s of Kwajah Mahmood. He was a resident of the district of Ramayton. However during his late life he moved to Khawarzum, whose king was a Mureed (disciple) of his. He would always have crowds of people around him. When speaking he would refer to himself as Azizaan for this reason he became known by this name. He passed away on Monday 28 Zul Qadah 721 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe A distinguished Khalifah of Hazrat Azizan. He was well known for Kashf (Knowledge through mystical means), it was he who foretold the birth of Hazrat Kwajah Naqshbandi. He passed away in 755 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe He was from the family of the highly respected Sayyed’s (family of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam). In the beginning he was a wrestler, once when he was fighting. Hazrat Baba passed by and said, "One of the wrestlers is such that because of him many people will attain perfection." Suddenly, Hazrat Sayyeds eyes fell open Hazrat Baba immediately he was affected. He stayed with Hazrat Baba for thirty years and was also granted Khilafat. He passed away on Thursday 8 Jamadil Awwal 772 AH. His grave is in his town of Sukhmor. Rahmatullahi alaihe Imamul Tariqah (to intentionally strive to attain closeness to Allah, especially by voluntary engagement in acts of worship - the path of Tariqah allows the purification of intentions, thoughts and mental states) Hazrat Kwajah Bahawuddin Naqshband Bukhari was a distinguished Imam of the Naqshbandi Jamat. He benefited from the Faaiz of Hazrat Sayyed and in reality also from the Faaiz of Hazrat Kwajah Jahan. Prior to him attaining Nisbat (spiritual connection) was confined to those who under went excessive Riyadhat (extreme hard spiritual exercises). However he introduced such a method, which was completely in accordance with the way of the Sahabah, this was only unveiled upon him. He became known as Naqshband, because Naqshband-kam-khwab means weaving and he was an expert in this craft. Once Hazrat Baba had foretold prior to his birth, when passing from Hindwan (his birthplace) that a leader of the Arifeen would be born here in a house of Hindwan. The attributes of Hazrat Kwajah are very long to mention. To sum up he was not only an Imam of Tariqah but also an Imam of Islam. His birth was in Muharram 718 AH and he passed away on the 3 Rabiul Awwal 791 AH. Rahmatullahi alaihe He was amongst the prominent Khulafah of Hazrat Kwajah Nakshbandi and also his son in law. From childhood Hazrat Kwajah had special attention towards him. During his lifetime he was given the responsibility of rectifying the seekers of Sulook (the path to spiritual reformation and to gain nearness to Allah) that would come. He was a master of knowledge. Following the Sunnat and adopting the finest path was his splendour. He passed away on 20 Rajab 802 AH. As he was a perfume seller he become know as Attar. Rahmatullahi alaihe He was Bay’at (pledge of a disciple to follow the instructions of his Shaikh) and received Khilafat from Hazrat Kwajah Naqshband but completed his rectification with Hazrat Attar. After completing the seeking of external knowledge he focused his attention towards the internal sciences. People benefited both from his external and internal knowledge. He was also the author of the commentary of the Qur’an and other religious books. He passed away in 851 AH. He was amongst the eminent Khulafah of Hazrat Maulana Yaqoob Charkhi. The king at the time was his disciple. Maulana Jami was also one of his prominent disciples and has also mentioned in one of his couplets regarding him. Inspite of this he remained a farmer and made his living from it. His state of affairs is beyond description. He passed away on 29 Rabiul Awwal 895 AH. He was a prominent Khalifah of Hazrat Kwajah Ahraar. His Sulook was completed instantly in a single Majlis (gathering). He passed away in Rabiul Awwal 936 AH. Many people benefited from his Faaiz. A prominent Khalifah of Hazrat Maulana Zahid. During his time he was the only one who would work to earn a living. Hazrat Shaikh Khawarjami another saint of the time would take away the sainthood of any saint that would come into his town. Once he arrived in Hazrat Kwajah Durwaish’s town so he extracted his sainthood from him. This made him become humble so he returned the sainthood. He passed away in 970 AH. He was the son and Khalifah of Hazrat Kwajah Darwaish. In his time he was the focus point for the Ulama, Governors, leaders and saints who would all come and participate in his gatherings. He was born in 918 AH and passed away in 1008 AH. It was through him that the Naqshbandiyya Silsilah (chain; a Sufi order which is a spiritual chain connecting generations of disciples to the first founder, Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam) came to the Indian Subcontinent. He stayed in Lahore for a few days after which he moved to Delhi. It is here in Delhi where he rests to day. His place of birth was Kabul. His life was filled with great attributes. One great credit to his name is Hazrat Imaam-e-Rabbani was connected to him. He passed away on 25 Jamadul Akhir 1012 AH. ShaikhAhmed Sarhindi Rahmatullahi alaihe He is the Imam of all the Mujaddids (religious reformers). Knowledge of the Shariah (to worship Allah in the form of executing all the general obligations of the Qur’an and Sunnah) and Ihsan (to worship Allah ‘as if you see him’) were embedded in him. He was the rightful person mentioned in the Hadith which has been narrated by Allamah Suyuti in Jamea-ul-Jame that ‘A person in my Ummah will be called Selatun...’