Hazrat Umar’s  Admirable Manner with his Fellow Companions and his Subjects

Boldness of Hazrat Umar's  Subjects

In spite of his being such a brave and awesome statesman and sovereign, the behaviour of Hazrat Umar ^ had encouraged the people to speak so freely, candidly and bravely before him. This can be estimated only by looking at various historical incidents.

Accordingly, after the conquest of Iraq most of the august men had married Christian women, because there is permission to wed scripturary women. Hazrat Umar  wrote to Hazrat Huzaifa al Yamani  that he disapproved of such things. The latter replied: "Is this your personal opinion or a legal order"? (Shari) Hazrat Umar  wrote that it was his personal opinion. Hazrat Huzaifa  wrote back: "To follow your personal opinion is not incumbent upon us.”

A Bedouin’s Candidness

A similar incident is reported of a Bedouin. When a severe famine occurred in Arabia during the Farouqi regime, the great Farouq's condition became strange: as long as the famine lasted he did not eat mutton, fish, ghee or any other delicious thing. Fearfully he used to invoke. "0 Allah! Destroy not Mohammed’s peace and blessings be upon him ummah as a punishment of my evil deeds!”

The statement of Hazrat Umar's  slave, Aslam, is from the worries that exercised Hazrat Umar' s mind during the period of famine, it appeared that if the famine did not come to an end he would die of this sorrow, although he had made matchless arrangements for reducing the rigours of famine.

During that spell of famine came a Bedouin and he recited the following verses before him, "O Umar! If there is pleasure, it is the pleasure of Paradise. Clothe my daughters and their mother. By Allah! You'll have to do this". Harrat Umar  said: "What will happen if I don't do as you say? The Bedouin said: -"You'll be questioned regarding me on the Day of Judgement and you will be flabbergasted. Then you'll have to go either towards Hell or towards Paradise".

Hearing this, Hazrat Umar  wept so much that his auspicious beard was drenched in tears. Then he said to his slave, ''Give my shirt to him for I have no other thing with me at present:'

Farouq-e A'zam, the Commander of the Faithful, possessed such an awesome personality and was so valiant and brave that great monarchs, Caesar and Khosroe used to tremble on hearing his name, but he was so kind-hearted that on seeing such persons in distress his heart used to melt and accusing himself for their distress he used to weep profusely.

An example of Hazrat Umar's  Kindness and Wisdom

Once he was patrolling at night. A woman, sitting on the terrace, was reciting some verses. One couplet meant:

"The night is dark and goes on lengthening and my husband is not near me with whom I may play".

Her husband had gone for jihad and, love-torn, she was singing such painful couplets. Hazrat Umar  was very much aggrieved. He remarked: "I have inflicted a great severity on the women of Arabia. Then he came to Hairat Hafsa (his daughter) and asked her as to how many days a woman could live without her husband. She said: "Four months:' Next morning he issued an order that no Solider should live away from home for more than four months.

His Sorrow over the Condition of A Decrepit Man

Once he was feeding some men. He saw that a man was eating with his left hand. He went to him and asked him to eat with the right hand. The man said that he had lost his right hand in the Battle of Muta. This melted Hazrat Umar's  heart. He sat down near him and began to cry and said: "Alas! Who help’s you to make ablution? Who washes your head and who clothes you"? He then appointed a servant for him and himself provided for him all the necessary things i.e. Home help in today’s welfare state.

In short, Hazrat Umar Farouq  throughout his life practised the prophetic sunnah and established an example and a procedure for the ummah to bring the prophetic pattern into practice, implying that this is called true following and consummate conformance.

Besides this, orally too he used to be very careful in insisting upon the common run of Muslims generally and the commanders and generals of the army particularly that they should at no moment be away from submission to the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him and that they always keep this rope around their necks.

Insistence upon the Commanders of the Army to Obey the Apostle

Accordingly, when he appointed Hazrat S'ad bin Abi Waqqas  who is reckoned amongst the high-ranking Companions of the Chief and Pride of the Two Worlds peace and blessings be upon him and who as a relative was also the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him maternal-uncle, as the commander of the army for dispatch to Iraq, as advise he told him: -"O Sa'd! May this thing, with regard to Allah, not deceive you that you are called the Holy Prophet's peace and blessings be upon him maternal-uncle and Companion. Undoubtedly, Allah Most High does not efface evil with evil but removes evils through good deeds. Indubitably, there is no relation between Allah and anyone; if there is any relation and connection, it is of obedience.

The noble and the ignoble among the people are all equal unto Allah's sight. Allah is the Lord of all of them and all are His slaves; they have had superiority over each other by reason of their individual abstinence, and those ranks that are with Allah they can be achieved by obedience. Be careful of that which the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him remained constant. The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him came and passed away, leaving us behind. Grasp his command as necessary, for that command is the true command. This is my only advice. Save yourself from leaving it. If you leave it and show disinclination towards it, your deeds will be wasted and you will become one of those people who are involved in loss.'

Similarly he once said, "Allah Most Holy sent the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him on a mission. We people confirmed in him and then conformed to him. He demonstrated by practice upon every thing which Allah Most High ordered him to do. He peace and blessings be upon him continuously gave alms to the poor until Allah Most High sent death to him in this condition. Then Hazrat Abu Bakr became his khalifa (successor). He continued to act upon the Holy Prophets peace and blessings be upon him Sunnahs until Allah Most High sent death to him and then made me khalifa.”

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