Imam Muslim has recorded that the prophet Muhammad
has given a clear account of the events of the prophet I`sa u
after his descent. One of these events will be that he will perform pilgrimage
and Umrah together. The Final Prophet, Muhammad
"By He in Who’s hands my soul rests, I’sa (Jesus)u,
son of Maryam (Mary) will raise his voice whilst reciting the supplication
of pilgrimage whilst performing both ,pilgrimage and Umrah."
Imam Ahmed has narrated that the Prophet (sallalaho alayhi wasallam) said,
"I’sa (Jesus) alayhis salaam will arrive at Rawha,, then he
will perform pilgrimage from it or Umrah or both together."
Mirza was not fortunate enough to perform Haj or Umrah, although he acknowledged
that this would happen. When he was questioned as to why he did not perform
Haj or Umrah,as predicted to be performed by the Masih in the Hadith, if
he was the true Masih he claimed to be, his reply was,
"Our Haj will be at the time of Dajjal, when he will forsake his infidelity
and deception and perform the tawaf (circumambulation) of the house
of Allah, because according to Hadith, same would be the time for the promised
Masih to perform Haj." ( Ayyam-e-sulh, p.168).
In Mirza’s Malfoozat (record of conversation), an objection was
raised against him as to why he had not performed Haj or Umrah, he replied,
"My first assignment is killing of swine and breaking of the cross.
I am still killing swine: many swine have died but many hard cross are
still left. Let there be some respite and disengagement." (Malfuzat Ahmediyyah,
part 5, p.264)
It is a well known fact that Mirza was not able to perform Haj and Umrah
and died without doing so. This also proves that he could not have been
the promised Masih and he does not fit this image also, given of I`sa
by the last prophet Muhammad
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