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Rasulullah ZIYAARAT or presenting one's self in the Sacred Court of Rasulullah Many people, due to lack of knowledge, lack of proper understanding of the importance of the Ziyarat or through negligence ruin this great chance of gaining the great and wonderful spiritual benefits and Sawaab attendant to the Ziyarat. After studying these few pages on Ziyarat one will realise the importance
and procedure of the Ziyarat, thereby acquiring maximum benefit from this
Sacred Visit. May Allah Ta'aala fill our hearts with the true love of Rasulullah Rasulullah Ziyarat of Rasulullah Rasulullah "The La'nat (curse) of Allah, of the Malaa'ikah and of all creation
descends on person who introduces a Bid'a (innovation) in Madinah or gives
refuge to a Bid'ati (innovator) In Madinah. Neither the Farz or Nafl (acts
of Ibaadat) of such a person is accepted.
"I was commanded to make Hijrat (migrate) to a city which overwhelms all cities Madinah Munawwara drives away evil people like a furnace purifies steel." "He who deceives the people of Madinah will recede into insignificance like salt dissolved by water." "Among the lands of Islam, the very last city to be destroyed will be Madinah." Numerous Ahaadith regarding the sanctity, significance and excellence of Madinah Tayyibah have been narrated. It has been mentioned in the Ahaadith that in the sands of Madinah Tayyibah is a cure for every disease. Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlwi mentions, "When I was in Madinah
Tayyibah my feet were swollen. I used the blessed sand as treatment for
my ailment. Within a few days was cured."
Those who disrespect the people of Madinah Munawwara or quarrel with
them, should take heed to the following warning of Rasulullah "Teenatul Khabal" is a pond in Jahannam where the blood, evil fluids and impurities of the inmates of the Fire will accumulate. "He who frightens the people of Madinah Tayyibah is like a person who frightens me. Neither his Farz nor his Nafl is accepted." From the few statements of Rasulullah To gain the wonderful rewards of the Ziyarat it is important that one consciously guards the heart, tongue and limbs. Abstain totally from all evil, unnecessary acts and discussions. One should speak only when necessary. Although it is permissible to render the Ziyarat before or after the Haj, the following course is the best:
When about to set out for the journey to Madinah Tayyibah make the Niyyat, (i.e. form an intention of Ziyarat of Raudha-e-Aqdas (the Holiest Grave) as well as Musjide-Nabawi. This form of Niyyat is best. Along the journey to Madinah Munawwara recite Durood Shareef in abundance. In fact, spend all available time, other than the time engaged in Farz acts, reciting Durood Shareef. In this way endeavour to imbue eagerness and enthusiasm within the heart for the Ziyarat. On the way to Madinah Munawwara visit all the holy places one may pass.
Perform Salaah in the Musjids which are specifically related to Rasulullah As one nears Madinah Tayyibah, the recitation of Durood Shareef should
be increased. Endeavour to imbue in the heart love and fervour for the
Ziyarat. If one is unable to induce such feelings physically in the heart,
then at least attempt to create such a mental state. Rasulullah When the gaze first falls on the trees and buildings of Madinah Tayyibah, recite Durood Shareef much and make Du'aa, It is best to dismount from the vehicle and walk on foot, if this is possible. It is best to proceed bare-footed and shedding tears. Upon reaching the boundary of Madinah Munawwara, recite Durood Shareef If possible, take ghusl before entering the City. If this is not possible,
take ghusl after having entered the City. If for some reason this too is
not possible, perform Wudhu. Ghusl is Afzal (best). Put on clean garments
and if possible, new garments.
