The significance of this aspect becomes apparent when a false claimant of Messiahship comes forward. We only have to refer to the Quran upon this matter - does the claimant possess a grandfather named Imran and a mother named Maryam? If he does not then he is shown to be the perpetrator of a great deception and should be punished accordingly.
At this point a slight divergence from this particular subject is called for. It is worthy of note that in the Jewish faith, claiming to be the Messiah falsely, is an action deserving the same punishment which was meted out to Jesus, i.e. crucifixion, as they (the Jews) claim that Jesus was an imposter. Now these days those claiming false Messiahship do not seem to be punished in the least, in fact they are aided and abetted in every way by those in positions of power! This is apparent if one takes the example of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani.
This man did not conform to the Messiah as portrayed in the Holy Quran, as his mother was named Chirag Bibi and he possessed a father; neither was his maternal grandfather the same person mentioned in the Holy Quran.
It is obvious that Mirza did not conform to the Islamic Messiah, but neither did he correspond to the Promised Messiah yet to come, as portrayed in Judaism. Thus one would expect the Jews to have seized upon him, thrust him upon a cross and treated him in the same manner as they did with he who was thought to be Jesus in a previous era. But no! Although this would have been a fitting punishment and end to one who perpetrated such filthy and abusive lies about the greatest people of all time (the prophets), Mirza Ghulam Ahmed seems not only to have escaped the Jews attention in his affront to their beliefs, but seems to have gained their approval instead! The manner in which the Jews aided Mrza is too lengthy a matter to go into at present, but further reading is at hand in the book by Bashir Ahmed, Ahmadiyya Movement : British - Jewish Connections.
In Christendom the Messiah is also set to return once more, therefore it is an insult to their faith to have Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani portraying himself to be the one whom they value so much, as to believe him to be the Son of God Himself. Was Mirza punished for insulting the ‘redeemer’ of the Christian’s sins? The answer is an absolute negative. As the British Government actually gave refuge to Mirza, they opposed and contradicted their own faith, because the Bible states clearly :
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