Where the Quran takes one aspect of Jesus’ life, his first coming, the Hadiths take up the duty to deal with the other phase of his life i.e. his second coming, in considerable detail.
The Prophet I`sa e gave glad tidings
of the coming of Prophet Muhammad
so the Prophet Muhammad
in exchange, gave the tidings of his second coming.
The marvelous features of the promised Masih (Messiah) stated in the Hadiths have been enumerated and distinctly elaborated upon, with the chief object and main purpose of facilitating and providing the believers and fellow Muslims with a true criterion for discerning and recognising the Messiah whenever he comes.
The Hadiths throw light briefly upon his past life and with more details on his future role and achievements, so that no doubt remains about his identity. He will be that same I`sa of Bani Israel (Israelites).
Although Jesus’ descent has been mentioned in many Hadiths, only some will be given here, in order to steer clear of a excessively lengthy composition of this book. The Hadith of Abu Hurayrah has just been mentioned earlier on. In addition to it, Imam Bukhari (d.256/834)and Imam Muslim (d.261/839) have recorded the following Hadith:
Certain features of the future role of I`sa
have also been related in this Hadith in order to show that his will be
an extra-ordinary personality, and that he is destined to play the role
of a mighty, just ruler, who will destroy the power of modern Christianity,
materially and spiritually.
He will annihilate the biggest emblem of that religion, the Cross. In the wake of this moral revolution will follow immense increase of benefits, so that on the whole, these features of his rule will amount to an overwhelming testimony to his being the same Jesus Christ who had been sent to Bani Israel.
This Hadith also informs one of the state of affairs which will prevail in that era. Riches will become so abundant as to render people reluctant in coveting them. Wealth will abound to such an extent that people will begin to reject it. In contrast to this, one prostration (Sajdah) to the lord, will become so precious as to render it more valuable that the entire world and all it contains
The reason for this attitude is that I’sa ,
will convince the people that the Day of Reckoning is nigh and that hoarding
worldly possessions will be a futile action. Thus the people will realise
that wealth, which will be left behind, will not aid them in their quest
for a better rank in the Hereafter, but that prayer and worship no matter
how less in amount, will still help in gaining them status in the gaze
of Allah. Hazrat I`sa’s
descent will assure them of the closeness of the Day of Judgement, thus
encouraging them to abstain from sinning. Secondly, Hazrat I`sa’s
guidance, converting vices into virtues, will tend to brighten human values
of devoutness to Allah. Thus, with the world, having disgorged its fortunes,
and poverty having disappeared, nobody will be left to accept alms and
zakah. In this situation salaat, as a means of attaining
Divine proximity, will take precedence over worship through alms and charitable
deeds. Therefore, one prostration on ground will carry more value than
all that the world would offer. Conversely, the situation during Mirza’s
time was one of greed, so much so that vices, in all forms, were ever increasing,
causing corruption of the society.
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