It was on one of the airports of South Africa in a departure lounge, where on of the greatest personalities of this era was seated, waiting patiently to become airborne.
A huge crowd had gathered, namely the Muslims of South Africa. They were all filled with anxiety, hoping to get a last glimpse at this remarkable man whom had changed the lives of many individuals. This man was none other than Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Zakaria Rahmatullahi Alayhi.
At last, one of Hazrat Sheikh's admirers had the courage of stepping forward and forwarding request. (Since this would probably be Hazrat's last visit to South Africa )
Hazrat Sheikh was asked if he would kindly offer a few words of advice. Upon receiving this humble request, Hazrat Sheikh began to speak without hesitation. Although his frailness was clearly visible, his words were full of spirituality.
By now, the whole lounge was in ‘pin-drop-silence' mode. Hazrat Sheikh turned everyone's attention towards another person. This person was unlike any other person. This person had been chosen for a special purpose. Allah had already created him when the Prophet Adam Alayhis Salam was still in the process of being created.
Hazrat Sheikh directed our attention towards a man who was destined to come and testify the Prophethood of each and every Messenger of Allah. This man would come after all the Prophets of Allah. Not only will he be the seal of Prophethood, but he also will be the Messenger of Allah. This Prophet is none other than the Prophet Muhammed .
How much do we really know about our Prophet ? Have we ever thought about the hardships he went through? We probably don't have time to wonder why he used to spend his nights in prayers, worrying for the Ummah that was yet to come.
We don't feel hurt when someone mentions the story of Ta'if. When its inhabitants were ordered to pelt our Prophet with stones. Our Nabi is suffering from his bleeding wounds, but the pelting would not stop. When we read about the battle of Uhud, how do we feel? Imagine the pain that my Nabi
felt, when his blood was spilt on the battle field. A rock came crashing on to the side of his helmet. The metal pierced into his jaw. Another weapon came from another direction and hit his face-leaving him in excruciating pain and covered in blood.
Even sound-minded non-Muslims would feel uncomfortable and show remorse when such scenarios are presented to them. Sadly, this is not the case with a lot of Muslims today. We are probably more concerned about our team winning the premiership and most definitely feel let down when our teams lose their matches. In a nutshell – we have neglected the Messenger of Allah , and have chosen to respect honour and love others at his expense.
One thing that we probably have not realised is the fact that Islam does not need us. We are in need of Islam. Whether we have love for the Messenger or not, Allah will still treat the Prophet
in the same way. Have you ever noticed the way Allah calls upon the rest of the Messengers Alayhis Salam. He uses their names. Allah does not mention the name of the Prophet
. He calls upon him, instead the following phrases can be found, “Oh Nabi, Oh Rasul, Oh Prophet”. This is out of shear love for the final Prophet
and to make clear the distinction between our Prophet
and the rest of the Messengers of Allah, Alayhis Salam. Even at the time when our Prophet
ascended to the heavens, Allah welcomed him with the following words:
“Peace be upon you Oh Prophet!”
It has now become more and more evident that our Nabi was more special to Allah and dearer to Allah than the rest of his creation. What do you think would happen to that person who disrespects the Messenger of Allah
or disobeys him? Let us look into the Quran and Prophetic traditions to find the answer.
When the verse: “And warn your tribe of near kindred” was revealed. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam climbed up Mount Safa and called upon the Quraysh. After they had gathered, the Prophet asked them if they would believe him if he were to say that there was an army advancing from the other side of the mountain coming to attack them. They replied that they would believe him because he was known to them for his honesty. The Prophet
took this chance and called them to Islam. Every one remained quiet. This was something that the Arabs had to think about. It was Abu Lahab who had to speak out wretchedly out of enmity: “Is this why you have gathered us? May you perish”. My Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam remained silent but Allah did not remain silent. Abu Lahab had disrespected the Messenger of Allah
. Immediately a whole Surah (chapter) was revealed:
“Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, Perish he!” (30 th Para )
This is just one incident that led to devastating consequences.
Let us come back to the airport in South Africa . Hazrat Sheikh had now begun to spiritually nourish those who were present. As you are aware, all our previous predecessors were ‘Spiritual Doctors'. Hazrat Sheikh had detected an epidemic that was rapidly eating away at our Imaan. He also presented the case to such an epidemic.
Therefore, Hazrat Sheikh's advice can be divided into 2 sections:
Problem- Hazrat Sheikh had noticed that the Muslim Ummah was heading further and further away from the teachings of our Prophet . The Kuffar are trying their utmost best to weaken the link that we have with our Nabi
. The efforts are mainly being targeted at the younger Muslim generation. It is sad but true that these plans of the Kuffar are effective. The majority of the Muslim children know more about the lives and families of their favourite pop-artists and footballers.
Solution- We owe a lot to our elders for not only making us aware of our deficiencies but also providing solutions that would assist us in eradicating these problems.
The solution is simple. A strong bond and close link with the Prophet can be acquired by abundantly reciting Durud Shareef. The effects of sending salutations upon the Prophet
are tremendous.
There is a Hadith recorded in Sahih Tirmizi:
“The person who sends salutations upon me abundantly will be the nearest to me on the Day of Judgement.”
May Allah fill our hearts with love for the final Messenger . May Allah make it easy for us to act upon the Sunnah of Rasulullah
in this day and age, and may Allah make us from amongst those who are nearest to the Prophet
on the Day of Judgement. Ameen.
see aslo: Biography of the Last Prophet: Muhammad - May Allah send peace and blessing upon him.
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