![]() When the gaze falls on the Sacred Green Dome, contemplate its sanctity and nobility. This is the holiest place. After having entered the City, endeavour to enter Masjide Nabawi first. It is best for women to make Ziyarat during the night. Enter the Musjid with the right foot and with utmost humility and reverence. This Du'aa should be recited when entering: ![]() One may enter the Masjide Nabawi from any entrance one desires. However, it is of greater merit to enter through the entrance known as Baabu Jibra'eel. Inside the Musjid perform two rak'aat Tahiyatul Musjid in the area known
as Raudah. This is the area between the Mimbar and the Holy Grave of Rasulullah Although it is Afzal (best and of greater merit) to perform the two rak'aat Tahiyatul Musjid in the Mihraab of Nabi, one may perform it anywhere in the Raudah, wherever one finds place. After this Salaah, engage in Hamd, Sana and Shukr. Thereafter make Du'aa for the acceptance of the Ziyarat. Then, again perform two rak'aat Salaatush Shukr which is Salaah performed in gratitude to Allah Ta'aala for having blessed one with the great favour of Ziyarat. If at the time of entry into the Musjid, Jamaa'ah of Farz Salaah has begun or there is fear of one's Salaah becoming Qazaa, then perform the Farz Salaah first. In this case do not engage in Tahiyatul Musjid. One's Tahiyatul Musjid will be incorporated into the Farz Salaah. By joining in the Farz Salaah, Tahiyatul Musjid will be rendered as well. ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Rasulullah ![]() ![]() It is not compulsory to recite the above Salaam formula. One may recite any other form of Salaam one desires. If one cannot remember any long form of Salaam, one may recite whatever one remembers of it. The minimum requirement for Salaam is to say: ![]() If one has been requested to convey someone's Salaams to Rasulullah ![]() While conveying the Salaams of that person, recite his name after the word, (min), which appears in the Arabic Salaam, above. If several people have requested that their Salaams be conveyed to Rasulullah ![]() ![]() On the right side of the Holy Qabar of Rasulullah ![]() ![]() On the right of Hazrat Abu Bakr ![]() One is at liberty to recite lengthier or shorter formulae of Salaams. According to some Ulamaa, after completing the Salaam on Hazrat Umar ![]() Thereafter, face the Holy Qabr of Rasulullah ![]() After having made the Ziyarat, go to the pillar known as the Pillar of Abi Lubaabah. Perform two rak'aat Nafl Salaah there and make Du'aa. Then come into the area known as Raudah and perform Nafl Salaah in any quantity one desires. However, do not perform any Salaah if it is Makrooh time. Recite Durood Shareef here in abundance and make Du'aa. Thereafter, proceed to the Mimbar, place the hands on it, recite Durood Shareef and make Du'aa. Then go to the pillar known as the Pillar of Hanaanah. Make Du'aa and recite Istighfaar (repent). Do the same at the other pillars. One may now return to his place of residence. One should consider the time available in Madinah Munawwara as a golden opportunity. One should therefore spend most of his time in Musjide Nabawi. When in the Musjid make Niyyah (intention) for I'tikaaf. Nafl I'tikaaf is for any duration. Nafl I'tikaaf for even a minute is valid. Therefore, whenever one is inside the Musjid, Niyyat for Nafl I'tikaaf should be made. Endeavour to complete the Qur'aan Shareef, (make Khatm) in the Musjid. One should give Sadaqah according to one's means. Honour and respect
the poor, the Caretakers of the Holy Places and, all the inhabitants of
Madinah Tayyibah. Treat them with respect. Deal with them with love and
kindness. Honouring them is honouring and pleasing Rasulullah Endeavour to be present at Musjide Nabawi five times daily. One should ensure that one's back is not towards the Holy Grave whether performing Salaah or not. Whenever passing by the Holy Qabr, recite Salaams, even if it be a short Salaam and even if one happens to be outside the Musjid. It is Mustahab (preferable) to also Qabrastaan (cemetery) known as Jannatul
Baqi' where the graves of the Sahaabah and of members Rasulullah's Family
are. Make a point of visiting the Qabr Sayyidush Shuhadaa (The Leader of
the Martyrs), Hazrat Humzah After one has completed the Ziyarat and intends to depart, one should
do so from Musjide Nabawi after performing Salaah and making Du'aa. If
possible, perform the departing Salaah of 2 Rak'aat Nafl on or near the
Musalla of Rasulullah Among the signs of the acceptance of one's efforts and Ibaadat is the ready flow of tears. If one is unable to shed tears, recite such Du'aas which induce tenderness in the heart and also make an attempt to shed some tears. With a heart stricken with grief and sorrow at the impending separation, take leave. Do not move backwards when leaving because such action is exclusive for the Ka'bah. Depart in sadness giving Sadaqah (charity) to the poor of Madinah Tayyibah liberally. While reciting the Du'aas of Safar (journey), walk away. One should take along some dates and water of the seven wells as Tabarrukaat. ![]() One who can afford it should also visit MADINAH MUNAWWARA before or
after Haj. Gain blessings by visiting the sacred Tomb of Rasulullah Sayyidina Rasulullah a) Masjide Haraam (Makkah Mukarramah);
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