(the Hadith mentions those who will be reformers of the Ummah). He diminished Shirk (polytheism) and Bid’ah (innovation) with one hand and propagated the Millat (Islam) and revived the Sunnah with the other hand. Two things demonstrated to the world his unique perfection. Firstly, the exclusive examples of his disciples who were a display of Allah’s Power and the Miracle of the Prophet Salallahu alayhi wasallam Secondly, his letters which were full of the knowledge of Shariah and Ihsan. Those people who criticised him out of whom some were sincere returned back to him such as Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi where as others who were jealous were unfortunate. He was born in 971 AH and passed away in 1034 AH. His shrine is in Sarhind. He was known as Urwatul-Wustaa (firm holder of the rope of Islam). He is the son of Imam-e-Rabbani. He was a master of both external and internal sciences. He successfully completed and attained perfection while he was still in his early age. From such an early age signs of guidance and Hidayat could be witnessed in him. Hazrat Imam-e-Rabbani would also give glad tidings of his exalted status. It was through him that the philosophy of his father spread. He had so many Mureed that numbers reached 900 000 people. Out of these, 7000 people reached the position of receiving Khilafat from him. He was born in 1009 AH and passed away 9 Rabiul Awwal 1079 AH. He was the son of Hazrat Urwatul-Wustaa. He was a master in both external and internal knowledge. He attained his sainthood from his father and was spiritually very influential and effective. People were very inclined towards him. Auragzaib the king of Delhi who was very much spiritually elevated and the Prince were both his Mureeds. His place of residence was in Delhi. He was well known for his efforts in Amr bil Maroof and Nahi anil Munkar (calling towards good and forbidding from evil) and the abolition of Bid’ah. Twice a day 1400 people received food from his Khanqah (convent – place where people go and stay under the supervision of a spiritual guide for self-rectification and to gain nearness to Allah) His birth was in 1055 AH and passed away in 1096 AH. He was a master in Shariah and Haqiqah (to reach a level of consciousness and spirituality whereby you are, mentally, in full realisation and awareness of Allah’s all-encompassing existence – the position of Haqiqah relates the soul to its creator). He attained Sulook from Hazrat Maulana Shaikh Saifuddin and also stayed for sometime in the presence of Hazrat Hafiz Muhammad Mohsin sahib the Khalifah of Hazrat Urwatul-Wustaa. Hazrat Mirza sahib (a great saint) would often say, "How unfortunate are you people that you have not seen Hazrat Sayyed, because if you saw him it would remind you of the power of Allah that he has created such people of perfection." He was very conscious of eating Halaal food. He refrained himself from the company of the wealthy and men of the world. He passed away on 11 Zul Qadah 1135 AH. He was from the Sadaats Ulawee (from the Prophet’s Family).His progeny is from Hazrat Muhammad Bin Hanafiyah. He was the prominent Khalifah of Hazrat Sayeed and a master in both internal and external knowledge. He was a person of great qualities and attributes. Hazrat Shaikh Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi also confessed to his exalted personality and sent Qazi Thanaullah Panipatti (the Imam-e-Baihaqi of his time) to stay with him. He was a keen follower of the Sunnah. Many books have been written regarding his qualities and attributes by his disciples. He was born in 1111 AH and was martyred on the night of Ashurah (10 Muharram) 1195 AH. His shrine is located in Delhi. His name was Abdullah and was known as Gulam Ali. He was born in Batala, a district of Gordasupur, Punjab. However he moved to Delhi because of the company of Hazrat Shaheed of whom he had became a distinguished Khalifah. He enlightened the whole of Arab and Ajam (non-Arab) with the light of Tariqah. The Khanqah Aale Jah of Delhi is known after him. Hazrat Maulana Khalid Rumi came to him from Kurdastan and has also mentioned him in one of his couplets with such words that ‘I have not seen a person like him in Yathrib or Butha.’ Hazrat Maulana Khalid Rumi was a great Hanafi (a follower of Imam Abu Hanifa) scholar, who was a specialist in the field of Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Hadith. The Author of the famous Durre Mukhtar, Allamah Shami has also written a book on the personality and virtues of Hazrat Maulana Khalid Rumi. Hazrat Shah Gulam Ali was also well known for his Riyadhat, miracles and strict adherence to the Sunnah. He was born in 1158 AH and passed away on 22 Safar 1240 AH. He was buried by his Shaikh Hazrat Shaheed in Delhi. After attaining external Knowledge he arrived in the company of Hazrat Shah Gulam Ali to obtain internal treasures. From there he traveled to Makkah Mukarramah to adopt it as his place of residence. Peoples hearts were so much inclined towards him that it is beyond description. The grandmother of Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan also became Ba’it to him and built a Khankah for him. He passed away in the sacred city of peace in 1266 AH and was buried there. A life sketch of Hazrat Maulana Nizamuddin has already been mentioned in the previous pages. This whole booklet has been compiled in remembrance of Hazrat shaikh Moosaji Mehter Tadkeshwari. SECTION FOUR THE HOLY NAQSHBANDIYYA SPIRITUAL TREE Hazrat Shaikh Moosaji Mehter Tadkeshwari Rahmatullahi alai belongs to the auspicious chain of Auliyaa, which is linked to Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Every name in this holy ‘tree’ is a Star of immaculate piety and spiritual excellence in the firmament of Ma’rifat and Tasawwuf. The Tasawwuf of the members of this great Spiritual Order is deeply rooted in the Quraan and the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Khalifah of Hazrat Maulana Nizamuddin (died 1283 AH.) Hazrat Muhammad Jaan Shaikhul Haram (died 1266 AH.) Hazrat Shah Gulam Ali (died 1240 AH.) Hazrat Mirza Janijana Shaheed (died 1195 AH.) Hazrat Maulana Noor Muhammad Badayuni (died 1135 AH.) Hazrat Maulana Shaikh Saifuddin (died 1096 AH.) Hazrat Kwajah Abu Ali Farmadi (died 477 AH.) Hazrat Kwajah Abul Hasan Khurqani (died 424 AH.) Hazrat Kwajah Abu Yazeed Bastami (died 261 AH.) Hazrat Imam Jafar bin Muhammad Sadiq (died 148 AH.) Imam Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr (died 106 AH.) Hazrat Salman Farsi Radiallahu anhu (died 35 AH.) AMMERUL MU,MINEEN SAYYIDINA HAZRAT ABU BAKR SIDDIQ Radiallahu anhu (died 13 AH.) HAZRAT MUHAMMAD RASULULLAH Sallallahu alayhi wa alehi wasallam (died 10 A.H.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to Contents SECTION FIVE AN ARABIC POEM (WITH URDU TRANSLATION) ON THE NOBLE PERSONALITY & DISTINGUISHED ATTRIBUTES OF HAZRAT SHAIKH MOOSAJI MEHTER TADKESHWARI Rahmatullahi alai By MAULANA MUHAMMAD SAMROUDI SAHIB Rahmatullahi alai ABOUT THE AUTHOR The author of the poem, Maulana Muhammad son of Hafiz Ahmad sahib Samroudi, was from the community of Bohra, residing in the native town of Samroud, which is situated in the suburbs of Surat, India. Maulana Muhammad in his early years was a Ghair Muqallid (one who does not follow any of the Imams) and was very prejudiced and fanatical in promoting this. He was extreme in condemning the Sufis as is often observed in people connected to this group. Being a leader and guide of his party the talk of the virtues and attributes of Hazrat Shaikh Moosajee Mehter Tadkeshwari did not bypass his ears. He was destined with achieving external good fortune, therefore, a zeal was born within him to investigate for himself the reality of the gossip, which until now he had disliked and tried to stay away. After arriving and seeing for himself the reality, he realised that the status of Hazrat was much higher than anything he had heard. He observed miraculous happenings and through his spiritual influence Hazrat made him witness the occurrences in the grave and other extra ordinary events. In brief, his denial and dislike for Sufis changed into devotion and affection and drew his heart towards them. Entering himself into the spiritual ring of Hazrat, Allah Ta’ala granted him whatever he wished. In the condition of excitement and clamour this poem was written. Due to this great alteration in his life, the party who had held him in such high esteem turned away, consequently the shade of leadership gradually faded away. He envisaged hardship in adopting this great trail. However, the influence of Hazrat was such that his heart remained clear from all the forthcoming fears. He passed away in a plague on Monday 28 Sha’ban 1314 Hijri and was buried alongside his family member in their hometown of Samroud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Poem in Arabic & Urdu will be available by the end of June 1998, Inshallah.- admin@inter-islam.org) Back to Contents
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