[Mark15:25] It was the third hour, and they crucified him.
[John 19:14] It was the sixth hour, and he was not crucified yet, (he
was in the Court of pilate)
[Math 27:32] They compelled Simon to bear the cross of Jesus.
[Mark 15:21] They put Jesus on the cross.
[Peter 2: 24 ] They put Jesus on the tree. (See also Gal. 3:13)
[Mark 15:23] They gave him wine mingled with myrrh to drink.
[Mark 27:34] They gave him vinegar mingled with gall to drink.
[Mark 27:44] The two thieves who were crucified with him were Insulting him.
[Math 27:5] Judas went and hanged himself.
[Act 1:18] Judas fell headlong, and burst asunder in the midst, and
all his bowels gushed out.
[John 20:1] The visitors to Jesus’ grave: Mary Mag-de-le-ne only.
[Math 28:1] Mary Mag-de-le-ne and another Mary.
[Luke 24:10] Mary Mag-de-le-ne and another Mary and Jo`anna.
[Mark 16:1] Mary Mag-de-le-ne and another Mary and Sa-lo’-me.
[John 20:12] One woman saw two angels at the grave of Jesus.
[Math 28:2] Two women saw one angel.
[Luke 24:3] Three women saw two men.
[Mark 16:5] Three women saw one man.
[Luke 24:9] Mary the Mag-de-le-ne and Mary the mother of James and Jo’-an-na returned back from the grave and told the eleven apostles all of what they saw.
[Mark 16:8] Mary Mag-de-le-ne and another Mary and Sa-lo’-me returned back from the grave, and did not tell anyone anything because they were afraid.
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