The Love for the Prophet
The love of the Sahabah Radiallaho Anhum for the beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam was so strong and unique. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam was dearer to them then their own lives! The Sahabah could not even bear a thorn pricking the beloved Apostle of Allah Taa'la, Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam has said:
“None of you have faith unless I'm dear to him then his father and his son and all Mankind” (Bukhari)
Anas Radiallaho Anho has narrated that the Beloved Apostle Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam has said:
“That person who loves my Sunnah loves me, and he will be with me in Jannah (Paradise)” (Tirmidhi)
Once a man came to the Prophet and said, “I love you.” The Prophet
said, “Look at what you are saying.” The man said, “By Allah, I love you.” And he repeated this sentence three times. The Prophet
said, “If you really love me, then be prepared for poverty, for extreme hardship rushes more rapidly towards a person who loves me, than a flood flows towards its goal”
Asma 's love for the Prophet
It comes in a Hadith that when the Prophet came to Abu Bakr
's House, he requested, “Oh Abu Bakr
, Can we have some Privacy?” Abu Bakr
replied, “Oh Beloved of Allah Taa'la,
, It's only me, my wife and my two Children, apart from us, there is no one else.” The Prophet
showed signs of Peacefulness; therefore, he said that the order for migration has been given.
At that point, Asma tore her scarf into two pieces, one which she used to cover her head and the other to tie the Prophet
's belongings.
Abu Bakr told his wife to prepare the food, then turned to Asma
and said, “Since you are small, then people will not have doubts on you, so deliver the food to us at the cave of Thaur.” After a while, the Apostle of Allah Taa'la,
and Abu Bakr
set off for their journey. Asma
's Grandfather, Abu Quhafah, who was blind then came in, he asked about Abu Bakr
. The Children said, “He has gone.” Upon hearing this, he felt scared and said, “I hope he hasn't taken all of his money.” Asma
says, “I got some pebbles, put them where we kept our money and placed a cloth on top of it. I put my Grandfathers hand on it and said, “There are many things my father has left behind. In reality, my father took with him Five Thousand Dirhams and left us with Allah Taa'la and his Messenger
's name.”
Asma - as ordered - began delivering the food to the cave of Thaur.
On the second day, when she came to give the food, the Prophet noticed wounds on her face, she also seemed very unhappy. Seeing her in this state, the Messenger of Allah Taa'la,
enquired saying, “What is wrong with you? Today you seem very unhappy.” Tears filled the eyes of Asma
. Soon enough, the Noble Prophet
became aware of this and asked, “Oh Asma
, why are you crying?” She replied, “Oh Beloved of Allah Taa'la,
, yesterday on my return from here, I came across Abu Jahal. He gripped a strand of my hair and whilst pulling it fiercely, he said, “Asma! Do you know where your Father and the Messenger are?” (
) Oh beloved of Allah Taa'la,
! I told him the truth that I know where you are. He asked regarding your whereabouts. In reply, I said, “I will not tell you under any circumstances.” He then threatened to beat me up and punish me, so I said, “Do what you want with me, I will not tell you!” Suddenly, he slapped me very hard and I fell to the ground. He then hit my head on a rock and my head began to bleed, I was in great pain. Abu Jahal forced me to stand up by pulling my hair; he threatened me again by saying, “Asma! I will hit you more – tell me quickly!” Oh beloved Apostle of Allah Taa'la,
, I replied by saying, “Abu Jahal” My life may be in your hands but I will never hand Muhammad
over to you!”
Subhanallah! There is a moment to stop and ponder over this small child with an immature brain, but still comprises such intense love for the Prophet , that she is willing to sacrifice her own life for the beloved Apostle of Allah Taa'la,
What is expected of those who claim to love the Prophet ? A lover prefers his beloved above all things and persons if this is not the case. The love is not sincere; it is therefore essential for those who claim to love the Prophet
that they follow him in his words and deeds, carry out his commandments, give up everything he dislikes, and adopt his code of life, the Sunnah.
May Allah Taa'la bless us with the true love and Tawfeeq to follow the Sunnah.
Today if we look at the world and see who has the true love of the Prophet , we will see that the true lovers of the Prophet
are less. Forget looking at others lets look at ourselves, do we act upon the Sunnah of the Prophet
as we have commanded by the almighty “verily Allah and his Angels send peace and blessings upon the Prophet
You who believe send peace and blessings upon him.” Do we ever sit down and think over the hardships the Prophet
went through, why he left Makkah, why he left his family, why he got stoned, why his blessed tooth broke in a battle, why, because of us, because he wanted us to be saved from the fire of Hell, and we have never sat and thought of this and we have never shed a tear that how much pain we cause the Prophet
when we sin and when we leave his sunnah.
The people who love the Prophet were the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them all), who gave up their wealth, the children, their houses for Islam and for the Sunnah of the Prophet
. These great Sahabah spent their lives and gave their lives for the Sunnah.
Who are the true lovers of the Prophet ?
In my point of view I know that the ulama of Deoband are from those who have the true love of the Prophet , who strive in keeping the Sunnah alive, who got sent to jail because they spoke out against falsehood that spent their lives studying the life of the Prophet
. These ulama (scholars) who sense anything against the Sunnah, their sincere emotions power them, tears flow from their eyes the question being why? Because of the love they possess for the Prophet
. One of these ulama was Hazrat Moulana Sher Muhammed Ghotwy, who because of so much love migrated to Madinah. When ever there used to be a gathering he use to sit there and when the name of the Prophet
was mentioned tears would flow from his eyes and he use to say to his dear friend that “pray to Allah that I die in the blessed feet of the Prophet
because I can't find peace here.” This is one of the stories of these great ulama (scholars), there are many more like this such as Moulana Azam Tariq Shaheed (R.A) who gained Martyrdom because he used to speak out against falsehood and wanted to keep the Sunnah of the Prophet
May Allah give us the power to act upon the Sunnah of the Prophet , and give us true love of the Prophet
, and may Allah give us the right understanding of Islam.
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